I Didn't Know This About Ron Morehead

Ron Morehead is famous for his collection of assumed bigfoot sounds that are considered by many the gold standard in recorded bigfoot audio. During this brief interview, Ron discloses information that I was personally unaware of previously. It turns out his daughter has actually had more sightings than he has!


  1. In before Mexican Bigfoot too easy...

  2. You guys need to post more hoaxers. This "real" stuff ain't bringing in the traffic.

    1. First of all, Ron Morehead is no "researcher"... he is a cad who chases skirts everywhere he goes (except now he has a lovely little lady with whom he is in a "domestic partnership" - LMAO. He's clueless as to what that term is meant for).

      Second, he is a WOO-MONGER. He believes in the shape shifting, spiritual, other-worldly type of bigfoot creature... Nephilim and the whole lot. How is that a researcher? Personal beliefs are NOT research. The alleged recordings are nothing more than Ron and his friends having fun up the in the Sierras back in the 70's. There have been no other similar recordings since then.

      This guy is a fraud and a hoaxer. He only wants to sell badly written books and his crappy recordings. He's literally at every conference, sliming his way through the crowds.

    2. Isn't it great that you can post up comments anonymously tearing a guy down and not have to be held accountable for your actions.

    3. It sure is "Old Dog"......... lol

    4. Ron Morehead is a pioneer in bigfoot research as far as their vocals go, first recording them speaking back in the 1970's. Your comments are noted Old Dog.

  3. For the Mexican/American bigfoot lover up top, at the end of the video it shows a number of book covers including "Gringo Guide."

    It was a good interview except if had no recordings of bigfoot speaking which is what Morehead is known for.

  4. Most of the "real stuff" are just hoaxes as well.

    1. They ALL are hoaxes. Real was in "quotes" at 2:33.

  5. Ron Morehead is legit. Everything else is bollucks.

  6. Would of been nice to not have all that background sound!! Couldn't hear a thing Ron was saying a couple minutes in..legit guy tho!!

  7. Sierra sounds are a hoax. If they are real and Ron keeps going back to the same spot where he says there is still bigfoot activity then why is there no new audio since what was recorded in the 1970's?

    1. No kidding. But, as they say, "A sucker is born every minute."

    2. ...for the same reason there hasn't been video that surpasses the Patterson /Gimlin video since 1969...for the same reason there hasn't been a manned lunar mission since 1972...


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