This is why I don't live in Nepal

Watch this wild Rhino chase a motorcycle in Hetauda, Nepal. This is something you'll never see in the states -- ever.


  1. First for angry rhinos!

    Happy Tuesday y'all

    1. Was the rhino chasing the bike or did it just happen to be behind it? xx

    2. Howdy Eva! Hope you are well, everyone so funny today! The rhino looked as if he was a little half hearted about it. He may just be waiting for the motorcycle to run out of gas and then bring it!

    3. I did wonder if the rhino was riding pillion and fell off the back xx

    4. When I was still in the forces, we did an exercise in Kenya and saw wild white Rhino. From half a mile away, they still looked huge. I know Indian Think are smaller but still wouldn't like to be chased by one.

    5. ^delete "Think" and replace with "Rhino's".

    6. Thats good Eva, he fell off the back lol!

      Wow to see them in person in the wild, that is really something. It would seem like something so big and heavy wouldn't be able to move so fast, but that guy sure got along quick.

    7. They can run upwards of 40mph in short bursts Chick!

    8. Yikes! I thought the running of the bulls was dangerous but think about being chased by that guy with that giant horn. He would stab you but you wouldn't have time to feel it as the crushed you into nothingness. Respect the rhino ;)

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