Finally! Something Not Blurry This Week. Happy Friday =)

Bigfoot Evidence Facebook fan Kevin B. shared this photograph on our wall. He writes:

"I got this Bigfoot on my trail cam, ok maybe its not a Bigfoot but at least its clear. Lol" - Kevin B.


  1. First for My Chicky baby


    1. France needs to tighten their GUN CONTROL LAWS so this type of shooting wont happen again!!!!!

      to keep US SAFE : )

    3. Somehow I don't think their guns were registered ? Der...still, we'll all sleep sounder tonight...3 less scumbags to worry about. Vive la France !

    4. Gun control laws don't stop a person with an agenda to kill masses of innocent people. They only allow more creativity for a perpetrator to accomplish. Do you know how easy it is for anyone to build a bomb? Types of materials and designs are in the thousands, and tried out by many radial Islamic-based groups. The only reason America hasn't been invaded or attacked by a foreign country, is due to millions of armed citizens who use their amendments right to own a firearm. Terrorists are afraid of being shot in the street immediately after an attack, where in much of Europe, anyone with an inttent to kill can do it freely and easily with any form of weapon produced. In a nutshell, parts of Europe, Austtralia and many other places in the world are PrettyWellFukkedUp when terroists come to their neighborhoods.

  2. Bill Maher SPOT ON on Islam

    1. Maher doesn't want you to be able to shoot back while being attacked in a cinema by a gunman. He didn't offer any alternative type of self defense. So he expects you to lie on the floor and maybe get shot.

      Now maybe he believes two groups of people should be allowed guns: cops and satirists.

      The two cop bodyguards in Paris weren't enough to protect the newspaper staff; they died too. So only cops having weapons doesn't work either.

      If the staff members of the paper had been armed, and the attackers knew that, it could have deterred them from attacking. One likelihood: If they had attacked anyway, there would be fewer casualties, because one or more of the armed staff members would surely have taken down the attackers.

      Maher, only cops having weapons, let's see how that panned out in France today: about 20 hostages and bystanders are now dead, some apparently due to police friendly fire. That's a high number of casualties. They seemed to make some bad decisions today.

      Citizens need the ability to defend themselves. Preventing them from defending themselves is resulting in citizen deaths. Death is a pretty big deal. Death, or self defense? I choose self defense, in attempt to avoid death.

      Armed with non lethal weapons would be great, as long as they are effective enough against black market AKs etc. Non lethal weapons which would take down and incapacitate under normal use. Gun control pushers couldn't argue against such weapons.

      The attackers knew they would deal with the two police bodyguards, and took a chance, had element of surprise, it was partly an inside job apparently, via being feed info from inside, and the woman who let them in the front door.

      But if the attackers had known their targets could shoot back, they may not have made the attempt. They make the attempt knowing that an office worker is an unarmed sheep waiting obediently for slaughter, and that they can murder at will, which they did.

      If the "sheep" could have shot back, or defended themselves in effective non lethal ways, things would be different; some people would be alive who are now not alive.

      "It's different when the target can shoot back."

      Clint Walker

    2. And I thought this site was about bigfoot - silly me.

    3. moderate muslims sharpen the knife, radical muslim use them ...........

    4. Rape whistles. For everyone. If you get scared, immediately go down into a fetal position, start blowing your whistle and defecate on yourself to make your doodoopuss less attractive to your attackers.

    5. Right on to the point of truth!, excellent post.

  3. you know whats clear? that this is total bologna! FFS!

    1. I wonder how many breakdown videos will come after this?

  4. This is the real deal, folks!

  5. "Bigfoot, it goes by many names—over 100 by some counts. It supposedly lives on every continent except for Antarctica…in sustaining populations. It should be everywhere. The ubiquity of Bigfoot sightings smashes up against the fact that we have never found any verifiable scat, bones, hair or body. We sometimes hook giant squid—a creature we apparently see far less often than Bigfoot that occupies a much larger area—but a hunter never shoots a Sasquatch. Paradoxically, Bigfoot has been reported too many times to actually exist."

    1. Scat;

      And yes! Sasquatch goes by many names, close to 100 by tribes in North America who were geographically spilt, who were all reporting the same thing that in turn were reported with consistency in Europeans who thought native customs undesirable... Whole cultures sprung up around an imaginary creature? Come on Einstein.

      "It should be everywhere... Paradoxically, Bigfoot has been reported too many times to actually exist."

      Eye witness #1 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #2 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #3 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #4 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #5 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #6 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #7 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #8 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #9 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #10 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      … Skeptic – “If these creatures were real, people would be seeing them all the time!”
      Joe – (Sigh)

    2. Scat;
      And yes! Sasquatch goes by many names, close to 100 by tribes in North America who were geographically spilt, who were all reporting the same thing that in turn were reported with consistency in Europeans who thought native customs undesirable... Whole cultures sprung up around an imaginary creature? Come on Einstein.

      "It should be everywhere... Paradoxically, Bigfoot has been reported too many times to actually exist."
      Eye witness #1 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #2 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #3 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #4 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #5 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #6 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #7 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #8 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #9 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      Eye witness #10 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.
      Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.
      … Skeptic – “If these creatures were real, people would be seeing them all the time!”
      Joe – (Sigh)

    3. Scat;

      And yes! Sasquatch goes by many names, close to 100 by tribes in North America who were geographically spilt, who were all reporting the same thing that in turn were reported with consistency in Europeans who thought native customs undesirable... Whole cultures sprung up around an imaginary creature? Come on Einstein.

    4. Also note that Hawaii has no sightings, no tracks, no other evidence. All of the other states have. If people are just making stuff up and hallucinating, why wouldn’t Hawaiians be in on it too?

    5. Wow! Look at all the great evidence! Show us where we can find one. Just one of them. Should be easy, Einstein.

    6. Hawaii gots snow so should be easy to track bigfoots
      global climate disruption is upon US all

    7. Quite an education isn't it? That's all you had to do is ask. Not as easy as finding a monkey suit, here we go!

    8. Oh and that proves its existence then?

    9. DS, @ 11:35, that's an astute observation, if people are hallucinating BF in every state buy Hawaii, why aren't they hallucinating them in that one state too?

    10. "It is acknowledged that the possibility of a
      fur costume is not absolutely excluded from
      consideration by this analysis"
      So even they say it could still be a costume. So enough talk. You say they are real, show me a specimen please. 8 foot tall 900 pound primate, cant be that hard to find. We can find one man, a survival expert, on the run from the police. Surely we could find a population of giant primates.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Here's an article I wrote on possible reasons why we don't have a body. Copy and paste it to your address bar.

    13. You should have kept reading son;

      "It is acknowledged that the possibility of a fur costume is not absolutely excluded from consideration by this analysis, but that if the PGF hominid were in fact a human in a fur costume, such a costume, and the padding underneath that fur cloth, must have been tailored with expert skill and deliberate design to achieve the effect of these contours of the skin and adipose of an aging and overweight female hominid (and disregarding other aspects of anatomy such as limb proportions, kinematics of the foot, proportions of the head that contradict the man-in-a-fur-suit hypothesis, which will be addressed elsewhere). In 1967, such skill in tailoring furcloth was rare and the few practitioners who had such skills were in the highest echelon of
      professional craftspeople, and were veterans of the film/theatrical industry. The man who filmed the PGF hominid, Roger Patterson, had no such skills and had no proven connection or association with any person of such skills. Nor did he have documented financial means to employ such persons to work on his behalf.
      Furthermore, the costumes of the era (1967) were either intended for comical theatrics, in which case little attention was paid to anatomical realism, or when such costumes were intended for dramatic theatrical ventures where realism was required, they were designed to portray powerful, threatening or frightening creatures, dynamic and athletic in form. Therefore, a superbly realistic costume designed to look like an aging and slightly overweight female has no precedent in costume design for that era, or even in the decades that followed.

      Therefore, purely from a standpoint of consideration of the PGF hominid’s anatomy, as compared to both actual human surface anatomy and great ape anatomy, and further compared to fur costume design and form, the resemblance to real anatomy is not only apparent but prevails as the more probable explanation for the nature of the PGF hominid. These observations support the conclusion that we are not observing a costume, but rather a real and novel hominid whose body has a modest natural hair coat."

    14. 11:57... I can't show you an 8 foot Sasquatch, I can in the region of 7 foot in that footage. Skull specimen down below. Oh... And plenty found, none trackable and therefore none caught.

      (And none desired to be by me)

    15. Robert Lindsay says women love him and find him attractive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Zero bigfoot specimens to date.

    1. but we havent been looking for long!

    2. Huh, read the whole article, didn't see any mention of it being a Sasquatch skull. Seems that was inferred by the person that posted it, and of course, you. Well thats great still though. Do we have another Sasquatch skull we could compare it to to verify this? No? And I suppose theres just no way possible this was some kind of birth defect or something huh? So in theory we could take any skull with unusual size and features and say its Bigfoot, lets not try and explain it some other way. You are so brilliant. Your common sense is jsut overwhelming. Your mom must have done a great job of raising you. So strange how very few people on here respect you, I dont get it.

    3. The has an occipital bun, reminiscent of Paleo peoples, and Neanderthals. This skull was one of 2 or 3 of series of very unusual crania, found just a few miles from Lovelock cave. The tradition among the Paiute Indians, being that some very tall, reddish haired tribe, occasionally cannibalistic, once dwelt in the area. This being consistent with every other tribe in North America that have cannibalistic Giants intertwined in there Sasquatch legends. This matches the reports of the red headed male mummy (desribed as both 6 ft 6 and 7 ft) pulled out of the central portion of the cave in 1911 by James Hart, David Pugh, and Lawrence W. Crehore. The Paiutes have many traditions of the “Pahi-zoho” tall, hairy giants who would grab children in baskets, and eat them. The “Pahi Zoho” also has the name “Tso ‘apittse”, an ogre of the same class in Paiute folk lore, described as a monster who hunts down women, cuts them up, and eats them. Princess Sarah Winnemucca, daughter of the chief of the Paiutes in 1883 described the tradition among her people, that these red headed people were both cannibals and lived in caves. She called them “barbarians” and they would set traps for women, and children, and carry them off. These Otamid, Paleo types sort of do resemble a cross between Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man. Below is a report from the Paiute elders, that the tribe was also called “Numa Ticutta” People eaters... And they had red hair “all over their bodies”. source 2:

      A feature of the Lovelock skull is the large protrusions of the nuchel crest which is for the attachment of large neck muscles. Sasquatch are widely accepted to have no necks.

    4. Come on genius. Whats the hold up? Surely you can provide me with some kind of document or link with a professional analysis that this is a Sasquatch skull. Or are we merely to take your word for it?

    5. Still waiting on a professional analysis thats a Sasquatch skull. Not interested in widely accepted or folklore, show me a Osteologist report or equivalent saying thats a Sasquatch skull.

    6. @ 11:59 Here's an article that breaks down the Lovelock skull, among others, showing how it could be a sasquatch skull. Copy and paste it to the address bar.

    7. 11:59... 12:02... I sense anger. You won't find an expert opinion referring to it as a Sasquatch skull, because the anthroplogists studying it were looking for anthroplogical data in line with hominids... Sasquatch are relict hominids and in that paper, you have a skull that has the same morphology as Sasquatch reports that's linked to native legends of Sasquatch tribes in the area it was discovered... A legend I might add, that's the same as nearly every native tribe in North America who have Sasquatch in their legends.

      You were very welcome.

    8. Thats a great article, and I mean no disrespect but are you a Osteologist or a Paleontologist? I would be looking at an expert examination that would be willing to look into and explore other possibilities, rather than just Sasquatch.

    9. Do yourself a favour and actually read the paper... The anthroplogists certainly weren't looking for Sasquatch. And if you are the same poster up top, you're contradicting yourself, probably because you're panicy. You wan't the name "Sasquatch" mentioned, yet want an impartial source to analyse the skull?

      Hmmmmmm... ???

    10. Joe, the Otamid were not in Nevada. All of these are classified under H. Erectus, your statement of cross between Neandertal and Cromagnon features is...odd.

    11. 11:59... 12:02... I sense anger. You won't find an expert opinion referring to it as a Sasquatch skull, because....
      Everything after because is your opinion, and Im not interested in that. And theres no anger, Im only reflecting your own sentiment back at you. "Come on Einstein." as you chose to say to the above poster. If you cant handle your own attitude reflected back at yourself I suggest you file a "hurt feelings report" and discipline yourself accordingly. So now that we know the "bones" you linked arent necessarily a Sasquatch lets move on to the next evidence you provided us with, the Scat. Please, show me a coprologist /scatologist analyses showing how that came from Sasquatch and not possibly any other animal.

    12. I read the paper, thank you. Dont worry about whos contradicting what, see this is another desperate attempt on your part to change the subject. "You won't find an expert opinion referring to it as a Sasquatch skull" is all I needed. You seem so desperate to interject every topic with your opinions. However, as Ive stated, youre no expert, so Im not interested in your opinions. If you could just stick with the facts and answer the questions, we'll be ok.

    13. Danny...

      "As it turns out, Otamids are defined as long and low headed with elongate distal limbs (ie. they were hunters like Late Pleistocene Europeans), are present right into the eastern Archaic and Middle Woodlands periods and are described simply as plesiomorphic relative to 'derived' Americoids, resembling similar populations in Europe and Siberia and lacking Mongoloid features in their cranium and face. He cites Birdsell that 'Amurian' (Ainuoid) traits are present in California and Nevada - the Cahuila, Cupeno, Luiseno, Serrano, Pomo, Miwok and southern Paiute."

      12:25... Hmmmm, very angry. How do we know that the skull isn't a Sasquatch skull? Isn't sighting my opinion as an obstacle for your own a little narcissistic? No... We're not done at all, ha ha ha!! And like was put to you, Sasquatch are hominids, not gorillas and you asked for a Sasquatch which are relict hominids. You'll have to do a little better, for a source that's got the same morphology as a Sasquatch, found in a place where their is oral history of Sasquatch... No excuses now.

      : )

    14. 12:31... Again, so angry, it's beautiful. I'm no expert, but the anthroplogists studying that skull are. Please, grow up and stop using your safety nets, it makes you look so panicy and agenda driven. Ha ha ha ha!!!

    15. LOL ok well since this clearly seems to be a case of, if Joe says it its true, I guess Im angry then. However, youre opinion is no obstacle for me. If there were a professional evaluation that the skull was a Sasquatch and I disagreed, thats an obstacle. We have the opposite, and you telling me otherwise. Not very compelling. So we can omit the skull you linked, now on to the scat please.

    16. Oh dear... Forget what I think is true, it's the data that doesn't lie. You're getting personal and faffing around and not addressing the points whilst focussing on me;

      Sasquatch are relict hominids = Sasquatch reported in Nevada = relict hominid skull found in Nevada = your counter argument;

      "The anthroplogists don't say the word Sasquatch"

      ... Pathetic. Do you think any anthroplogists is gonna have Sasquatch in mind? You could pass a Sasquatch skull to any impartial anthroplogist omitting what it is (as is professional practice), and they'll tell you the facts about its morphology. Ha! You don't have the experts saying anything opposite of the sort, they are analysing a hominid skull... I can smell your closure desperation, it's beautiful... The scat can wait, I'm enjoying you sweat.

      : )

    17. This is fun. I repeat the same thing over and over, you offer more opinions. So then you are to tell me that this skull has to be a Sasquatch skull? There could be no explanation then? I mean you allready admit you cant provide an expert saying thats a Sasquatch skull. You obviously refuse to move on to the scat for the very same reason. LOL. Comical really. "The experts aren't gonna say it but I do and you should buy it". Convincing scientific argument there buddy. Funny how I ask one simple thing and time and time again you cant provide it, and try to cover up your failure with more and more of your opinions. You still havent shown me an expert saying thats a Sasquatch skull, and have failed to offer up any other alternative other than what suits your agenda all while accusing me of doing it. At least your transparent enough where even a child could see what you are trying to accomplish here. You cant prove the skull belonged to a Sasquatch, so thats inconclusive data, You cant prove the scat belonged to a Sasquatch, so thats inconclusive data, a bunch of inconclusives put together dont make your mythological beast magically appear Im afraid. Despite your desperate attempts otherwise. Once again prove to me that the skull belonged to a Sasquatch.(How many times is that Ive asked now?)

    18. The local Paiutes said that when the first came to Yosemite Valley, a tribe of giants lived there. The Paiutes killed off the giants. Around 1880, a mummified giant woman was found at the base of Bridalveil Falls. During the Gold Rush, a miner found a skull deep underground in Calaveras County. He thought it was human, so he took it to a doctor, but the doctor said no human had an occipital ridge like that. The whereabouts of the skull and mummy are unknown.

      J.R. Harrington examined a couple of Bigfoot skulls in Santa Barbara, California in the early 1920’s and thought they were some sort of bizarre and archaic “giant” Indians.

      According to Grover Kranz, a Bigfoot skull was discovered in California in 1964 and was given to the University of California. They said it was “human” and threw it in their collection of human skulls.

      There are reports recently of Bigfoots being shot and killed and others of Bigfoots killed in car accidents. In many cases, the authorities sealed off the area and took the bodies away, never to be seen again.

      In Washington state in the early 1960’s, the body was actually lifted off by the proverbial black helicopter along with federal agents dressed in black.

      After the Mount St. Helens eruption of 1980, helicopters airlifted many dead animals, including two dead Bigfoots, out of the area. The Bigfoots were found in a river canyon. They were lifted out with the rest of the animal carcasses to a makeshift landfill some miles away where all of the animals were buried. Once again, coverup.

      In 1999, a Bigfoot was badly burned in a forest fire on Battle Mountain, Nevada. It was treated at the scene where a veterinarian and an MD (!) were both (!) called in, then it was taken off in an unmarked van so it would not be spotted to a university hospital in the Bay Area where it was studied and treated for a few days. Then it was released into the woods about 150 miles from where it was taken.

      All personnel present were forced to sign affadavits testifying that they would not speak of what they saw on penalty of job loss, loss of government G-1, G-2, etc. status, and loss of government pension. One BLM firefighter spilled the beans anonymously to researchers, but he is still in hiding.

      Bigfoots get shot all the time in the US.

      Bigfoots have been shot or shot at ~20 times in the past decade alone. Most of the time, people just shoot at them, and no one knows what happens. Quite a few other times, the Bigfoots are hit, often with more than one bullet, but they just scream and run off. Sure, you can kill a Bigfoot with a gun, but it’s not so easy, and you will probably just make it mad.

      It appears that some humans have been killed by Bigfoots in recent years, including multiple killings at a BLM campsite off Highway 395 in Inyo County.

      All incidents describe a subsequent government coverup.

    19. Well obviously Im not going to get any rational responses out of Joe. When you can learn to accept the facts and stop presenting pop culture science and folklore as facts you might actually convince someone one of these days. Doubtfull. But maybe. When you are done jerking off to yourself maybe you'd like to read some facts on the case.
      I mean come on, red hair? LOL, youre embarassing.

    20. It doesn't seem like fun... Ha ha!! You aren't strengthening your position by clinging to a lack of the use of the word "Sasquatch" with anthropologists not remotely concerned with the topic. How would an anthropolgist come to the conclusion it's a Sasquatch skull, when they make no indication of such legends in the paper, and when there is no accepted morphology of Sasquatch anthroplogists traits in 1967? Come on bro... This is desperately easy, why isn't anyone else coming to your defense? The data is as follows...

      Sasquatch if existing would have to be a relict hominid = thousands of years of cultural Sasquatch reported in Nevada = relict hominid skull found in Nevada precisely, exactly where such legends said they were = skull just so happens to have Sasquatch morphology.

      ... My opinion comes in here.

      Scatology is the study of fecal excrement, as in medicine, paleontology, or biology...
      Scatological studies allow one to determine information about diet, healthiness, and diseases such as tapeworms... Not recognising new species. Even samples of human fecal matter at archeological sites like the El Salt where Neanderthals once lived, could do so confidently because they already knew Neanderthal sheltered there on a long term basis. A scatologist would have to have a sense of what it already looks like, and wouldn't Sasquatch scat look like, well... Really big human scat like some of those photogpraphs? The only way you are going to determine scat of a Sasquatch is with DNA, and there are problems... Dr Henner Fahrenbach;

      "I am concentrating now on blood or tissue, as the hair holds no promise. Feces do so even less, since the DNA collecting has to be done while they are practically steaming fresh, and it is improbable in the extreme that anybody with fecal DNA expertize would stumble onto fresh sasquatch droppings."

      Oh... And lastly, for the sake of not going around in circles for other readers, you have to show me something more than merely alluding to my mere opinion... It's irrelevant here. Grow a pair and show the legends are not what they are, or that the inumerable reports of Sasquatch do not fit that exact morphology of that skull... It's pretty much required, crying don't cut it son.

    21. Robert Lindsay says women lust after him!!!!!!!!!!!!

    22. Oh... And 1:30? Don't you think that Sceptoid source is a little redundant when... There's actual biological evidence to support the legend? (Pfffft) regardless, I took the Sceptoid source apart over a year ago as follows;

      "A written report by James H. Hart, the first of two miners to excavate the cave in the fall of 1911, recalls that in the north-central part of the cave, about four feet deep, "was a striking looking body of a man “six feet six inches tall.” His body was mummified and his hair distinctly red." Unfortunately in the first year of mining, some of the human remains and artifacts were lost and destroyed. "The best specimen of the adult mummies was boiled and destroyed by a local fraternal lodge, which wanted the skeleton for initiation purposes." Also, several of the fiber sandals found in the cave were remarkably large, and one reported at over 15 inches (38 cm) in length was said to be on display at the Nevada Historical Society's museum in Reno in 1952.

      The Paiute tradition asserts that the Si-Te-Cah people practiced cannibalism, and this may have had some basis in fact. During the 1924 excavation of the cave, a series of three human bones were found near the surface towards the mouth of the cave. "These had been split to extract the marrow, as animal bones were split, and probably indicate cannibalism."

    23. "As the excavation of the cave progressed, the archaeologists came to the inescapable conclusion that the Paiutes myth was no myth; it was true. What led them to this realization was the discovery of many broken arrows that had been shot into the cave and a dark layer of burned material under sections of the overlaying guano. Among the thousands of artifacts recovered from this site of an unknown people is what some scientists are convinced is a calendar: a donut-shaped stone with exactly 365 notches carved along its outside rim and 52 corresponding notches along the inside.

      But that was not to be the final chapter of red-haired giants in Nevada. In February and June of 1931, two very large skeletons were found in the Humboldt dry lake bed near Lovelock, Nevada. One of the skeletons measured 8.5-feet tall and was later described as having been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to Egyptian mummies. The other was nearly 10-feet long.

      [Nevada Review-Miner newspaper, June 19, 1931.]


      This is absolutely HUGE….and it guts the wimp-out of Dr Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian who under (doubtless Jewish/Mormon) pressure, and as an obedient fed-government employee, came up with the lame reasoning that “we don’t even know if the Solutreans of the Ice Age (22,000-17,000 BC) left any descendants at all among modern Europeans…..” This is the same group of “scientists” at the Smithsonian who completely covered up the Johnson Canyon mummies found in BORED HOLES in solid sandstone cliffs near Kanab, Utah in the early 70′s!!"

    24. "Eric Johns offered an example from 1911, where researchers named Pugh and Hart had found the remains of large, red haired humans at Sunset Cave close to Lovelock, Nevada. The remains found there were over seven feet tall, and some of the remains were shipped to the Smithsonian Institute by L.L. Loud, an archaeologist with the University of California, one year later.”These notes are still on digital file at the Hearst Museum of Anthropology,” Johns shared, “listed under reference number 544, An Anthropological Expedition of 1913.” But interestingly, Pugh and Hart, while releasing the majority of the remains to the Smithsonian, also managed to keep a number of the strange artifacts and bones they found, including several skulls, which Johns says remain today at the Humboldt Museum in Winnemucca, Nevada. The boxes obtained by the Smithsonian, however, cannot be accounted for so easily:

      [The University of California] seems to have misplaced the skeletons, yet the other material is still there and on display in their exhibits. The same can be said of the Smithsonian, who still use some of Loud’s artifacts for their Southwest exhibit at the National Museum of the American Indian. Again, no giant skeletons to be found in their exhibits or catalog."

    25. "The Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California published a paper on Lovelock cave, and wrote:

      “The site has been extensively pothunted and many materials remain in private collections. Lovelock Cave, despite years of destruction, is one of the most important sites in the history of North American archaeology.”
      Why is the site so significant? Because the artifacts represented items that showed there was in fact a culture of people living in the area that were quite unlike the nearby Paiutes – a tribe of people currently unknown in the field of human anthropology.

      The efforts of the first archaeologist to arrive, L.L. Loud from UC, turned up a treasure trove of relics, including some impressive duck decoys used by this unknown culture – but not a mummy, as claimed by many that recount this tale around the Internet.

      Unassisted, Loud conducted excavations in the cave from April to August, 1912, and collected approximately 10,000 archaeological specimens, most of which came from three locations."

    26. Robert Lindsay says he is universally attractive!!!!!!!!!!!!

    27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    28. Also...

      "A hair sample from Spirit Cave Man was analyzed by Craig Lahren, then of the Office of the Hamilton County Medical Examiner’s Office. In his report Lahren (1997:2) states, “… density and distribution of the pigment granules in your sample (2064) is typical of a Caucasian individual” and that the “… pigment granules in your sample (2064) are brown.” The report also states that the hair “… has a moderate shaft diameter with minimal variation, and an oval cross-sectional shape. All of these observations are consistent with hair derived from the head or more specifically the scalp of a Caucasian individual.”

      A hair sample was also analyzed by Joseph DiZinno of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratories, who observed “…numerous dark reddish-brown, Asian origin head hairs with broken roots, broken tips and much surface debris” (DiZinno 1997:1).

      Goodman and Martin note (1999:4) “we now judge the hair to be medium to dark brown and straight. In other words, the hair is exactly the color and form [sic that] is most common in Northern Asian or a Native American.” The hair studies performed to date do not allow the assignment of Spirit Cave Man to an affiliation with a particular tribe."

    29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    30. Bloody hell Joe, it's the usual craziness of people, who are SO convinced these things don't exis,t bothering to argue with you about it on a bigfoot website. This never ceases to amaze me. Just what are these posters doing here in the first place? Anyway, keep up the good work mate. Tim,U.K.

    31. "When you can learn to accept the facts and stop presenting pop culture science and folklore as facts..."

      Quite an ironic statement, considering Bigfoot/Sasquatch folklore was not a mainstream topic in 1967, let alone pop culture... And even with the release of the PGF (that was laughed at by most scientists), anthropologists were not swayed by any of the cultural cues of today and were more inclined with the facts in their immediate research sources; a reflection of the biological remains in front of them. Oh! And very lastly, and this isn't the first time Sceptoid has thought itself more knowing than native Americans' culture... But it's the single most ignorant thing in the world to tell Native Americans what their culture actually means.


    32. Hey Tim!!! How are you buddy, hope you had a good New Year? To be honest Tim, I get my kicks when they're around, regardless of their very apparent low self esteem issues!

      ; )

    33. Haha, nice one mate. Yeah all good thanks , hope you had a good festive time. All this recent stuff about sasquatch in the uk does make me laugh though. However, I loved the picture of the wildman from Newcastle cathedral posted here the other day. I guess you're seen Durer's engraving of the knight fighting the wildman? Seems they survived into medieval times in Europe. Know anything about Sykes' book title change? Cheers, Tim,U.K.

    34. Yeah, came and went didn't it? Yeah, the Sasquatch stuff in the UK is funny. Even though I'm pretty sure there were giant people's here at one point in ancient history (the Welsh have giant imbedded in their mythology in the Mabinogion). Big cats are really getting me hooked at the moment, I said it the other day here, but one the biggest concentrations of big cat sightings in the UK is down the road from me. As for Sykes' new book? Not a clue... It's been put back at least twice, maybe three times and with the recent leak by Adam Davies that Sykes was actually conducting field research for hair samples in the PNW, his book title changes?

    35. I think the ABCs are pretty much an open secret now. The government won't talk, but the existence of big cats in the uk is fairly accepted. Incidently, I live in Cricklewood (North West London) which is 'famed' for the Cricklewood Lynx. Interestingly, two people have told me that they have seen one in the area since the original capture of the lynx ( around 2003? after many years' of reported sightings), so perhaps there could be a family here. Cheers mate, Tim,U.K.

    36. Very interesting mate... I'll check a bit of that out. Take care buddy.

    37. Robert Lindsay says that sitting down in bathrooms with holes in the stall is perfectly fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. BIGFOOT could be a known unknown or a unknown that is a unknown - so U could know of an unknown that is known but how could U know of a unknown that is a unknown ????

    1. Go away Rumsfeld. You caused enough death and destruction.

    2. But Rummie, Cheney and Bush Jr. are a very close second.

  8. Labor Participation Rate Drops To Fresh 38 Year Low; Record 92.9 Million Americans Not In Labor Force!

  9. I like your sisters online job. A webcam. A donkey. A catchers mitt. Magic!


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