This Native Boy's Bigfoot Encounter Is Almost Going Viral Again

This "Native Boy" from B.C. tells one of the most interesting encounters ever. He even goes into describing the behavior of the creature. Sadly, when the video was uploaded a couple of months ago, the owner of the video decided to remove the video because it was getting unwanted attention. Well folks -- it's back again, and someone different has reuploaded the interview. Watch and enjoy:


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Peace and love! Who you gonna compare to Hitler next since you're about peace and love? Don't forget to compare someone to Goebbels while youre at it!! Peace and love everyone!

    2. I'm not going to compare anyone to Hitler, other than you... You sick slime.

      What you gonna do about it?

  2. Replies
    1. like that stuff between your ears,maggot.

    2. ^ ooer ... somebody keep calling me maggot mommy...ooer i`m so down now

    3. How about sh!t for brains maggot? ooer...ooer

  3. OK, I need you JREF footers to knuckle down and concentrate on this question. This goes back to footers like you pretending to be skeptics.

    It's a given that only an imbecile would believe that all of Alaskabushpilots life stories are true and that his long winded, half baked theories on the mindset of people who believe in Bigfoot are not just psychological projections of his own mental illness.

    With that said, he has also admitted on JREF that he has posted on the BFF as a believer for "fun". How do you know he's not just a believer yanking your chains like you do to yourselves ?

    1. I think they also believe his rotten teeth happened when he pretended to be a "professional fighter who fought two weight classes above his weight" ...LOL

    2. Hey PUSSY! Why don't you go over there to the JREF and take the matter up with Mr. Bush Pilot himself directly. But you know what? You never will... You know why? Because you are a PUSSY. Sad little maggot.

    3. ^
      Butt hurt and embarrassed ? Can't say they we blame you.

    4. Yes I am embarrassed for you. Butt hurt however is something only you would know about maggot.

    5. @9:22
      No one can go to JREF and challenge his ridiculous claim because you sycophants start reporting posts and they get deleted by the mods and the thread gets closed. I've seen it happen.

    6. Sure, whatever makes you feel better PUSSY.

    7. It's better than being a PUSSY!

    8. ^ you`ve never had one so how would you know what they look like...or did ya` see one in your daddy`s porn mag ? ..was he tossing off and moaning cos your momma was getting satisfaction from a real man...while you and daddy were tossing off furiously

    9. In your dreams maggot PUSSY!

  4. Off the subject, (a little), I was watching "naked and afraid" the other night when the dude squatted down in the water and ripped a big fart sending bubbles up. I assume he was trying to disguise the sound.

    1. That's funny I watch that show once in a while and once in a while you will catch an errant lip flapping around...

    2. gee you guys are desperate if that is how you get kicks

    3. Gotta love those meat flaps!

  5. Great story. That kid had a rare encounter. If the big guy wanted to hurt him he could have. But chances are he has been watching the peeps for years and probably has young of his own.


    1. Hello MMC,....You can tell he's telling the truth can't you xx

    2. Hi Eva

      Yes you can


      Apes and gorillas roughhouse and play with their young even as they get up in years. That kid has a friend for life. Chances are he Will never be alone out in the woods. Which is good


    3. so im mmc the maggot? or is he just trolling also bigfoot is not an ape or gorilla...joerg is gunna get you for that

  6. I wonder why it started walking toward the kid. The kid sounds believable, and I wouldn't think he is making up his rendition of things.

    Sasquatches tend to be less apprehensive around children. They don't fear them like adult males. It's a common belief among researchers that women and children can attract sasquatches, sometimes referred to as squatch bait.

    1. Coincidentally, Bend Over's dingleberry covered butt cheeks have also been referred to as "squatch bait"!

    2. Could you cut and paste the names of the researchers who hold this common belief?

    3. ^^ somebody's obsessed with DD. It's OK. It's the third millenia now. You can come out

    4. dover this was debunked month's ago thats why it was taken down...a little research really does go along way

    5. There will always be skeptics debunking things, including the P/G film, and those who disagree.

    6. Here's a quote about sasquatches being drawn to observe children.

      "Some researchers believe Bigfoot exhibits a natural curiosity toward domesticated animals, loud noises like cars or chainsaws, and “especially the screaming of children at play”. “Repeatedly, Sasquatches have been watched in these contexts, occasionally for hours, and even attempted interaction in the play of children. Sometimes, a Sasquatch seen in the open will retreat into cover, but remain to watch his observers from hiding,” the BFRO claims.

    7. now if we had some evidence of this theory or photo's it may be believable but guesswork does not make the grade

    8. Guess work? There are three whole databases of accounts to which researchers can draw quite accurate consistency from.

  7. Replies
    1. No

      But I do have trouser trout

    2. of course you do...maggot


  8. The great Les Stroud believes in Bigfoot so suck it skeptics.

    1. He believes about as much as meldrum, which is not at all. Try to find a quote from either of them where they state bigfoot is a real creature. You can't.

    2. I have faith that our Lord Sasquatch will redeem us and will allow believers to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

    3. Apparently 10:52, Les describes in season 6 episode 3, how a bigfoot sat on his sleeping bag and he was unable to get out. Les is fast approaching a DS level of belief.

    4. @10:52
      My comment was aimed at real Bigfoot skeptics who wouldn't even consider wasting their time posting about Bigfoot, not for you JREF footers pretending to be skeptics. Are you also parroting mentally ill ABP' s half baked theories that Meldrum doesn't bleeve in Bigfoot which are just projections of his own mental illness ?

    5. ^^ Could you please point out for us all the scientific research that Meldrum has done and presented to the scientific community regarding bigfoot? No? There is none, you say? That is strange considering he holds such a strong belief, as you say, you would think he would publishing all kinds of bigfooty science. Rather than precisely none.

    6. 11:14 if you watch that episode again you will hear Mr. Stroud state he had a dream 'a sasquatch came and sat on-top of me, and not letting me get up'.

    7. Les then continues to elaborate that the dream was so vivid he couldn't explain it and it couldn't be described as "just a dream" Les has lost it.

    8. quote 'and it become super vivid, Just for that moment, you know, inbetween dream and awake, where you think it's real.......I lit a big fire'

    9. @Dmaker
      You seem like a nice kid. What are you like 15-16 ? Why the bizarre concern about Bigfoot belief ? Were you ridiculed for your own sighting or belief by friends and or family members ?

    10. Thanks for the quote 12:00 for clarification. Still a bit goofy for Les though. My favourite was in episode one where Les does a tree knock and states if he gets a response he would consider leaving the area for the night.

    11. Les needs to watch his back out there with Todd. He's just waiting for the opportunity to off les and say a Bigfoot did it.

    12. Death by Standing...sorry I couldn't resist that one ;)

    13. "I am convinced by the evidence that there is an unrecognized giant primate that shares with us a bipedal locomotion [walking on two legs in an upright position], but the similarity pretty much stops there," said Jeff Meldrum, who specializes in the study of how two-legged creatures walk and what footprints say about an organism's form."

      "Given the scientific evidence that I have examined, I'm convinced there's a creature out there that is yet to be identified," said Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University in Pocatello."

      "Could you please point out for us all the scientific research that Meldrum has done and presented to the scientific community regarding bigfoot? "

      Quite easily Don;
      ... Would you like me to remind you of the attention he is gained from his peers around the world? Oh and Don, one need not invest mere belief, because as Meldrum has been on record many times in saying; he is "convinced by the evidence".

      12:11... You are probably spot on sir. What happens with these folk, is that they invest initial belief into something, do not have the intelligence to support their stance against ridicule, turn on the field for not giving them what they required for time spent... And now the thought of them being wring after so much piping up means they are in full denial mode.


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