Listen To This Amazing Account Of Native Americans Helping An Injured Sasquatch

Bigfoot TV with the Browns share this awesome and exclusive story with us from their own personal sources where they live. The story is about some local tribal members who at one time helped and cared for an injured bigfoot that had broken its leg. Check it out:


  1. I guess this week T-FATS will be there renting a canoe. He will see "big momma" and a baby "lil sprite"

  2. I have heard of the forest giants saving humans that have been lost or injured in the wild. Never have I heard of us returning the favor. Now I have.
    Thanks Sara.

  3. That's a great story handed down in the family, experienced by a man's father and grandfather.

    Chuck, Yes, there are a number of accounts of sasquatches helping people. One I read once was a man was cutting a tree out in the forest and the tree fell on him and pinned him, and three sasquatches came out, lifted the tree and pulled him out from under it.

    As far as people helping sasquatches, I've heard of one other story of people helping an injured sasquatch. It was one burned in a forest fire treated by emergency personal, and taken away alive in a government van. It is one of the government conspiracy stories.

    1. Ah yes the sort of famous Battle Mountain, Nevada fire.

    2. Yea, that's it. It's one of those "help him" and then "help themselves" stories.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The story of the tree cutter. I have heard of a Vietnamese that may have been tree cutting. He ended up with a broken leg in the forest. And passed out from shock and or pain. His next memory was back at his house. His Vietnamese wife told him of the forest creatures that brought him back. I think this happened in California back in the 70's. This could be the same story.
      On the Sasquatch Chronicles 2 weeks ago they had a guest who got lost in a forest at 5 or 7 years old. He wandered away from camp. Realizing he was lost he cried some. Not much longer he was grabbed by the hand by a female forest giant. She pretty much dragged him the whole way except in real thick brushy areas where she would hold him close. She dropped him off outside of where his parents were camping, of course the parents did not believe him. He said he never felt like he was in danger and did not get freaked out once she grabbed him, instead felt very secure. I think there are more of these out there.
      Goin to bed

    5. See this is the thing, pepole scoff at these stories and reports of sightings, but I think it's some of the best "proof", for want of a better word, that we have. I just don't believe that all of these thousands of sightings are lies or missing-identification. A lot of them might be, but there are too many consistencies that people just wouldn't be able to make up.
      I don't even see why people would want to lie about such things, there is no money to be had from reporting a sighting, and there are too many credible witnesses. If anything, I would have thought people WOULDN'T want their sightings for fear of ridicule.
      If only one of these sightings is real, then that's the "proof" right there. There are just too many sightings for all of them to be fake or lies.
      Reading the sighting reports is one my favourite things about being an enthusiast.
      And I class myself as a skeptical beleiver.

    6. I agree, it's just too many sightings to simply write it off like some want to do. It's the sheer volume of reports that describe such a similar creature that enhances its value as anecdotal evidence, from Native American lore until present, and it is odd that some close their minds to that overwhelming evidence.

      Chuck. Here is the story you referred to about the 7-year-old being led by the hand by a female sasquatch back to his camp after being lost. It was transcribed from a radio program.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hmmm? I didn't expect native Americans to also tell bigfoot BS stories.

    1. Then you have a limited knowledge of Native Americans in this matter. Among N. American Indian tribes there are 60+ different names used for this creature, all resembling the same appearance. There are many Indian legends about bigfoot; so, if you are surprised they have bigfoot stories then you have limited knowledge about this subject.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And the Indians also have other legends that don't exist.

    4. The point in this is you have virtually all N. American Indian tribes with legends about this creature, with over 60 different names for it, and much of what they describe mimics what thousands of people are claiming to see today. It is powerful anecdotal evidence, and to close one's mind to this is not thinking very well.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Don't go there. You're a freaking disrespectful fool. How dare you, the reason we don't get to hear more like this is because of narrow minded asses like yourself. Thanks for your cowardly words of the day. Why don't you go to a reservation and say your thought to the first native you see?!? Huh, big guy? Prick.

    7. If you weren't so ignorant about what you are trying to discuss I wouldn't have to educate you Native American legends. You said you didn't expect Native Americans to be telling BS bigfoot stories when virtually all N. American tribes have legends and their own names for this creature. Evidently you are ignorant of that. So, don't get mad at me, calling me disrespectful and showing your immaturity because you get embarrassed over discovering how stupid you are on this subject.

  6. There is a story of a man who was once taken captive by a large male sasquatch who packed the man away as he slept in his sleeping bag. When daylight came about the man realized his had been taken in by a family of sasquatch. The man realized that he may never see human beings again. He quickly adapted to his surroundings and won over the trust of the sasquatch family. Apparently the sasquatch family consisted of father, mother, son and daughter. The son was like any other typical teenager. So too was the daughter. The daughter's features were quite similar to a normal seventeen or eighteen year old girl who was well developed and athletic. The man couldn't help but notice the young females firm breasts and shapely hour glass buttocks. One evening whilst the rest of the family was sleeping the man slipped over to the young teen and after being granted permission from her to do so; he taught her the many different love making positions used by we humans. According the this man, "what a ride, I shot my load for at least fifteen yards as I pulled out". So you see, there are documented accounts of humans assisting the sasquatch too.

  7. A co worker told me a story about a friend of his who was out hunting alone one wknd in Northern B.C and stumbled onto an screaming and injured female Sasquatch who was lying in some bushes
    Apparently her arm was broken and she was screaming in agony. He said the creature had no fear of him as he laid his rifle down to look at her injured arm. He also said it's scream was so loud it made his body vibrate and almost deafened him.
    He said she smelled like a dead skunk while he was making a makeshift splint for her arm. So after wrapping her arm she gave him a big smile as a gesture of thxs.
    While walking away from her he said a big 9 foot tall male was hiding behind a tree close by with a 5 foot long club or tree branch in it's hand! He said he figures the male was just standing by in case he tried to hurt her however the male gave him a look of gratitude as he walked away.

    1. That's one of the best stories I've read in here in while.

    2. That's one of the best stories I've read in here in while.


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