Sighting Report of 2 Bigfoot Seen in Salt Fork State Park with Photo

The following is a sighting report of 2 bigfoot creatures that were seen in Salt Fork State Park, Ohio, following a bigfoot conference that took place in May of 2013. The report details the events as they took place, and includes a photo taken by a witness.


  1. Get Shaun on it...stand around...regurgitate the story with cut-off sleeves. etc.

  2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that He only uses bobbers when fishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Robert Lindsay says the best part of you ran down your mother's leg.

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he thinks pants sagging is attractive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Stump picture.
    Class F- sighting.

    After a bigfoot conference huh?
    Every thing I think I see becomes a big foot squatch to me.

    1. Class F sighting, that was a good one, LOL!!

    2. After creature weekend not bigfoot conference they hold more than one conference there ...

  4. chupacabras are in heat. i heard one of them attacked johnny depp

  5. o cheesus why read all that verbage when you can just show the pic or vid of said furry man.

    1. Because the pictures suck. big time.. The meaning of all that writing was to try to make something out of nothing.

  6. Salt Fork state park is not exactly prime habitat, but I guess the stories get visitors. That's assuming there is anything to begin with.

  7. Opportunity of a lifetime for a 'researcher'...and he heads out into the bush hoping to find evidence or even experience a sighting...and he takes a still camera. And even then, he only manages one photo. Not a very well-prepared 'researcher' in my opinion. Red flags galore.

  8. More No Evidence from the No Evidence site!!!!

  9. Oh for christ sakes! Was it that group from Ohio? A bigfoot behind every tree.

  10. I feel like I just got squatchrolled.

  11. Crap photo. I see nothing that could be a squatch or even a person. Fuc the BFRO!

  12. LOL. More "evidence". Fantastic social experiment in stupid.

  13. This kind of crap is what you promote now????
    Damn guys...hey, keep calling my stuff "fake" and pushing this kind of stuff. Who's running this site now? Rick Dyer???? lol
    Please go back to the way you used to be...showing stuff that is at least plausible. Peace.


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