This Florida Skunk Ape Photo Is Going Viral!

The bigfoot world is buzzing with the release of the first major photo of 2015. John Rodriguez, a 66-year-old fisherman from Florida, claims to have taken the crystal clear photo of a bathing skunk ape seen above. The photo and story were released by

It isn't very often such a clear bigfoot image is seen, and this one is certainly being passed around and discussed. The image is being heavily debated, with everyone having their own opinion. Some believe the image is real, others believe a costume.

Ben Hansen of the SyFy channel's 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files' thinks the image is photoshopped:

"To be more precise, the face of a gorilla that has been digitally added to the photo with editing software. Although I originally suspected the creature suit was actually in the water when the photo was taken, I started to notice shadows in front of the Bigfoot that appeared to be an inconsistent length and shape with the rest of the photo."

"Additionally, there appears to be some heavy digital editing touch-up to the fur around the face and where the body meets the water. I'm now leaning more toward believing the whole creature was pasted into the image and then branches and twigs were added in the foreground. The branches also could have really been in the scene, but they were later edited as separate layers so Bigfoot looks like he's now behind them, sitting in deep contemplation."

The skunk-like stripe on the creature is also something we find interesting, seeing how the Florida bigfoot is known as the "Skunk Ape". We found some artwork by artist Justin Arnold that bears a striking resemblance to the creature in the photo.

So what do you think? Is the Rodriguez photo the real deal, or just an elaborate hoax?


  1. With the appropriate white stripe of course.

    1. I would like think to this one the first.

    2. What does Fastino say he has seen several

  2. ridiculous gorilla cow face

    not a skunk ape

  3. If your intention is that the subject ever be taken seriously, you are criminally negligent.

  4. Maybe its a bigfoot wearing a gorilla suit. Next they will be wearing blurry costumes.

  5. It's drowning a baby one underwater

    1. wtf is wrong with u?

      think of drowning young underwater much?

    2. ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º> ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º>

  6. pwned as per

    the resident butthurt footer is probably crying

    1. Sure, he's probably laughing so hard he's crying over you being presented with your "2013 Golden Idiot." Did you receive one, or are you responsible for both comments which entitle you to two Golden Idiots?

    2. ,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸-GOLDEN IDIOT AWARD-,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸

      1. @( * O * )@ 2. @( * O * )@

  7. I am not a robot.......I am not a robot....I am not a robot. I am a MAN!!!!

  8. signing in anon and not filling out the captcha

  9. Look at his face...

    This is why we don't find their scat.

  10. We live in a world where people believe in angels, omnipotent beings, and incredible events (parting of the Red Sea, etc). So yeah, you're still going to have idiots that believe the photo is that of a real skunk ape.

    1. Get outta here !

      I don't think you're footer material !

    2. Oh please tell us more O-wise-one. What else should people not believe in because you obviously have learned everything there is to know both past and present. Do you know everything about the future as well?

      Where can I purchase your book on the secrets too knowing everything?

      Is the title Anon 10:26 Tells All.


    3. Back off !

      You sound like one of the cast from Big Bang Theory !

  11. Right now Fasano is banging his head against his steering wheel and pleading "Why didn't I sink a bigfoot mannequin? For the love of Standing...why...why..why?!"

  12. ..Bigfoot version of auto-erotic asphyxiation: masturbating while sinking in

  13. ...Bigfoot version of auto-erotic asphyxiation: master baiting while sinking in

    1. ^ Whaddah you doin later ?

    2. Not funny and please don't try again you have waisted enough of other people's time.


    3. ...Bull!...That was funny, man...I made myself

  14. the photo is a fake 100%
    That video on the other hand looks legit. By the way it moves it doesn't look like a costume and it appears that the creature is looking for insects in the wood as a lot of primates are known to do. I'd like to know more about the background of the video. I don't usually believe most videos or photos but this one looks very interesting


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