Is There A Connection Between Bigfoot And Orbs?

Some researchers and eyewitnesses report seeing strange glowing orbs in the area of their bigfoot sightings and encounters. Is it coincidence, or is there an actual connection between the two? Here's a recent video uploaded by Dr Squatch, where he believes he may have caught both on video. We're fairly certain we've figured out a more logical explanation:


  1. After watching his stick videos I suspected he was trolling, this leaves little doubt.

    1. Interesting stuff DS!!! Keep up the good work my friend!!

    2. That could be a number of things. They seem to be stationary and I doubt they are orbs of some kind.

    3. The one that seems to fluctuate could be the result of vegetation in front of it moving in the wind. Unless you investigated the actual site to see a possible source there isn't much point in showing lights 1/4 or more miles away.

    4. People have at times claimed to see lights in the woods during bigfoot encounters, which has led some to make an association with lights in the sky or woods with bigfoot.

      David Paulides in his 411 books groups like things together in association with disappearances, which includes some people seeing lights ( or orbs) at the time of these events.

      Scientific studies done on infrasound shows that different frequencies and different amplitudes can cause diffrerent effects, one of which is hallucinations including lights or gray blobs, and one theory is sasquatches are causing this by hitting people with infrasound and there are no actual lights.

    5. Thanks for posting Shawn. I re-filmed the area this morning, and I'll post it here is a minute. I would never pull a joke or prank, I do not participate in April fools jokes.
      The moving light cant be a headlight. It's entirely too big. If the glowing figures are people/BF, the headlight would appear as a DOT! This orb thing is pretty big.....AND I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE ORB CRAP...that's the funny part! If it does turn out to be something explainable, great, I'm humble, just trying my best to prove this :-)

    6. Re-film of the area.

    7. You seem pretty convinced while filming that it was an orb. Don't you think it would be wise to investigate more thoroughly than you have before posting it?

    8. you never made a video you didn't like did you?'s as though you have a event in each one...just like the squatchmaster and by all means i'm not calling you a hoaxer just be careful it/s easy to get labeled ...also if it's bfe contacting you make sure there not trying to make you the next fasano...a running joke...good luck

    9. Well if I post a video, then sure, I feel it was worth posting, you may not, but I post to see if someone can enhance them, or get opinions on what it is, if vague.
      The light may be a Quad or dirt bike, but not a car. I'm not claiming anything on this current video, other than it was weird. I've scouted this area 50+ times, and trust me, the BF are around there....This is where they have the tunnels marked with upside down trees that I showed in one of my videos. What if thinker thunker zooms in, and these glowing objects are BF, and the light is an orb? That's why I posted it, just in case!

    10. It is a couple of people lighting ciggies you fools

    11. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it would seem odd with so many people in the area that the would hang around there (underground or not).

    12. I don't think you would want TT seeing things in your video. That doesn't seem to work out well.

    13. ^ D Dover 2:23 did you mean "flatulate" ?

    14. Shawn trolls us again by posting nonsense. Yep DS is another one of these joke researchers that are keenly celebrated round here. Unequivocally proving BF exists with a video of broken twigs. Throwing a young impressionable family member under the bus by posting his 'encounter' interview. Claiming that sunlight reflections are somehow orbs and bigfoots. These Bigfoot guys are too much....

    15. You're a Lying idiot 3:45! I've said 10x I don't know what I filmed, and I put it out there to find out.
      You obviously don't study or research, only lie and troll.

    16. Lying idiot? On the Smeja thread you posted 'I filmed an Orb! WOW!' Then posted your link. You told us clearly and succinctly that you had filmed an orb. I'm happy to accept your apology DS.

    17. I get the idea that DS wants to make a name for himself in the Bigfoot world. That's not a crime, I just wish he was more discerning.

    18. Lying about:
      1) Shawn trolling us
      2) Me being a joke researcher
      3) Broken twigs comment
      4) Throwing a family member under the bus
      5) I said these were glowing objects, not BF....they MAY be, I know they are in the area.
      I did think I filmed an orb. I don't believe in them, but I don't have a good explanation for it yet. I'm open minded to what it is.

    19. 4:59, Discernment is my specialty, and any suggestions you have, that will improve it, please post em! I re-filmed the area, and will walk over to that hill in the next day or two.

    20. 4:59 I'm going to make a name in the BF world, if I want to or not....I WILL PROVE THIS!!! All of my hard work last year, putting everything together, WILL pay off, I'm confident of it. This will be my year, like me or not, sorry, IT'S COMING!!!

  2. Yes there is

    BF uses infrasound to excite their flatulance gas so that it flouresces

  3. My Lord 12:10.. yur a true genius,, I have never thought of that!!! I can see it in my minds eye, the low infrasonic waves, speeding up the methane molecules to apoint where they will indeed touch off a BURST of Luminosity,, coalesceing into a geometrical orb of light,,Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 1:01:00 PM PDT

    My Lord 12:10.. yur a true genius,, I have never thought of that!!!
    I can see it in my minds eye, the low infrasonic waves, speeding up the methane molecules to apoint where they will indeed touch off a BURST of
    Luminosity,, coalesceing into a geometrical orb
    of light,,

    1. Your damn right I'm right


    2. Also

      Gasses tend to take on a spherical shape when their molecules coalesce


  4. Orbs are nothing more than dew drops, insects, etc illuminated in flash, etc.
    This is silly.

  5. Dr Squatch,you can get on this podcast called Sasquatch Chronicles... no doubt host Wes will dig your orbs.

  6. This is about a fraudulent investigation video as a complete moron can produce, and still be able to wipe his ass in the morning. Did this guy just escape for the local mental hospital? Cars and people all around with no expectation of a controlled environment, and this moron is filming vehicles or house lights, and claiming that they are orbs. It is impossible to over emphasize enough how completely stupid this dude really is. I'll bet that he is even a diehard flesh and blood believer because this is the level of scientific method that they apply to their field observations. Dr Squatch just got his cereal box license revoked, based on gross ineptitude. But the really sad thing is, he has lots of company.


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