WTF!? Spider Army vs. Beetle

This is pretty wild. I've never seen anything like this before. The uploader writes: "My uncle found this summer 2011 and somehow this has been posted all over recently. It's not actually a bee nor are those spiders. It's mites on a beetle and they live in symbiosis."


  1. Replies
    1. Hug your Uncle Daddy's root and quiet down anon 9:15 Your bothering the grown ups.

  2. That's a pretty wild looking bunch of bugs. Cool story friend. HG

  3. The video will be reported to PETA for cruel and inhuman treatment of bumble bees. Bees have rights to. don't bee suprised if a law suit is file soon.

    Finklestein, Sachs and Associates Ltd

  4. Hey folks, I have a serious question for the BF believers. Chuck gave me some info yest about all the diff wild men from various locals. I made some inquiries, and found out= in Russia, the Almasti is considered by most to be a remnant pop of Neanderthals. The Army had an encounter in the early part of the 20th century and described a hairy man, not ape like creature with clothing made of skins. If one believes this account, what is the BF and Yeti and the Orangp, and the others around the world? Do believers consider them all to be of the same species, or different beings entirely? BF doesn't appear to be, based on descriptions and Patty, a Neanderthal. Or has science got the description of Neanderthal totally incorrect? I haven't a clue, what do you'all think? Please answer and thanks Chuck for the info brother. HG

    1. I don't trust any stories coming out of Russia, especially during the revolution. Allegedly in 1925, Red Army troops fighting the White army killed a ape-human hybrid in a cave. They supposedly buried it, but no one was ever able to obtain the skeleton as proof.

      Of course, they also say that in the 1920s Stalin had Soviet scientists breed an ape-human super-soldier.

    2. There's giant ape-men all over the USA !!

    3. north americal alone it is estimated to be in 100,000 of them.

    4. Neanderthal man was thought to have died out 40k but recent skull finds can be dated at 10k-20k. Meldrum published an excellent paper about the subject a few years ago.

      When discussing the subject with Meldrum he was of the opinion that the 10k timescale could easily slim down to circa 5k. This means that Humans and neanderthal man spent a considerable time in co-habitation.


  5. Yea Haints, that's the story I'm talking about friend. The scientist thing has been reported to, but without a viable specimen produced. The ape man thing was (Supposedly) witnessed by several soldiers, and was written about in their journals and letters. Who know brother? legend tells about a tribe of these ape men living around the steps and stealing goats horses etc.. I think they claimed to have seen as many as 4 individuals on their hunts and raids on the stock animals. Cool stories for sure. I wonder about the dif in the descriptions though. Two people can see the same thing and have a totally dif opinion at times, so who really knows what they saw? to many years have passed to get anything other than second and third hand info now. Thanks friend. HG

  6. looks like that beetle, has a bad case of the crabs....


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