Ili Pika: Unbelievably Cute Mammal With Teddy Bear Face Rediscovered

More than 20 years after its discovery, the rare Ili pika was spotted in the mountains of Xingiang northwestern China. The creature has a face resembling that of a teddy bear, it may just be the most adorable thing that you've ever seen. According to The Cosmos News:

...this little guy apparently doesn't want to be found. Even the first time an Ili pika was discovered in 1983 it was by accident. And since then, sightings have been few and far between. Only 29 live individuals have been spotted in total, leaving scientists to guess about the animal's ecology and behavior.

So when lead investigator Weidong Li - who originally found the species - and his colleagues at the Xinjiang Institute for Ecology and Geography rediscovered the pika in 2014, needless to say they were excited.

"They found it hiding behind a rock, and they realized they had found the pika," Tatsuya Shin, a naturalist in China who works with the pika's discoverers, told National Geographic.


  1. Replies
    1. Squirrels harvest nuts for the winter and store them in trees. Has anybody ever considered that a squirrel may steal Sasquatches nuts while he sleeps? If you look inside of tree trunks you may find some actual DNA evidence.

    2. Is that why in all the photos and drawings of bigfoot he has no nuts?

    3. You make yourself look foolish with this stuff, showing yourself to be a really immature/sick person to constantly troll the site like this. It's a personality disorder that you should seek help for.

      Here's an article titled: "Online Trolls are Psychopaths and Sadists Psychologists Claim"

      The article includes this comment:

      "The researchers defined online trolling as “the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet” for no purpose other than their pleasure."

      You get some kind of sick pleasure in disrupting the list and harassing those that post here.

      The article also comments:

      "It was sadism, however, that had the most robust associations with trolling of any of the personality measures. . . . It went on to claim that trolls are “agents of chaos” that exploit “hot-button issues” to inflame and exploit users’ emotions. If an unfortunate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, merciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, 'Do not feed the trolls!'," the study warned."

      This is you. You want to bring chaos and harassment here. You get pleasure hoping you can shock people with your statements often involving feces or here with bigfoot nuts.

      People here don't seem to realize you are carrying on conversations with yourself like you are different people.

    4. I see Multiple Miggs is at it again.

    5. Perhaps if he didn't realize how deep his psychological problems are he will wake up and seek to be a better person.

    6. I think one needs a course of meds and rehabilitation for that... Something tells me he's too alone for others to help with a kick start in seeking it out.

    7. Says the people who sit behind their computers all day and write long winded posts and articles about a mythological animal. I guess, though, if anyone would know about mental instability it would be you two. You know the old adage, takes one to know one. Its not just on this message board though, start going out into the real world and telling them you are amateur Bigfoot Researchers and see what kind of reaction you get.

    8. Is someone a little upset because they have a real diagnosis?

      Should be too... Weirdo. Oh, and I'm not an "amatuer Bigfoot researcher", I'm a guy that posts comments on a blog. So well it seems that it atttracts the odd psycho.

    9. ^ weirdo ? says the fool joe .the guy known for sociopathic commenting and paranoid enough to need to remark on EVERY post about joe

    10. ^^ Says the psychopath!! What you do on this site for some weird pleasure is the real issue.

    11. Talk about hypocrisy, he tries to turn the tables. I recently commented how he is here everyday all day fulfilling his sick needs, and above he accuses people here of sitting at their computers all day. It's the psycho kettle calling the pot a sicko.

      The same goes for the multiple account accusations he makes. I recently started noting how he constantly answers himself like he is different people. Add hypocrite to his other unflattering titles.


  3. I wonder how long it would have taken them to confirm the existence of an ili pika if it was 8 feet tall, 600+ pounds and claimed to be spotted thousands of times throughout the past 4 decades?

    1. About as long as doctors when they kept looking for your spine.

      Always remaining anonymous.

    2. ^ Has no patience for common sense.

    3. It's simple 10:41... For a lot of us, it took as long as it took to verify physical evidence of a bipedal primate. This in frequency with thousands of thousands of sightings over the past four decades.

    4. Just point me to the settled scientific confirmation of the existence of bigfoot, Joe.

    5. I can't. As for a bipedal primate, twice the size of normal human primates... A total different kettle of fish.

    6. Wow Iktomi, I can see why Joe had to split. Every time I see that guy write, show me the way, point me to this, tell me of the truth-----------------------------------------------------.

      Why this psychopath wants to start a cult and he wants Joe as the supreme leader. Man talk about stalker. Did I miss the vote to have Joe annonted "Holder of All Bigfoot Knowledge".

      Be careful Iktomi, when he realize Joe wants nothing to do with him, your up next. You should charge him for consel since he always comes to you for advise! Ha ha ha ha

    7. Troll Killer is the only one here dumb enough to believe that Iktomi is not Joe, even directly after Iktomi answers a question directed to Joe.

      The scary part is this guy probably also votes.

    8. I miss his avatar who ever he was.

    9. ^^ joe is the p r i ck you apparently model yourself on

  4. I didn't realize the evidence for Bigfoot was this compelling.

    1. stick around it gets more hilariously convincing by the hour

    2. Euphemism for "sweaty" on his part.

    3. Kettle of fish ? Must be some British phrase.

    4. Or just maybe an idiom of the English language you need to mature towards.

  5. Ive never posted here before, but I have to say this. I came here because of a mild interest in bigfoot. But I stayed because of these trolls! I think it's hilarious! And about time someone gives em credit! Keep it up!!!

  6. It's one main troll and you're it, the site troll complimenting himself.

  7. Nope. Sorry but that was my first post. I don't troll. I fly fish

    1. Nope, it's part of your MO to compliment yourself. You periodically write the same types of things.

      You said "I never troll. I fly fish," which is typical of the nonsensical blabbering you frequently do. You have a writing style that betrays the jovial/disconnect of your thoughts.

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