Watch: Blackburn 'Ghost' Caught On Video As Angry Apparition Chases Car

This is crazy. This terrifying video shows the moment a 'ghost' appears on a deserted road - and CHASES after a car. The petrifying three minute clip shows a car approach a mysterious white creature from behind as it walks along the road between Blackburn and Belmont in Lancashire. The dread creature then turns and heads TOWARDS the vehicle as a passenger scream at the driver to reverse as fast as possible. The horrified passenger can be heard yelling in Arabic: "Move the car backwards.


  1. them GRAYs with a cloaking device!

  2. WILD BILL The Phony marine! Do you know why he talkls so funny? He got his teeth and his sh..t knocked out of him during a "Beat Down" several years ago, at his local VFW (Veterans of foreign wars-for you idiots) when REAL Marines found out he never made it thru boot camp!
    and that "Hogzilla" was purchased for $450.oo from a Mr. Stevens, a local hog breeder in West Virginia.
    And "Trapper" (The expert trapper) doesn't even know what a "Dirt hole set" is, or what a #120 conibear trap is used for
    And one of the other team members is a convicted child molester.
    And "Buck" is WILD BILL'S lover!
    They all live in Condos too! Fake Hollywood Rednecks1 See the way they dress? no one in WV dresses like that.
    A Phony show, for the weak minded!

    1. WILD BILL told Willy that while he was in the USMC he jumped out of a perfectly good airplane! and Willy said WILD BILL got no time for women folk! Huckleberry said he lived in the woods all his life! and Condos in WV? now thats a stretch!!!

    2. man yoou must reely want to be on that MOUNTIN MONSTAER show but ill tell yuo wat good ol AIMS TEEM gonna hunt yuo down an TRAP YUOR ASS but it aint gonna be on tha TEEVEE cus it gonna be too vilent!!!

    3. I grew up with WILD BILL and know all of the team members very well. What I stated is TRUE!

    4. Robert Lindsay says that he has been wearing the same pair of womens underwear for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. FAKE AS HELL (and jesus and bigfoot and reasonable republicans--fake, fake, fake).

    1. also Mountain Monsters (AIMS) goes into the bush loaded for bear Trapper with his pistol, Huckleberry with a shotgun, Willy with shotgun, Buck with a shotgun, Jeff night vision,
      Wild Bill knifeman!

    2. WILL BILL gots the BIGGEST KNIFE out there

    3. Look idiots, they carry fake guns! even the woods are fake!

    4. My name is Billy Fake! but i'ms not fake! Im,s a real fake person! there are a lot of us fakes in WV. One time, my Papa visited Virginia, and now there are a lot of Fakes there also!
      My Papa was thrown out of Delware or there would have been a lot of Fakes there also.
      My Papa raises sheep. You know what breed they are? Yep Fakes!

    5. Robert Lindsay says that he once saw a Sasquatch, and he definetly knew it was a male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Wonder what that pickle smooch has been up to?

  4. I myself would have drove TOWARDS the figure to see if he/she needed any help. That figure looked pretty wobbly and was using a walking stick so maybe some assistance was needed. But probably just another staged and faked video like so many these days.

  5. Now this is a bloke in a suit!!

  6. That does not sound like someone from Lancashire!! LOL!

  7. Why is it always a; "Bloke in a suit"? Are there that many Englishmen around? are any of them named Fake? B/c if there were, than it would be "Fakes in a suit"
    Are you people, really sure that Joe Fitzgerald is his real last name/ B/C it could be Joe Fake, as my Papa was in Wales during ww2.

    1. Hey Shawn whitted my comment out! Boy is he protective of Joe. I love Joe! Can't youpeople take a joke?

    2. Joe asked administration not to allow his surname to appear here. There are several words that get blocked automatically.

  8. hey j o e it`s a white bigfoot you moron

  9. I think it's Sister Bertrille, the flying nun. John Boehner was the one in the car crying and sobbing.

  10. Robert Lindsay says that he still does the Electric Slide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Robert Lindsay says that when he watches Pinocchio, he likes to watch the wooden nose grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Why even bother posting this. If I wasn't told it was a ghost I would have never used my imagination to attempt the impossible, pretend it was one.

  12. I do not know what to find worse; the bad acting or the bad driving.


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