New Crypto Books Slated for 2015

According to author Loren Coleman, a lot of new cryptid books are headed our way for 2015. Coleman recently released a list of upcoming cryptozoology books, and the list already looks quite extensive.

Discovering Cadborosaurus (Hancock House, 2015)
by Paul Leblond, John Kirk III, and Jason Walton

The Asian Wild Man (Hancock House, 2015)
by JeanPaul Debenat (translated by Paul Leblond)

For the complete list, including Beyond Bigfoot: The Transformation of Cryptozoology (North Atlantic Books/Random House, 2015) by Loren Coleman, click here.



  1. Replies
    1. . . . because that is all you are going to get.

    2. The United States will cut off about one million of the poorest people from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) also known as food stamps
      The start of the Zombie Apocalypse

    3. Bigfoots + Zombies = Katie bar the door !!!

  2. GRAYs control bigfoot and bigfoots collect DNA so the GRAYs can produce hybrids and clones, so if you can find the GRAYs you will find bigfoot,
    lots of trackers track bigfoot and the tracks end abruptly like they were transported out of the area

  3. will it have any Monsters Underground in these books : )
    Bill Brock knows about them critters

  4. when will John (Trapper) Tice from Mountain Monsters (AIMS) team BOOK coming out !!!!

    1. When they find a ghost writer who can translate hillbilly.

    2. Who would translate for Wild Bill?

    3. OORAH = My pantaloons are somewhat on the tight side thus having a negative effect on ones testes.


  5. JOSH GATES Expedition Unknown on the MORROW : )


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