Matt Moneymaker's First Bigfoot Encounter!

Tonight the Finding Bigfoot team travel to Ohio, and visit the location of Matt Moneymaker's first bigfoot encounter! This should be an awesome episode. Ohio produces a ton of sightings, and probably has more bigfoot researchers than any other state!

The team is back in Ohio and Matt takes them to the legendary spot where he encountered his first Bigfoot.

The show airs on Animal Planet tonight at 10 PM EST.


  1. You're lucky I went got drunk... Turn up to tomorrow and let's dance cowards!

    1. Actually!!

      Have glass of wine and enjoy!! Peace and love!!

    2. .. And for those with giant skeleton issues;

      Iechud da!!!

    3. Joe is drunk posting, lol.

    4. He makes more sense that way. And he might still be sedated after getting his asshole stitched up after he was bent over by one of our wonderful outdoorsman. And really Joe. Youtube? Christ almighty...

    5. If I ever get interested in links I'll take up golf.

    6. Robert Lindsay says that cleaning Joes boxer shorts should be a national sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Oooo yeah, we're so "lucky". You sound like such a d1ck when you talk like that...

    8. More sophistry from Joe *yawn*

  2. The story used to be that he heard something. Then it grew to he thought he might have seen a big dark something. Then it became that he had a sighting.

    What is it now?

    1. the next story they get naked

    2. And both pooped in a jar.

    3. Actually, he used to tell the story that he was sewing some of his wild oats on a blanket, in the woods with his presumed girlfriend at the time. It's amazing how the memory plays tricks as one ages.

  3. Can someone please slap me in the face with their penis?Hell,I'll even settle for penises!

    D Campbells.

  4. He saw it in that special place known as the moneymaker imagination. It's located on the hill and he chases it around and around always making money and believers in the process. Ain't this a great country? Where else can a crazy person get paid to hallucinate out loud?

    1. Dance clubs. Ever seen that idiot with the mouse head? Which looks more like a real mouse than any sasquatch footage looking like a real, well, anything.

    2. I saw a guy in a full gilli and thought what the hell? He walked out of the woods quietly and then to his 4wheeler and away. Later that week two other honorable people reported bigfoot sightings in the same exact area. Those two will not even consider the real explanation. People are Sasquatch crazy, even honest people.

    3. The retired soldier upon hearing about the reports, admitted it was he dear hunting without legal orange and in his sniper gilli, they still refused the explanation. It's an approximately a 5 acre tract of land, but bigfoot will share it with you if you'll wear your gilli.

  5. hes not just a client he is the president. so yea if you are the president you got one upsman the clients and change your story from hearing foot steps to now its a full blown i saw bigfoot.

    1. Yea, but how can anybody actually take those people serious? You will not find this many gullible people concerning another or different subjects anywhere in recent modern history, and no not UFO's everybody sees strange things lights in the sky, but a 10ft ape man that can disappear at will. He and his followers are in a class by themselves and president Moneyfaker is leading the crew.

    2. He had to up his game, BlowBo is getting popular. BlowBo has had something like 20 sightings, Moneyfaker is sucking hind tit and still claiming to be the top bigfoot expert of the team. Qualifications you know? and his bigfoot resume was looking pretty slim.

  6. he reminds of dorthy clicking her heels "There's No Place Like Home" but instead he is say "I saw a bigfoot" " i saw a bigfoot"

    toto this aint kansas

    1. Funny you mention it. Dorothy was a thug. A common criminal. With a small core of idiots to do her bidding. She was caught, ON FILM, of the following.
      1. Manslaughter
      2. Receiving stolen property
      3. Trespassing
      4. Petty theft
      5. Endangering the life of an animal. Wild and domestic.
      6. Arson
      7. Murder
      God knows what she did when the cameras were off. But that's like a teenager isn't it? Don't get your way at home and BOOM! Runaway and start a life of crime. And when the shit hits the fan? Run home and implicate the neighbors. "You were there. And you. And you too..." She should be in Leavenworth. That IS in Kansas you homicidal bitch!! I'll be happy to discuss any of the above points in detail. Just ask!

    2. You forgot your meds dood, take them right away.

    3. And your lost you humor in the divorce. Sad. Dood.

  7. Fantastic sighting. After all these years I had never heard what really happened only that it was in NE Ohio, which does have a bunch of sightings especially around the reservoir that is about 30 miles to the east of were Matt went to college.

    Matt and Bobo are right about another thing. Once you see one it matters not a rats arse what anyone else thinks or thinks they know.

    1. ^^You're right. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Until you start acting like every thing you hear from someone you don't know is a scientific fact for no other reason than in fits your preconceived notions. Here's an example. A month or so ago there was a second hand account of a bigfoot swinging in the trees. There wasn't a name provided for the "witness" or the person passing along the story, let alone evidence. Just an account by an Anon commenter on this blog. Care to guess who took it and ran? Your girlfriend Joe. By the end of the thread he was stating, like it was common knowledge that, sasquatches instinctually judge the strength of the tree limbs as they fling themselves through the forest. (In fairness I was busting his balls about how 3" limbs held up to a 800 plus lb. ape crashing onto it from god knows how far away or from what height. So he made it up to cover his ass)
      Logic and critical thinking are rare around here. Too much dogma and blind faith. It clouds your judgment. If it's what you WANT TO HEAR, then It happened. Facts be damned.

    2. There is no way an 8ft, 800lb, animal can swing through the trees, jesus christ that's a ridiculous idea. I think bigfoot could be real, but there is no way they would be able to swing through trees like a monkey.
      There is also that weirdo on here that swears bigfoot live and sleep in pine trees! Wtf!?

    3. Firstly, how do you know how an 800 pound subject would prefer to travel? Sasquatch are not born 800lbs. The physical traits reported would indicate a subject that can get through any means, be it trees, water, brush, mountain or wilderness and the reports indeed support this. Considering the size of some trees out there and the reported tree break sounds, accompanied with the eyewitness reports, it leaves enthusiasts at least, maintaining that an unknown primate would naturally access tree tops and any number of wilderness obstacles to maintain evasion and travel. Limb breaks could indicate such, whilst there are plenty of eyewitness accounts of hairy bipeds jumping 30 feet out of trees and landing quite comfortably. For example, JP Smith's first encounter was of an 8 foot grey subject jumping about 20 feet from tree to tree.

      The average oak tree can weigh 14.5 tonnes... Suddenly you have a situation where an 800 lbs subject could at least swing and propel itself through such dense woodland quite easily.

    4. Wow Joe, that's really a stretch . . . . even for you.

  8. It matters not that somebody hoaxed you, you misidentified something, or hell your just hallucinating, because reality is not going to make you feel special. I saw a bigfoot, I saw a bigfoot, Ha ha ha.

  9. Moneymaker had the experience years ago, he just forgot the most important details until someone told him about them. Everybody else is seeing a bigfoot why can't I? Maybe I did, yea that's it, I did I did see a putty tat I did.

    1. Geldmacher or Moneymaker the name he goes by now!! Why the name change Matt what U be hidden?

  10. What else is Moneymaker going to say? All these years of searching, but I've never seen one? He's not exactly a rock of integrity. He thinks Matilda was the real deal

    1. My point exactly. He's the best proof of non=existence there is. If this show continues as these people are being hailed as EXPERTS bigfoot will soon be just a good old regular myth again.

  11. Can you believe he's been riding this gravy train for 6 seasons?

    1. As long as people are buying, people are selling.

      As long as money can be made, bigfoot will continue to "exist."

    2. And proving nothing he claims, no I can't.

    3. Sure can...FB is just another reality show making money off of the public's fascination with train wrecks..He was probably told to exaggerate by the producers because they know many tune in to watch him lie...What you saw in that clip was the modern version of a carnival geek....

    4. Yea, and now we have MTN monsters. It makes the southern stereotypes come even harder. For a southern hunting fishing guide I've been lucky in not being ridiculed to much in the past, but now every northern client I have chuckles and ask me about guide trips for werewolves, or hellhounds etc.. Moneymaker can't hold a candle to those guys. Great TV at southern outdoor peoples expense. I'd love to see those guys actually see something freaky out there. Just a real bear, or boar or even a eastern wolf, they'd all soil their trousers and hopefully not shoot one and other or stroke out. God help them. Their making better money than I, so I guess it's me that needs the help..

    5. ...Nah, you are the one that is fine...You have your dignity and you help dispel stereotypes..Trust me, I know how you feel; I'm Italian and have to put up with the likes "Mob Wives' and "Jersey Shore"....ugh...

    6. Dood, some of my very best friends are quote New York Italians, Oh my God, what your people have to put up with because of these TV shows. These people(Italians) are some of the greatest families, friendliest people in the world, so diff than just money grubbing killers on the loose. Why do people enjoy watching the worst possible examples of those that are diff? Thanks for the words man, same to you brother.

    7. ...You are welcome, and thank you too....

    8. SEASON# 7 of FINDING BIGFOOT say it isnt SOoooo


  13. Matt Moneymaker, are you lying? Did you make this shit up?

    You say this incredible face-to-face sighting led to the creation of your BFRO, the group responsible for collecting written reports of alleged bigfoot sightings, right?

    Why did you never say or write any such thing, Matt?

    Here's your account of your experiences in Ohio from 2001.

    Funny, it bears no resemblance whatsoever to that exciting story you just told. I wonder why that is?

    What does this say about the reliability of expert witness testimony?


    2. I believe some people actually see something, and they get mad at the sceptics, but when people like this make up stuff to sell shows and are hailed as experts by their own field, what should we do? I'm sorry guys, show the proof, no mean spirit here, just show something real besides tree knocking and howling at the moon. If you want to be taken serious that is.

    3. He wrote that article about deer kills for the IVBC back in mid 1990's before he had his encounter. I remember him posting that back then. The article didn't mention his encounter because it happened after he wrote it. He didn't write it in 2001. You are definitely mistaken.

  14. Matt Moneymaker doesn't pass the sniff test on this one. Why? Because he said nothing about the Bigfoot stinking the place up. Therefore, he is lying through his teeth.

    1. yes skinking BIGFOOTs smelling up the place lack tham mexicuns

  15. Here's a big headline story for you. Matt scandal! Unless this is Bigfoot Pravda?

  16. Is there any chance Cliff or Bobo call bs on MM?

    1. ...Bobo knows he is lying because he is also a liar...Cliff is desperately trying to convince us and himself that Moneymaker's bull is true; but he knows...its all over his face....

    2. then Ranae is the only HOPE!!!!

  17. It couldn't be more obvious he's lying about it. The way his voice cracks, the laughter, the darting eyes and extreme nervousness during key points of the story - not exactly great under pressure, are you Moneymaker. When Bobo says he's seen them in Bluff Creek you can tell he's lying as well. It's sad really, when people get this desperate.


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