Oh, Snap! Survivorman Bigfoot: Legend Of Klemtu Hill Is On YouTube!

Survivorman Bigfoot: Legend Of Klemtu Hill is one of the best Survivorman: Bigfoot of the serious. If you haven't seen it, watch it now:


  1. Nice 9:02. How intelligent of you. Out of curiosity, what would you say is generally the highlight of your day? *now just so you are aware and don't miss what I'm doing here... I'm not actually interested in your answer. I'm interested in HOW you answer. K? Got it? Sure? Ok good :)

    1. Leaving a hot turd in the bowl is the highlight.

    2. ^Totally missed that Shaun spelled "snap" correctly. He has no idea what this means to English speaking fans..

    3. Shocker actually having a date with a girl is not on your highlight list. Enjoy the Sears catalog because clearly that is as close as you get with your stunning insight and vast vocabulary.

    4. Dang it. I'm a ^ short.. My bad.

    5. God damn it. Two short on the ^ thingy....

    6. Hold up. Am I even or one in excess? Fuckin Sasquatch.... No good pos...

  2. This is the same video that's been on YouTube a week now. Season 6 episode 1.

    Where is the 2nd episode.

  3. So far, 8 comments of childish baby talk. The "Basement kids' are on their commuters today. did you have your Oatmeal, or Farina yet. Girly Boys, that will grow up to be Liberal Fags!

    1. As a conservative who can't keep track of his ^'s, you disgust me. You're the stereotype the left depends on to spread their bullshit. Grow up or die soon. Either way, someone wins. Conservative or Liberal. Anyone but you.

    2. All the threads are dormant so I'll give 10:20 a bit more attention. You sir/madam, are a chunk of crap. You are the relative everyone hopes won't show up at the family picnic. You are the family member who's value is based on the ability to fire up a leaf blower. On the first pull. You're the guy at the bar with the stupid Mexican jokes. You're the asshole who thinks a vagina is a detriment to being a leader. (Calm down Hillary fans. She's a fraud regardless of gender) You're the asshole caught wearing the uniform of my fellow veterans. You're the asshole who keeps the 8 dickheads still in the klan relevant. The sooner you die, the better. I'll happily dance on grave, you piece off shit. You're are nothing more than a speedbump that can't be ran over fast enough. Fuck off and die already. NO ONE will miss you. Especially the ones closest to you. Again. I'm a conservative. You, on the other hand, are a piece of shit. Feel free to respond. I have all night.

  4. I won't watch because I figure its a bunch of oohhh'in and awwe'ing to sounds in the woods. and heaven forbid there is a bigfoot in the video.

    1. You figured right. I've camped a hundred times or more and have never ran across anything a six shot .22 wouldn't scatter.

    2. Your mom's back yard doesn't count.

  5. Oh snap! Shawn has Steely Dan up his asss!


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