Watch: Turner Bigfoot vs Patty.. Let's get it on!

Bill Brock from Team Rogue looks at the Turner Bigfoot footage and puts the footage up to the PG film. Are they the same kind of creature? You decide!


  1. Blokes in a suit. Both of 'em.

  2. too fuzzy for me, but who know's. I'm not sure I could pick a real BF out of a line up. Tri-county

  3. TC didn't you have a sighting yourself? I thought I read that you confess to seeing a bf when you were younger, in the Smoky mountain park?

  4. Bill Brock- You've got to give this a rest. It was a HOAX!!! Accept it and move on. You're looking like a fool.

    1. . . . .and having a lot of respect for ThinkerThunker doesn't help his case.

  5. anon 7:19, I saw something in 96 on walnut Mtn. It could have been a bear, but it was really big and in an odd place. I only saw it from behind and for a split second.. I've always wondered. Tri-county

    1. Well, since you sound pretty sane and a bear is easy to distinguish...let's just call it a squatch.

  6. What makes you think sasquatch instead of bear TC?

  7. I'm truly not sure what it was, it came across from the opposite side of the mtn. I was digging Ginseng and I heard something to my left and turned in time to catch a very large dark animal make a lunge and jump or run down the mtn. It was either in the top of a very small dogwood tree, or it was more than seven feet tall. It jumped out of the tree or ran over it. These questions are the reason I'm not sure about what I saw. The sun was shinning in on the mtn top at a low angle at that time of day, so I only saw from about four or five feet off the ground. I saw a large bear in the top of a very small tree, or a BF from the waist up. I don't know.. Tri-county.

    1. TC as a person from the wilderness, do you believe the small tree could support the size bear you describe? Not trying to pin you down, just interested.

    2. I'm not sure, anon9:14, Dogwoods are hard wood trees. The tree reacted, snapped back like something ran over or through it, or like something really heavy jumped out of it. You see the problem? I 've just never seen a bear climb that small a tree, only about the size of my wrist. But I'm not a bear expert. Whatever it was, it was very large across the back. Tri-county

    3. You sure it wasn't wild Bill, or one of those inbreds from that part of the country, running around looking for his sis?

  8. It's obviously a squatch! Dark, blurry, obscured and impossible to positively identify - confirms on all points!

  9. Still duped by a fourteen year old child are we Ohio Bill?

  10. Unless you can prove that this isn't a bigfoot, this is a bigfoot. Got monkey suit?

    Joe Iktomi

  11. The Turner footage was taken with a video camera that has a limited battery life. It is impossible to place a video camera anywhere, point it exactly at the only location that a real Bigfoot would happen to walk, and then have a Bigfoot walk in front of the camera during the limited time that it is on. And the hoaxers camera showed that the subject walked into view within 2 minutes of the camera being activated. 2 MINUTES! Furthermore, Bigfoot can hear video cameras while they are on, from 75 yards away and at a full gallop. And they avoid them like the plague. The Turner footage subject has no taper below the knee, therefore the subject is wearing pants. The Turner footage subject does not curl up his toes, as in the PG film. Given the weight of these arguments, any similarities with the PG film are irrelevant.


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