The Government Just Shutdown a Bigfoot Researcher

What the hell is going on out there? Is the government targeting Bigfooters? Researcher Bob Garrett had it all -- a great Bigfoot encounter, a great radio show, and and awesome YouTube account -- but that has all disappeared. Rumor has it that Bob has also disappeared from social media due to some sort of government harassment. The story is still developing, but social media is buzzing and a lot of people are still trying to figure out the real story:

Last year, Texas Bigfoot researcher Bob Garrett discovered a very strange campsite that someone seemed to have left behind in a hurry. The fire logs were found thrown in different directions. Some have have even speculated that perhaps Bigfoot may have scared off the campers -- or worst, they may have been "eaten". " This is probably one of the most wildest and creepiest video we've seen in a while.

In this Sasquatch Chronicles Podcast, Garrett, shares more information about the torn up camp and encounters he has personally had. Bob also discusses the time he was charged by a Sasquatch and give us some insight on their behavior. According to Garret, The "big thicket" buzzing with Bigfoot activity:

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[Update] Rob Gaudet at Team Squatch Unlimited confirms something is definitely going on: "I was on the phone 4 nights ago with an individual who has close knowledge of this matter and confirmed it for me."


  1. First !
    I just set the record for most firsts !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. One conspiracy theory, of course, is that the U.S. Government is covering up the phenomenon, which I still find hard to believe, but many, including Dr. Meldrum, believe so.

      There are multiple reasons cited, like harm to parks and recreation and the logging industry.

      Joe, on the audio recording you provided a link to on a previous article, the man who said he shot a bigfoot also claimed Government intimidation to keep quiet about.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. D Dover and JOE. Go listen to the Sasquatch Chronicles episode 70. It was aired this past Friday. There will be an explanation about what has happened to Bob Garrett and as to the rouge agencies that operate loosely and only answer to one authority with pretty much autonomous authority you two good guys will find your answers. Wes Germer along with Will Jevning are now on the cutting edge of what is really going on. I was numb after that episode and things are just getting started. Wish Mike Brookreson would weigh in on this a bit as Bob may have confided in him, however Mike knows how to keep a secret if he needs to.

    5. I'm not quite sure what to make of all the alleged claims of government cover up, whether UFOs or bigfoot.

      I listened to the audio, beginning at the 31:00 minute mark of Bob Garrett, and it was pretty chilling what he had to say. The videos of the torn up camp have made the circulation around the BF community, and we had them posted at the SRA, but I noticed in recent times all those videos have gone down.

      On the one torn up camp he showed on the video, with many bigfoot tracks in the camp, the above audio says two men are missing and one man escaped in his truck. Garrent said he gleaned that from being questioned by authorities investigating the incident.

      I wonder if Garrett having to take things down, including Facebook, does have something to do with the government keeping things quiet.

    6. I forgot to mention, bit busy right now, they work for the Dept. of the Interior, but you will not find any info. about them there. We know they go after troublesome bigfoots and have since the mid 1960s. I do not believe they have had a lot of success but they do employ military personal when needed and up to 100 teams can be called up. They monitor all activity that is know about bigfoots and Bob got to know to much and pushed the wrong levers, a lot of it steming from that torn up campground in East Texas. I will tell you what it is chilling, very chilling to listen to. However I will say this, I do not think they have had a lot of success neutralizing the forest giant, but more so against ordinary people, however usually this is done sort of passively.

    7. I would be interested in reading up on this activity. I've tried to keep an open mind about this subject, that it could be possible.

      In Paulides 411 book, regarding the Dennis Martin case, Special Forces were said to go in there and didn't work with search and rescue. It's one of the better documented cases of a possible child abduction by a bigfoot, in which very shortly after the child went missing campers down the mountain saw a sasquatch carrying something on it's shoulder that screamed.

    8. It's one of the creepiest reports of that book. The strange thing is that this, being the only lead in that case; was quashed.

    9. Precisely D DOVER. Remember they also came into the Sykesville Monster case in the Piney forest of New Jersey and Lon Strickler witnessed this first hand as they chased him off. They got on site so fast he could not fathom how they knew, unless they were monitoring the activities and this happened back in the early 80s I believe.

      Anyway episode 70 of the Sasquatch Chronicles has a law enforcement officer that was being harrarrsed by them due to destructive events developing in an area. This officer witnessed a bigfoot as did his chief. He got a two week suspension but this did not stop him. He pulled over the two gentleman, one clean cut and the other a big burly unkempt fellow ( sound familiar like the Virginia Hunter who shot one in 2003 in VA ) for a traffic violation then climbed into the back seat with them and said hey I can help you guys. After some time they offered him a job at decent pay and gave him a packet that outlined what they did. There are another couple of shows on this, one this past Sunday I have not listened to as yet, just to darn busy, maybe I will today.

      First I do not consider this a conspiracy. This is just how these agencies operate and as I have stated several times I am aware of them operating out of WPAFB very near me, but so far have only spread disinformation that I know of, but that is how it starts.

    10. Robert Lindsay says that he prefers to be called "the earth mother"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Is there ANY proof at all that the "guvment" shut this guy down or is it just wild speculation and opinion?

    12. Something tells me this Texan didn't pay his taxes or he didn't vote for the HNIC Barry "shuck-n-jive" Soetoro..!!

    13. The use of the IRS against him is always a possiblity, but that would bring in agencies that are not in the loop. I think the thing that finally got to him, and he has told this to Wes Germer is that they are constantly stopping his wife and harassing her.

    14. WOW Obama plan worked by cutting oil production on federal lands, he knew that private lands oil production would not only match but would out produce the oil production on federal lands! Now the US is #1 in oil production : ) MASTERMIND of OBAMA

    15. Bobs offline. As of now. Out of respect to he and Tim and Bigthicket Watch fans and friends of the show I've been asked by a member of the group to keep this private. Tried to contact Bob or Brandon last night from the Ozarks where im running baited camera traps. It's a complicated issue. Once you get on someone's radar and you are successful at what you do, you attract sufficient heat so that you do not disappear from said circle of interest. All we can do is respect Bob and Tim and honor their privacy. If it were me, and I'm not saying I've been specifically told this last night, I would assume id have to release my research through a credible third party. Wes and Will and the crew do a great job of getting you the stories don't they? I guess when I can get service over this ridge top that I've baited with deer liver and dead cow placenta and got rocks and sticks thrown at me and had a group of seasoned footers abandon me in the field,I'll keep tuning in.....Yer buddy. M

    16. Good to hear from you MIKE. You pretty much told me what I already know and nothing new which is what I would expect from a trusted friend. Bob will confide in Wes Germer what he deems OK and folks like you will know the rest. I understand fully and hope things work out for him. He is one heck of a researcher.

    17. Sasquatch Chronicles.

      I smell that BS from miles away. No one takes that stuff seriously right?


    18. Robert Lindsay says that eating "taters" makes his toe fungus go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    19. ^ not only that, But in the past, He claims that drinking 100cc's of Clam Chowder (New England) each an every day WIILL stop Gerbils from getting nervous in a Frisco Bathouse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    20. The goverment does not want anyone t find out that Bigfoot is related to Bill Clinton.

  2. It's Obama I tell ya !
    Obama doesn't want us to know all about dem bigfeet because there's not a damn thing he can do to stop them once they rise up and take over the world

    1. Funny. But would it not be George Bush, the default guy to go to for all that is wrong. Remember Obama never knows anything unless he has seen it on Television news and the news ain't covering it.

    2. Hey Chuck

      Used to live very close to WPAFB also. Moraine to be exact. Spent a lot of time there at the museum. My instructor at school was the head of computer systems for the base back in 1982. Had some great stories to tell. I have been told that most of the base is underground. Lots going on I am sure


    3. HEY MMC. Great to hear from you. That's right, you went to a technical school I believe and Moraine and Fairborn are very close. What a great opportunity to visit that base, I have been there quite a few times myself. I can confirm the underground part, however what goes on is anyone's guess, but rumors abound what is and what was there, including the Roswell UFO and bodies from 1947. I had an old boss from 1997, 98 that grew up close to the base. Back in the 60s he and friends use to sneak into the base and found some of those underground areas. He just said the stunk so bad they did not explore them but they did have a chilling feel to them. Those were probably not in use at that time.

      About 10 years ago they had a special Korea War exhibit. Since my father in law was a Korean vet we took him there for the whole day and I had a marvelous time. Outside there is a huge memorial garden to the Army Air Corps of WW2 with monuments to all the squadrons that included my fathers who was with the 8th Air Corp of Gen. Jimmy Doolittle, and it was touching to see it. I only wish I could have been there with my Dad also, however he passed in 1986. My father became a photography nut during the war. He has this album off hundreds if not thousands of photos from their campaigns, North Africa, Scicily, Italy, and DD and the subsequent end of the war and our occupation until he was ousted the end of 1945. It is a fabulous album, something today that could not be replicated as it would be classified. Many pictures are from the turrets of the B 24 Liberators that he was attached to of the arial bombings for intelligence purposes. He never talked about it much for a lot of friends were lost. The 8th air corp took more casualties per capita than any other corps. Sometimes an old buddy that was with him would stop by, beers and whiskey was cracked and I would sit in with them as they talked. I remember one photo of a city in complete burn, he said it was Dresden. He had another of Monte Casino with the famous church that was left. There planes carried the most sophisticated cameras of that time. My sister has this album now and has promised to get it back to me as I want to leave it to the museum upon my death or sooner. Wishing you the best and a short winter.

    4. Great yearly air show at WPAFB. One year they had an sr71 come in and refuel and leave later that day. That bird bled all over the tarmatt before departing. What a sight

      Hands down the best air show in my opinion is the Oshkosh fly-in. I watched a russian SU27 with thrust vectoring do a tail stand not a hundred feet off the ground all the way down the runway. The crowd went absolutely wild. A big bird standing on a pillar of thrust has to be seen to be believed. He stole the show because nobody else had that yet.

      The greatest piston airplane to never fly is the Bugatti 100. When you walk into the main doors of the Oshkosh museum look up and there it is. I first saw it when they acquired it and was able to examine it. A work of art for sure.


    5. Great stuff MMC. How fortunate that you were at Oshkosh. I have never been, only heard it is the best, by far, what a half a million attendies every year is darn near like sturgis for planes, probably with out all the drunken loose women displaying themselves due to the family atmoshphere.

      I have been to a couple of the air shows here they hold at the airport in Vandalia ( northern Dayton airport ) as usually in Michigan that week. My nephew worked at a Honda building away from the main crowds and got us on site where the stunts took place right above our head. One Blue Angel pilot flew right above me upside down at only 50 feet above and you could watch him in the canopy, in a flash of course.
      I mile south of me is a gent with a large farm. He has a grass landing strip and two bi planes. He calls it Waco Way. During Memorial Day and in July during the air show he has other buddies with bi planes due a fly in and stay at his ranch for the weekends. Pretty neat seeing all these bi planes buzzing over head all weekend.

    6. The all important displays happen at lake con du lac

      Oh yeah


    7. What is so unique about Oshkosh is that it is an "open" event. Political differences are put aside and anybody who comes are given equal time to strut their stuff. Prototypes are everywhere. The latest and greatest along with the techs who develop the goodies abound. You can literally go up to anybody and strike up a conversation and ask them there opinion about all kinds of different technologies. Sometimes the reactions are priceless. I know of nowhere else that an average Joe can do this. You know right away that you are with the best of the best


    8. OBAMA, going to stay : ) in office...
      FOR U SAFETY ...

    9. Robert Lindsay says that making glass fixtures by blowing, is a dying artform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. I'm not a believer, but recently I was involved in reporting and proving an animal thought to have been gone for decades. The reason the wildlife people didn't want to acknowledge had to have something to do with logging leases and surface mining. There were to many questions about where it was, even while trying to ridicule the original report. This animal's federal protection status should trump any state lease. We shall see. People usually do what their wallets tell them, unfortunately.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well Joe, Bigfoot aside, my view of animal protection is somewhat different from most of my neighbors. I don't believe any one, group or country has the right to obliterate exterminate anything, for any reason. for my entire life I've watched as the second largest mountain range outside the Great Smokies here in TN have been carved and now clear cut away. I'm constantly told it's for the good of these poor people that need these jobs. My Grandfather helped to bring in the UMWA to this country, and the other side were all loggers, funny they didn't believe in destroying everything either. This think of today at the expense of forever doesn't get it for me.. I'm a hunter with a hunters heart and I would never kill a Bigfoot or anything I thought might be on it's last legs fighting to make it in todays world. So If I actually saw the old boy, I would probably keep him a secret forever.

    3. I'm a believer, but hunter dood I wish the rest of humanity shared your humanity. Well said very well said.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. We need to get hunter guy some proof he can see. Living in his area and in those woods A
      man learns to trust his own instincts and senses. My family is from KY and those people are good, but different. They get screwed by the Government and everybody else first and worst. They don't trust a lot of what others say, and why would they? This guy is coll as hell and smart about what he knows, you can tell. He would be the kind to prove that He's real. Sasquatch is real hunter guy, have some faith and you will see. God's speed to you good soul.

    6. Thanks fella's, kind words.

    7. It might be a good idea for you to sign in with "hunter guy" or something, so people can start looking out for your comments more.

    8. Robert Lindsay says that man purses are a fashion must have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. Nah...why bother commenting on a fantasy...your wet dream hairy guy you`d like to visit your bed in reality.

    10. Hunter guy 6:35, I guess you want people to think your me per Joe's request. Well that's ok friend, people can usually tell who their talking to, or writing to by the way it's communicated. Have a good one now. ( Hunter guy.

    11. I hope you can now start to see why people like me get a little defensive sometimes... It's because of creepy people like that.

    12. I do I do Joe, sorry but what do you do? You'll know when it's me. I stand on what I believe, but I can do that without trashing anyone. HG

    13. I'll know when it's you, sir... Don't worry about that.

    14. NO SIR - iam sayin that thar Wild Bill gots NO time fer women folk caws hebe bear huntin ans all NO SIR NO SIR!!!

    15. I don't visit this site everyday so I'm catching up and reading past posts but I do have a question for the hunter guy if he reads this. What is your opinion on using tracking dogs to locate Bigfoot? I'm no authority but I cannot understand why this would not work. If say fresh tracks were found in the snow could not the dogs continue to track them until reaching a conclusion? Can one simply allow the dogs to sniff a track and they will take it from there? I remember reading some amazing things about trained dogs ability to locate things and just feel this would be plausible.

      I have to dismiss the argument that dogs are/would be afraid of Bigfoot. To my knowledge a trained dog is fearless and will take on anything - human, bear or whatever it's after. What is your stance on this?

    16. This was addressed the other day, you would still require a human element to point the tracks out, to which regardless of us having many examples of, isn't a common occurance.

      Also... I very, very much beg to differ. As was again addressed the other day, there are three books published by an ex-police officer in conjunction with search & rescue/forestry workers' reports that have documented many, many cases where trained dogs, dogs who literally live for the chance to track, don't want to know.

    17. Interesting question by curious. Very few dogs will track these Subjects. Even less when confronted with their proximity on a "hot scent" will continue to follow them. I heard David Claerr describe a male dog large breed that tracked one to a thicket where the owner literally watched a large open palm dispatch his dog instantly. There's an old bear tracking dog called a plot hound. They are serious dogs. More hearty than mountain curs and with better noses. They were usedf by old time trackers to kill large predators. And by old time I mean Bigfoot Wallace old. If one were properly introduced to a scent you could track one. But curious why? Why do this. There are habituators and Resaerchers alike that know where clans are right now. One of them sadly, just went offline. :(

    18. If a dog were to catch up with a bigfoot it's dead; it will kill it. When the SRA leads expeditions where people pay to go into their habitat dogs are not allowed, mostly for the safety of the rare dog that will go up to one. But most dogs cower to bigfoot.

      @ Curious, you can't simply dismiss the notion that dogs are afraid of bigfoot. There are tons of reports of dogs cowering and refusing to track it. In my research area in SW Oregon a man had two dogs that flat refused to go down a trail.

      Sasquatches use infrasound. Infrasonic waves are below the human threshold of hearing (below 20 Hz) but can cause varying effects including discomfort and near panic attacks. It effects different people differently, and I believe dogs are particularly susceptible to it, and may develop a conditioned response when smelling the creature due to past experiences. I believe if a dog gets close enough and gets hit with infrasound it will cower.

    19. My dogs are both field trial trained for specific game as well as cast trail hounds and bay hounds. What that means is, I have dogs that you put on a different track anywhere anytime and they stop when the quarry is treed or bayed. They will not leave the cast individual until they are retrieved or killed. So I believe these dogs would work on any track even up to 2 days old. They have unique abilities to say the least. Most people think you must have a particular scent to train this behavior, but that's impossible for tracking down fugitives. I trained a dog to track and tree Bobcats. I sold the dog to a man in Dakota. The dog was bought in hopes that it would change if cast on MTN lions. The first track the dog was cast ended in a long race and a treed MTN LION. A true well trained track hound will successfully work a track even on original scent. Guaranteed. That has always been one of my biggest question. I have had 2 dogs stabbed to death on a track but the third while injured stayed with the man. I had several dogs over the years killed by bears, boars. One was even rattlesnake bit 5 times but was alive to the end of the track. He died a week later. I have never had a trained dog refuse to track, or show fear enough to quit. That is what makes them so unique, they live to please and their loyalty to their master has always shown above their own better judgement.

    20. I Own Raise and train my own dogs, I have had Dogs listed and written about in the past but never had anyone ask to purchase one for the use of tracking a Bigfoot. I'm not advertising, I sold my last young dog a few days back and have a couple year backlog for pups. Nothing to sell here, I have written article in trail hound myself, I need no other article to use for study. I'm sure my dogs have never been cast on or been confronted with a bigfoot, but if I locate a fresh enough track someday I'll tell the truth about the outcome. HG Thanks for asking friend.

    21. One human encounter with Bigfoots last night. After a week of baiting for a very wild clan of Bigfoots that I knew were operating within a 500 acre watershed I got permission to bait and camera trap on the spot where the sighting took place. It was a valley with creek running through it that's so thick even in winter they call the logging road running through it the death road because it kills ATVs. Upon meeting Ricky, and underground footer from. The Bootheel Boys I baited the site above the equipment shed that abutted the forest. We left an entire freshly killed deer, quartered and bloody on the site. Ricky scent marked the trees by rubbing the liver on the trees. the cattle in the adjacent field were running. It was 12 degrees. At about 10 pm we walked within 20 feet of the bait spot and gave one whoop. Three vocalized responses occurred instantly. A full whoop by the bait and a cacophony of chatter which my fellow footer became instantly frightened of. They had surrounded our position. They thre pee gravel twice into the equipment at our feet and then one of them threw a large chunk of a log. Then. Two subjects broke off from the cacophony of chatter in the valley and walked directly towards us doing dueling hoot owls. But they didn't finish the hoot owl call they just kept doing the Hoo Hoo Hoo part louder and louder as they approached. I had my Sony tube with me. Ricky who is a 6 year footer and seasoned 25 year hunter quit on the spot and would not go back out with me again. If humans won't approach these Subjects. If they remain "frozen" and unable to approach as Ron Morehead described and I'll swear to. Then how can we expect most canines to. In every case there's the exception. But on a freezing night last night in the Ozark Mountains. I do not believe any dog would have gone toward the excited hunting chatter that made a grown woodsman quit footing last night.

    22. That was quite simply one of the best things, if not THE best post I've ever read here.

    23. You just made my point, People would not run anything in the conditions dogs do just for a pat on the head. Fear for you is relevant because your human. Dogs fear things in a totally different way, dead is dead. Whether by bear, bigfoot boar or whatever, if dogs can face bullets on the battlefield or a bear under a cliff just for your approval, how and who can you compare their unflinching loyalty to? Their greatest reward is a kind word and a nice rub on the head. I haven't met many people like that, none except closest friends and family can compare. I took a couple young guys coon hunting a few weeks ago, after the first 4 miles up the mtn they both decided it would be there last rip with me too. You guys go unarmed right? I can't imagine being frozen in my tracks with my 40 on my hip and 3 clips, and there is not a bad bone in my body.

    24. HG... I know it's quite a concept, hypothetically; would dogs get affected by infrasound, in your opinion?

    25. You actually are close to an idea I had too, Yes they are also effected by pharamones, not sure how to spell. I saw a dog totally confused by bears during the rut or breeding season. He finally figured it out but yards from where he got confused, I spoke with a guide in GA said the same thing. Sounds of distressing high pitch effects them terribly. There is a chemical solution that some animals secrete that can cause a dogs nostrils to actually close for a period of time. There are things that cause them problems and maybe even some would quit, I can't imagine the fear factor though. HG

    26. Thank you HG - I share your opinion on the dogs. A trained, aggressive dog is a formidable creature and one that I would not want to face. I simply can't understand why ANY creature that is flesh and blood could not be tracked with dogs. In any case I would love to see it put to practice and documented by an impartial third party. I don't know why you are so sure that Bigfoot uses infrasound D Dover when we can't even get a decent picture much less know that attribute.

      Are you actually telling me Mike Brookreson, that you know and have them on your locale on a regular basis??? Good Lord I would stop at NOTHING to get documentation and proof. I would be rich beyond my dreams and that is a powerful incentive to prove something.

    27. Fantastic encounter MIKE. I put out the bat signal to you this morning on here about Bob Garrett and now you bring us this. All I can say is WoW and I wish I had been there.

      All I can say to HG and maybe another that trains dogs is that many a fearless dog that is trained for tracking and fighting if need be does not want anything to do with these creatures and there are many hundreds, thousand of encounters that prove this point. Now these dogs have not seen a Sasquatch so it must be a sense of some kind. Now maybe the gentleman above has one of those dogs that will go out to one, it does happen but it is rare. The dog is dispatched immediately, just Like Mike Brookreson told us.
      My first hand experience is a Bigfoot trackway I found in Feb. 2011 in Iosco county, Michigan while walking my then two goldens. They go anywhere with me and have been in deep snow and it does not bother them, heck they love it. When I ran across that clearly bigfoot trackway they stayed at the road and would not follow me as I followed the track and were quite nervous about the whole ordeal. Fabulous discussion and I understand not understanding it.

    28. HG... Thanks for that.

      Curious... It's the affects people report that lead people to believe there is indeed something to do with infrasound. A pine cone-shaped, pea-sized gland made of calcium carbonate within the brain - deep behind the root of the nose and floating in cerebrospinal fluid. It is often referred to as the "human antenna" or "third eye." The gland has many known purposes and some rather vague ones. It produces melatonin, the hormone that allows you to sleep. The gland is our master clock that regulates our circadian rhythms. It is believed, as well, that a bit of magnetite within the gland could be incited to move about during a blast of infrasound. The gland also has the capability of releasing hallucinogenic type chemicals. It regulates serotonin which helps us to regulate mood and it also promotes chemicals that allow us to dream and go into paralysis so we don't act out those dreams. It helps us to shift hormones for the different phases of dream sleep. Given their reported, very huge size, a creature/man with exceptionally long vocal chords could possibly make infrasound. If infrasound vibrated the cerebrospinal fluid around the pineal gland and caused the magnetite within to move, then it would stimulate the gland to do all kinds of things. We're still learning the full affects of infrasound on the human brain.

    29. No disrespect to you all but I find it hard to believe because you are attributing abilities to a creature that hasn't even been proven to exist. The proof you offer is speculative to me. I'm still keen on allowing trained dogs to have a go at suspected fresh Bigfoot tracks with documentation done by an unbiased, impartial third party. Remember you have to prove it to a skeptical world not just preach to the choir.

    30. Curious, yes it's speculation; it's a theory. One I however personally feel is very real in relation to the reports... But a theory all the same. Point the tracks out to the little beauties and you never know what might happen.

    31. Robert Lindsay says that his middle name is Hernshaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    32. Curious, I've been hit with infrasound more than once. I know other researchers who have been hit with it many more times than I have. To us it's not really a question. You say I'm attributing abilities to a creature that hasn't been proven to exist. I've seen it, heard it, and been injured by one. It's your take that they are not proven; I'm beyond that.

      In 2013 when I was examining one of their shelters I was hit with infrasound so hard it was nearly paralyzing. The structure was a large rectangle made of broken branches. Nearby were small trees that had been twisted off about 4 feet off the ground to apparently provide building material for the structure.

      To reach the structure I had to walk over small downed trees and large branches that were over a deep depression. It was dark all under there, and in retrospect I might have been walking right over top of them and that is why I was hit so hard with it, being so close.

      When we were leaving objects were being thrown near us if we stopped for moment.

      Studies on infrasound shows it effects different people differently. Some will be drastically affected, while others minimally so. I know a researcher who says he passed out from it while the person next to him had a milder experience.

  4. Bob was paid off or threatened to step away from the Sasquatch phenomenon. And many "researchers" are encouraged to spread phony information and ridicule among the so-called BF community.
    Sasquatch Ontario is one of the leading members from this circle of liars and hoaxers.

    1. Well said 3 55. Every time I get to the area you talk about I see logging trucks all over the place. If you get onto the less traveled winding roads, one can see what you talk about. Or just cut through 25e from Corbin, Ky to Greenville, Tn and you can see the large swaths that have been cut.

      The thing is we do not need to take as much lumber if we would go instead to two things. Number 1 is large bamboo farms in the south, and number two is hemp farming just about anywhere.

    2. Yea cbrippee, It's a crying shame that our once hardwood forests are almost gone. The saddest thing for me, I can only show old photo's to my son and daughter, and grandchildren. What was a great peoples home and birth right has now become toilet paper and memories. My question to all these loggers and miners, once it's all gone, where will you work? When there is nothing but scared land and poison water how will you raise a family here? One of our precious white oaks that feed basically every animal indigenous to this area, makes about 2 to 4 hundred pounds of toilet paper. What takes 200 years to grow, hits the ground in less than 25 seconds now. What few trees that I own will still be here when I'm gone regardless of timber prices.

    3. Agreed anon 5:25!
      Shawn gives the hoaxer's notoriety, and will post anything sketchy. But the honest ones take a back seat! And don't say my pics were blurry, I sent him several amazing tree structures to post...never did!

    4. A lot of the timber cut down on the Pacific Coast goes to Asia, particularly Japan. Cutting trees for domestic use is one thing, but I object to cutting down our forests to build homes across the Pacific.

    5. Could not agree more D Dover. Going to China. They send us junk and we send them our inheritance.

    6. Robert Lindsay says that his favorite word is "moist"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. So you had a lover quarrel with Robert did you? Ha!!!!

  5. Daisy in a box. just a different story ...Next...

  6. If sasquatches are more human than ape, then they are eligible for Obamacare.

    1. shure is lack tham mexicuns is thays alls gits that thar Obamacare jist lack tham mexicuns do

  7. Lot's of backwoods meth labs in that neck of the woods. The folk's put on bigfoot costumes to keep the outsiders away.

    1. Mountainmen in tham hills sos moonshine be the way fer bigfoot keepin outs tham outsiders shure is

    2. Sightings bring curiosity seekers and attention, you watch too much scooby doo

    3. TRAPPER and the Mountain Monsters (AIMS) team ran into them moonshiners while hunting for that GRASSMAN!

  8. Shawn you must be the last person to post this. Everyone scooped you including Zen yeti again.

  9. Modern day bigfooting is an exercise in making excuses.

    The excuses must explain all of the major flaws in the existence of such a creature such as why no body, why no unambiguous photos etc. The government cover up stuff is one of the more amusing ones to the educated casual observer.

    1. Negative proof fallacy... Also, whilst if this creature does indeed bury it's dead, locating burial sites in wilderness that accounts for 70% of the country is going to difficult.


    2. Negative proof fallacy?

      Lol wat.

      You can't say that bigfoot is real because these are the reasons we can't prove it.

      Pseudoscientific nonsense is all you know.

      Munns paper, oh boy here we go. The fact that you need a paper about it and the fact that the vast majority are not convinced is proof that it is ambiguous.

    3. Robert Lindsay says that he prefers to add extra cream to his Alfredo sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. The negative proof fallacy is where one assumes something is true if it cannot be proven false. It can also happen when one assumes that something is false if it cannot be proven true. About as pseudoscientific as real scientific theory.

      "... The fact that you need a paper about it..." Don't you shout from the rooftops that this field requires published papers on research? The fact that it has a paper does not help your case one little bit, and for that "vast majority", they can't find a scientific means to dismiss it.

    5. Again Non believer aside. I need to be shown something to either prove outright or at least dispel all other possibilities. That's just me. But I don't believe I have the right to destroy utterly any findings from which believers use to make their case= I haven't seen, read or experienced these things myself. Just because something is not feasible, It's not impossible. I have much experience in that. All the hoaxers who make money by exploiting so many that want to believe have muddied the water so much, it's hard to have an actual respectful conversation. The Hunter Guy. sorry Joe, my comp is a mess Brother.

    6. "The negative proof fallacy is where one assumes something is true if it cannot be proven false. It can also happen when one assumes that something is false if it cannot be proven true."

      Thanks for clearing that up because you do exactly that.

      That paper is not published in a proper peer reviewed journal, aka irrelevant. And no your excuses as to the government not allowing it in a real paper is yet more proof of the original point up top.

      To sum up:

      You have proven nothing.

      All you have is merely an opinion.

      You practise pseudoscience and get upset at people who use actual science.

    7. 6:50... Do I? I don't think you will find one single quote where I state that I can prove the existence of Sasquatch because I require a body... What I can show is there's evidence for an unknown primate in the US. The paper is not published in a "proper", euphemism for "mainstream" peer reviewed journal, because mainstream science is either not interested or restricted to hold any interest in the topic. What you have in that journal are some of, if not the best primatologists, conservationists, etc on the planet participating in an editorial board that referees, recommends such papers for peer review, adhering to the "proper", professional standard and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it (and I love it). I have never said that the government will not allow anything to be published in a journal, though there are some strange occurrences with previous attempts.

      To sum up:
      I have never claimed to have proven anything, other than the evidence for an unknown primate... I have impartial, consistent scientific backing and opinion on the evidence, not to mention the opinions of the best primatologists, conservationists' opinions, not mine... About as pseudoscientific as real scientific theory; your theoretical downfalls are not anyone else's problem son.

    8. There is no objective evidence for an unknown primate in the U.S. There is conjecture and speculation.

    9. Unfortunately Don, the requiement to test the evidence has not yielded any reason to not consider in genuine. There is very much objective opinion, and when the evidence stands under scrutiny the only speculation is to what form of primate left it.

    10. Hair morphology has been a notoriously unreliable form of evidence. You should know that if you're as read up as you claim.

      Show me some unknown primate DNA and then you might have something to crow about..

    11. The evidence never stands up to scrutiny, Joe. What on earth are you talking about? That is the problem. Every time it is subjected to scientific analysis--proper analysis--it fails. Every single time. Remember Sykes? How much bigfoot DNA did he expose?

    12. Hair morphology, verified post direct sighting, where physical evidence in tracks has been accumulated in the same instance... That in turn has uniform morphology with various other samples is as reliable as you can get without DNA to classify; and the opinions of scientists that show these results to be the case don't erode because of the apparent sensitive nature of the topic.

      No... There is as yet no reason for the physical and biological evidence to not be considered, and no level of circular reasoning helps that. Any geneticist will only ever be as good as his samples; fair play to Sykes for getting out there and conducting his own field work. The BFRO did not submit one sample to him, whilst the frequency of samples is not enough to dismiss the accumulative sightings in one State. He may not have sequenced any number of known/recognised animals' results; doesn't mean they don't exist.

    13. What, exactly, does " verified post direct sighting" mean? Is that your awkwardly elaborate way of saying found at the location of a sighting report?

      What you are failing to grasp is that unidentified does not mean bigfoot. It means, unidentified. Suspected primate? Fine. How many hair morphology pronouncements have been proven wrong in bigfoot research? In fact, we have cases of hair that was allegedly from a bigfoot/yeti and seemed to defy DNA analysis originally only to come back as bear. And this one is from RHI itself. Here is a link, enjoy:

      The relevant passage being:

      "Sykes also analyzed hair samples from
      Bhutan attributed to the Yeti, which seemed to
      defy DNA identification. Interestingly, during
      our conversation I learned that further efforts
      were subsequently successful in determining
      that the hair originated from bear"

      That does not seem like early attempts to analyze alleged bigfoot hairs were very successful, now does it?

    14. The point being, Joe, that hair morphology is a far cry from " reliable as you can get without DNA..."

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. What you appear to be failing at is three forms of evidence in one instance in confirming an unknown primate; doesn't mean Sasquatch but means unknown primate. Again... This what I've maintained all along. In your circular fumblings you forget that it is here where my opinion on what this primate is, comes into it. The hair had been verified to be primate, leaving us to speculate as to what... And unless you're brainwashed or don't understand Occam's Razor, then this is a problem, I guess. None of the samples that Sykes sequenced were without medulla, this is how they were sequenced; this being an unusual trait of the morphological build up of such fibres that Henner Fahrenbach has in posession, for example.

      And I beg to differ... Unknown primate hair, verified by impartial experts, is still unknown primate. It stands until you can test it to show us otherwise.

    17. Three forms of evidence that " confirm" an unknown primate? Perhaps you should not use the term confirm as loosely as you do, Joe. The truth of an unknown primate has never been verified. The three forms of evidence that you reference are, I assume, anecdotal, tracks and hair? Correct? Anecdotes do not and never can confirm anything. They are not falsifiable and are therefore not amenable to scientific testing which must include falsifiability as a criteria. To be clear, this means that it must be reasonably possible to prove something wrong with repetition before it can be considered scientific evidence. Anecdotes, obviously, do not qualify.

      The other two forms, hair and tracks are not definitive. To confirm you must establish the truth of something. That has never been done with any alleged bigfoot evidence. It may be speculated that the hair came from some sort of primate, but given the spotty track record of hair morphology testing ( particularly when dealing alleged bigfoot hairs), the truth of it is far from confirmed. The same with tracks. Not one alleged bigfoot track has ever been confirmed. The truth of them all remain undetermined. Unless someone tracks it to a bigfoot and conclusively proves the animal that made the track by showing the animal that made the track, all you will have is speculation and conjecture. Added to which, all 3 types of evidence mentioned have a rich history of fabrication. Any one example you could possibly provide COULD have been hoaxed. A hoax cannot be ruled out, therefore the truth of the matter has not been confirmed, as you say.

      You can certainly say something like you have 3 types of evidence that suggest an unknown primate, but you absolutely cannot correctly state that the unknown primate is confirmed by said evidence.

    18. If you believe that you have evidence of confirmed unknown primate hair, then please provide the published paper where this finding was confirmed.

    19. Actually, it was confirmed unknown primate that you claimed. That is a pretty big deal and would most certainly make it to a respected, peer reviewed, mainstream journal if indeed it was "confirmed".

      Eagerly awaiting this article that I must have missed.

    20. I should add that plenty of bigfoot evidence has been confirmed, it's just that confirmation always comes in one of two forms: fabricated or known animal.

    21. You can't reason with willful ignorance, Dmaker.

    22. That is true, DC. You can, however, expose them when they are incorrect and let others draw their own conclusions.

    23. I can quite easily claim that such sources confirm such a creature (unknown primate) because that's what it points to. The sources in question have no conclusive classification, but it's still an unknown primate... And again, I beg to differ, two sets of primatologists confirmed that very thing. Anecdotes do in fact hold wealth of evidence because the judiciary system is full of them, and irrelevant really when (sigh) it's paired with physical and biological evidence... And we have repetition & consistency of both those things in hairs and tracks. Again... Your circular arguments are focussed on a conclusive means of Sasquatch classification and the false premise that the aformentioned sources are proof of that; no one is claiming that. But, there is nothing in scientific theory or practice that states research starts at conclusion, and the current state of research points to sign being found of an unknown primate, until you can show that the sources in question are not what the experts have said they are. Multiple experts confirming the same opinion, kind of quashes any claims of "spottiness" and again, we have not just one source here but an instance where three forms of evidence were documented in the same instance; it's difficult to explain that away, and an attempt to "divide an comcur" does not take into account the reinforcement of those sources, no mere level of cynicism really cuts it when you have experts way more qualified than us making those calls. Not one alleged Bigfoot track has ever been comfirmed because you would need the Bigfoot to accompany it, what's been confirmed are dermal ridges that show traits of an unknown primate; and not just by one person, multiple, long term, impartial, professionals. Far from conjecture when you remember what the premise is here; unknown primate. Every source of evidence submittable in any scientific or judiciary arena can and has been fabricated, yet those pillars of modern society stand. The hairs that have been collected to have uniform consistency can't be hoaxed in the same way that dermals that confirm species traits, States apart, decades apart can't be hoaxed.

      "You can certainly say something like you have 3 types of evidence that suggest an unknown primate, but you absolutely cannot correctly state that the unknown primate is confirmed by said evidence."

      "Scientific method is that within some system you make hypotheses, you make testable hypotheses, you test them, and you keep the ones that are verified, and you throw out the ones that are falsified. If you have two hypotheses which are verified, which explain the same phenomenon, you use Occam’s razor and take the simplest. (32 Senior, Physics, Male, France/En)"
      - Simple or Simplistic? Scientists' Views on Occam's Razor By Hauke Riesch

      And... (Sigh), you need to classify the hair, before any such thing is published.

    24. Dermal ridged have also been confirmed to be an artefact of the casting process. This was confirmed in the true sense, i.e. demonstration and repeatability. Not in your conjecture = confirmation nonsense. The fact that some are states apart or decades apart makes zero difference. If dermals are a side effect of the casting process, then anywhere a track has been cast can produce the same effect.

      You really need to understand better what confirmed means, Joe. " Pointing to" something is not the same as confirming that something. You choose your words deliberately to make the case for bigfoot sound stronger than it is. But if the bigfoot hypothesis must rely on rhetoric to appear sound, then the foundation must be re-examined and better forms of evidence produced. Evidence that is purely objective, such as DNA. Putting forth the same old anecdotes and other ambiguous evidence does not advance the bigfoot claim one iota. Abandon that and produce evidence that can be tested properly. As even Dr.Disotell mentioned last year, footers need to get away from the traditional forms of evidence and focus on biological samples that can be tested for DNA. Without that, all you will ever have is conjecture and speculation.

      The problem, so far, is that every time DNA testing has been done by a reliable source, the results have consistently failed to support the bigfoot claim in anyway.

    25. Once a believer now turned skeptic, I now never underestimate man's ingenuity for carrying out a hoax. I also never underestimate how someone can look you right in the face and weave a tale fully knowing it is a lie. I will never accept the existence of Bigfoot based on eyewitnesses and stories alone, only physical evidence supported by the scientific community as a whole will suffice for me. It's that simple. I do enjoy reading the debate here however.

    26. What a joke. Dmaker and Dan pretending they know something about a Sasquatch and arguing it with Joe ( An Englishman and ocean away that flat out is more in tune with what is going on ) is like Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble talking technology with George Jetson in the next half hour.

    27. Dermal ridges are sometimes found in the actual impressions. Half way down this page;
      ... Dermals in the actual impression. And half way down here;
      ... A comparison of casting artifacts and actual dermals. Artificial desiccation has it's own uniform style that does not match one school of alleged Sasquatch traits, whilst the only way to mimic dermals is under laboratory methods... Which the average anyone attempting to hoax wouldn't be aware of or have access to. The tile that Crowley, for example, sent Jimmy Chilcutt was covered in artificial ridge artefacts from the pouring process. The three casts in question that Chilcutt examined, they didn't have this... This is because when you are walking barefoot on the forest floor, the foot comes in contact with both fallen leaves and the soil in making an impression. Therefore, these artefacts would be present in consistency right across the different soil areas of the foot fall and they're not. The delta ridges on prints change directions over 45 degrees; they converge and deviate. This is a major indicator that the dermals are biological and as Chulcutt states, these do not appear on any of the artefacts.
      The fact that these are States apart and decades apart, ha! Very, very relevant.

      I in fact think you need to better understand what's being maintained to have been confirmed here. What's been comfrimed is the physical and biological evidence for an unknown primate. What hasn't been confirmed is that this is relevant to Sasquatch. For every accusation of me twisting words, it's in fact your safety net argument that you're seemingly frustrated about because I'm not falling into that obvious trap. For this frequency to be improved upon, we merely need to find the primate, and like I said before; research does not start at conclusion. The opinions of experts verifying aformentioned sources of evidence do not get labelled as subjective because YOU cannot debate them adequately. It's a common technique to label such people as untrustworthy as soon as anything positive is verified and that's a sure sign of rhetorical approaches which I might add, are less than honest. It's "ambiguous" because it doesn't suit your agenda, and you'll have to go a long way to showing the experts' opinions (who I haven't even begun to quote yet) are less than significant in confirming the physical evidence for an unknown primate in the US.

      Lastly... If Sasquatch share our DNA, then this would be in line with ancient versions of us who had anatomical and morphological differences. We may even have sequenced Sasquatch DNA and not even realised it.

    28. What's funny is every time dsucker shows up Nad Boy shows up. So I guess Nad Boy trolls as anon and hopes Sharkboy shows up to cheerlead his butt buddy.

    29. Robert Lindsay says that he likes to chug Big Gulps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Oh yea, and anon 3:38 is definetly Joe posting anonymously

  10. Perhaps, just perhaps the guy finally figured out that BF doesn't exists...Perhaps he has bills to pay and BF won't help...
    Or even better he was abducted by alien BigFoot! FFS!

  11. Yawn....same old bol loc ks here....same old delusions

  12. Does it matter to bigfooters if the biggest bigfooter with the bigfoot club and the bigfoot tv show demonstrably fabricates a bigfoot sighting for himself? Hmm...

    1. ... It matters if anon posters support their ideas, most certainly.

    2. That's the big problem about this subject. As great as it would be to have some mystery left in the world, are these people, chosen or accepted to represent the Bigfoot believers? I can't buy anything from MM. Would you loan him money? HG

    3. Listen bro, I don't agree on much that comes from MM. I don't dislike him, I don't doubt his heart, I think the BFRO is cool... He doesn't represent me though.

    4. I'm a believer blessed to have seen the beast only once. When you see it, once is enough. I too have a problem with MoneyMaker's credibility. It exist without need from some who are so quick falsify to one up the next guy. I'm saddened by MoneyMaker's so called refreshed memory.

    5. Joe, I don't know the guy obviously, but he is doing detriment. I believe BoBo, Renee, and Cliff right or wrong, are at least sincere. My kids love the show, I can watch those with little or no MM. I think some believers are starting to doubt him, especially after this new sighting story. Glad to see your not one giving him high marks across the board. HG

    6. I told the story so many times and gotten so much belittling its hard to do. I live twenty five minutes from Dayton OH above Cinn. One night around 11:00pm my dogs were barking so loudly I decided to investigate the property. I had a funny feeling something was amiss. I own a 1million candle power hand held spotlight with me as I went toward the old barn at the end of the property. I was looking back towards the dogs and a snap and thud from behind drew my attention. When I got turned it was already leaving the barn but I got a good half minute look at him as he left. He was huge and had funny bald patches on his back. The rest of his body was covered with reddish brown thick hair. He did turn once to look at me but for a quick glimps so I can't say much about the face. It looked a lot like the Patterson Gimlin footage Joe. I think it was around seven or eight feet tall compared to the height of the old barn. I measured the stride the next day it was over six feet. The tracks werent very good in the grass but were really pressed in. He was heavy thats for sure. I look at that old barn sometimes and wonder what he was doing there. Thats my encounter and thats the truth.

    7. That's an amazing encounter, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write that. Any details about the upper limb length, the head hair, or the size of the buttocks (serious question).

    8. Well he kinda looked bent at the neck you no. his head had hair like the rest but you really could see more break ups in those patchy spots on his back. His skin must have been real dark to because the face and balding spots did not show without the light directly on them. I was amazed but he looked five feet wide Joe. I really did not even notice the arms or leg length i was to caught up in just seeing the thing. I did call the police that night but they did not come or even call me back. Im sure they got a laugh but i dont really care anymore. Thanks for asking buddy good luck in pursuing the truth Joe.

    9. Well thanks again for posting that, much appreciated. Post more often, I love reading your comments.

    10. Ive enjoyed this today. Ill be back on for sure. Keep on keeping on Joe.

    11. 8 17. Perhaps you should talk to me. I live outside of Dayton, OH in Darke County close to Greenville. In the past 5 years there has been a lot of Sasquatch activity going on in the Greater Dayton area counties. 2 that I have investigated and two more that directly involved me.
      There are more that have been called to the bfro that have not been investigated, however at least 3 have been published since 2012. What town do you live in or at least what county and more facts about the case would be appreciated.

    12. Bald patches remind me of the Vermont bigfoot picking up apples.

    13. Chuck, I've heard speculation that bigfoot populations are growing larger, and this has led to an increased amount of sightings as human populations also grow. Although the counter argument is in times past people were more reluctant to come forward or have the means to than in our climate of information.

      But I tend to believe they are increasing and it's only a matter of time that a body or some substantial body part will quiet the naysayers.

    14. I have been saying this for a few years now that the populations are increasing and maybe fast, although that is not provable it just makes sense. They are moving into agricultural farms areas that are not heavily forested, but have tracks of forest interdispersed along with farms. Of course there is plenty of water to be found in rivers, creeks and huge drain ditches in these areas also. It is happening where I live. Someone above just confirmed a sighting at his barn and he lives with in 50 miles of me in the same terrain and this is only one of maybe ten that I know of in my area in the past few years.
      Also there population as a whole is much larger than originally thought by the old timers.

    15. Robert Lindsay says that he cant go to a gas station without someone mistaking him for Chris Hemsworth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    16. Chuck, yea, that's something I've read that I meant to mention, that they are being sighted in regions where they previously had not, which might indicate their population is increasing. The larger a given population is, the faster it increases.

      Some people estimate their numbers 5,000 - 6,000. I'm on the high end and think they could be near or in the six figures.

      The point I was alluding to is if sasquatch and human populations continue to grow we'll be bumping into each other a lot more in the future, and we'll eventually get a body. Since they are usually found near good water sources that limits their available habitat.

  13. Does the truth matter to bigfooters?

    1. It matters a great deal. They go to great lengths to avoid it at all costs.

    2. Truth is no one cares for your version of the truth around here.

    3. Then you might need to respond to your own initial concerns about how important the truth is.

    4. The truth is there is still no scientific evidence confirming the existence of bigfoot. All the copy/paste meltdowns you dish out have not, and will not change that truth. But keep trying, your mum loves how strong my scrolling finger is getting.

    5. There is in fact scientific evidence for an unknown primate though.

      Occam's Razor.

    6. Robert Lindsay says that his favorite summertime activity is catching butterflies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Great back and forth debate Dmaker and Joe. You guys would make a lot better show debating the issues VS the tree knocking folks. I'd watch and enjoy. HG

    1. I enjoy the debates here as well and learn from it which is much more than I can say for the Finding Bigfoot show. I confess I stopped watching it after the first season and have just periodically seen a few episodes here and there. It is so utterly ridiculous that I actually feel sorry for true Bigfoot advocates because I think this show has to be very embarrassing for them. I remain absolutely amazed it has made it into it's sixth season.

  15. Dmaker, email me for some proof! Betcha won't!

    1. Dmaker, what you fail to grasp is that Sykes and Melba were also silenced! Erikson too!

    2. If I could my friend. My comp is whacked and my email is too. I have to re log every thread. My daughter is bringing my new comp back next month, and fixing this one for a spare. Maybe I can get some good stuff sent then. I hope so anyway. I'm going to try and stay connected to this site and keep up with you guys as long as this thing will limp along friend. bear with me please, I'm truly interested. HG

    3. ^^

      Right. I'm going to provide you with my email address. I think not.

      If you have something to share, then share it here. If not, then send a private message or something. I'm not going to email you.

    4. Apologies, HG. My comment was meant for DS.

    5. What are you afraid of? I'm a born again Christian? I have no I'll will toward anyone, just want to show a skeptic the truth. I put my name and pic up for all to see, I have nothing to hide, and everything to prove! Have one of your big buddies email me, and I'll send him the pics.

    6. No worries, pics will be up in a week or two on our site, just talked to my VP.
      I'll let you know when they are posted.

    7. You can email me Eva if you'd like to see them now?

    8. DS seems to think Shawn is part of a conspiracy to keep the truth hidden, yet Shawn has no problem with him posting. Methinks DS is a little butthurt because Shawn didn't run his pictures.

    9. Not butthurt, confused as to why known hoaxers get their stuff posted here, but honest people trying to prove it don't. This is biased BF evidence!

    10. The hoaxes are funny. You thinking you have genuine bigfoot photos is just sad.

    11. because sticks are not proof

    12. The hoaxers aren't funny at all! Makes people like you question my pics, and you haven't seen them.

    13. Anyone can create a basic message board easily enough for free. Just go to pro boards. It would take you about 20 mins to setup a free board and you can share all kinds of evidence there if you want. You can even moderate your the members and content.

    14. 11:33 these sticks are 110% proof! I'm going to laugh my butt off seeing you skeptics try to explain even ONE of my pics as anything other than BF! And once you see them, explain why Shawn won't post them! Clear proof!

    15. Dmaker, there are some pics up from the summer.

    16. Why do you keep saying you're a born again Christian? It has no value and no merit in anyway toward the conversation.

      Is it like warning someone that you're blonde?

    17. Or that they will only see one bag instead of two?

    18. Keep up the good work DS!! I think your stuff is great! And appreciate everything you do.

    19. Why do you keep calling dmaker, or whoever, a sceptic like it's a bad thing? He, if i remember rightly - like me, was an avid Bigfoot enthusiast when he was younger, and as he grew up and read more on the subject and then subsequently looked into it more on the internet, and realised that he needed more evidence than shaky videos and blurry photos. He, like me, is not scared of the 'truth' or a 'hater', we just need a better quality evidence than is currently being offered.
      A lot of sceptics would love Bigfoot to be real, i know i would. But wanting a bit more proof than the kind of stuff Joe constantly posts is not a bad thing, we just have higher standards than you do when it comes to accepting evidence.

    20. You can place me in that skeptical category as well Anon 2:17. I truly want to believe but just need stronger evidence that what currently has been offered.

    21. I was a skeptic even after seeing prints. It was until after 8 years of research did I come to the conclusion they 100% exist!
      I don't know what to call them besides skeptics? I don't mean it in a bad way, but I think its rather funny people don't believe.

    22. Robert Lindsay says that his dream job is telling random strangers to "talk to the hand"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    23. Yea!They must of had a lovers quarrel over who was pitching!

    24. It's perfectly acceptable to call me a skeptic DS - after all that is what I call myself.

    25. I could prove it with stick structures alone! Just have to email me for the proof.

  16. someone doesn't like my comments here! FFS!

  17. so your pics don't get published here so you bad mouth this blog?.....easy fix ds ...go away

    1. I didn't say anything about this blog, other than the truth is not being posted.

    2. After looking at the link you provided, I can understand why no one would want to post them.

    3. What those broken twigs didn't turn you footer Don? Lol!


    4. That was the quickest assessment of all time! No way you looked at videos/pics/write ups.
      Not good research. Shawn did post the one video.

    5. MMG, I have a few hundred. My friend who is an Environmental Scientist is a skeptic. He tries his best to explain away my pics (with difficulty, I might add) and some pics he's like "Oh man, that's a good one, all while grinning, shaking his head in wonder"
      My offer still stands to email me for proof....HILARIOUS NO ONE HAS YET???
      Except Joe & Chuck, AF, DM, JN, DT, and one lady.

    6. Weird that you want people to email you.

    7. I'm computer illiterate, I can only send pics! What's weird is how paranoid everyone is!! I don't even know what an ip address is??

    8. If you're paranoid about me, I'm sure Joe or Chuck would email you my pics.

  18. I heard John w. Jones spoke is in legal trouble with the government. as he has stolen snares etc and the Government is given his publisher's a hard time too!

    1. I don't know anyone who has heard of this guy.

      This site is so full of sock puppets it's hilarious but also a little creepy....


    2. ^ your a little creepy yourself, with a low IQ to boot .

  19. Nothing new in this. It's been going on for a long time.

  20. Good chatting guys, gotta feed dogs and animal. Hopefully be back later, good debates to all. HG

  21. ***Let me get this right folks! "maybe" I'm missing something here. They the supposedly government shut/closed down ALL his internet sites and radio show because he was/is getting to close to proving that Bigfoot/Sasquatch exists and the harassment put on his wife and that the some government does not want us, the public to know this??? Ummmmmmm, I do think the is more to this story that meets the eye folks...........

    1. I think there is more to the story than your assumption that it is only about keeping Garrett from proving BF exists. He may have stepped on some government toes who are investigating this, releasing details they don't like made public like the two missing men and the lone survivor of the incident, and other missing persons and bone finds. Maybe if you listened to the podcast you would hear what you're missing.

      Although maybe you're right and there are other issues involved also.

  22. Logic suggests, if you check the crime stats for the general area, which are quite high, that Garrett may have encountered a location where the Mexican drug cartels had killed someone. If so, no wonder he's gone in hiding.

  23. The xenia bike path. They're there.


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