A Florida Fisherman Took This Photograph of a Skunk Ape

Is this the elusive Skunk Ape? A retired 66-year-old electrician named John Rodriguez claims it is. He sent this high-def photograph to The Huffington Post:

According to Rodriguez, the photograph was taken during a fishing trip on December 26th on the Hillsborough River near northeast Tampa, Florida.

"I fish for gar in the river and I bring my camera to take pictures of the birds and what not. I heard a squishing sound, looked over and saw this thing walking through the water and crouch down in the duck weed. It did not look like a guy in a suit -- it was definitely an animal. I took this picture and got out of there as fast as I could."

[via The Huffington Post]


  1. Replies
    1. That's a pic of joe's mother.

    2. ^ That is a really crappy thing to say about his mom! I would love to see what your mother look like!

    3. What a terrible thing to say. Check yourself. ^

    4. Joe's mother got AIDS from a black man.

    5. All cowardly Anon's that comments on other people moms
      are unhappy B/C their Mommies are so ugly and have sex with everybody in their town, Your mommies, are so ugly, when they walk by a mirror it breaks! So there!
      I had sex with your mommy, so you must be my son1 If we ever meet, God help you!

    6. I'm glad he's your son. I slept with his mommy too and I'm glad he's the son of one of the 40 others.

      As far as the photo of the Florida Skunk Ape, it's fake as the day is long. Bigfoot doesn't have a gorillas nose.

  2. something stinks about this way more than the skunk ape

  3. I have to admit even though it's fake it looks a million times more realistic than any of Standing's muppets...sorry Joe

  4. Totally real. This clinches it.

  5. Nose doesn't match any description of bigfoot--Next!

    1. ...yeah, this is just a gorilla mask with no attempt to alter the features...

    2. Did you notice the white skunk stripe on the skunk ape. This person wants people to see it's fake.

    3. ...I see it...You think its there to advertise that this is a hoax?,,,maybe...

    4. Yes, I do. I think it's done as a parody. Pepe le Pew bigfoot. A skunk ape with a white skunk stripe. Somebody is being humorous with this photoshopped image.

  6. 66 year old John Rodriguez AKA J-Rod submitted this vacation photo of his wife skinny dipping in Florida.
    He added "she is quite the exhibitionist but I still luv her"

  7. Please, please. Oh, please! Stop giving hoaxers a platform!

    1. Are you implying there is stuff that isn't a hoax? Haha good one...

  8. Replies
    1. F@cking lol!! You are kidding!??

    2. Well you can't be sure,if it's fake it's a clever idea to put it in water,i think we should stay open minded on this one xx

    3. Eva's on the sauce. Hide her keys.

    4. Eva, You CAN'T be this stupid, can you?

    5. Eva thinks everything's real.

    6. ^^She winked at me. All's forgiven....First time that ever happened, huh....

    7. FAF

      Read the huff article


    8. @Eva - I am keeping an open mind, the fact I even entertain the idea of Bigfoot proves this.
      But this doesn't look real, it doesn't seem alive, or like a real creature or animal. It looks lifeless and more like a prop or a digitally manipulated image.
      The fact that these creatures are supposed to be so elusive and hard to photograph, not to mention the amount of fakes and hoaxes there are means that yes we should keep an open mind to the idea of Bigfoot but not every single photo or video that is presented here.
      It's very rare, unfortunately, that I ever see some 'evidence' presented here that I think "yep, this looks like it could be legit" - but once in a while there is! Which is what keeps me coming back for more :)

  9. Clear evidence Finding Bigfoot has destroyed the field.

  10. o baby jeezus. must be an amatuer here. everyone knows to qualify as real valid bigfoot evidence the pics must be blurry, small and a little bit of blob doesn't hurt. need i say it is fake?

  11. A nose like that and it's in the water? Obvious fake but they could of at least realized they needed to change some facial features.... Standings material is 100 times better than this lol.

  12. It's a stump! It's Tim Fatsanio's mother! It's superman! oh by the way, it's fake. All videos, all photos presented on this site is hoaxed fakes! All of them!

  13. what a fake. can't they at least make it look as if its alive.

  14. Sykes tested all of the best samples from america that researchers were confident were bigfoot. So that should seal the deal right? Nope. Every single sample came back as a known species thus proving researchers are full of it and that bigfoot truely is a mythical non existent creature.

  15. If it was not such a clear and focused pic, it would be more believable. As it is, that gorilla mask has obvious seams where the hair is tucked in around the face.

  16. First, look at the trees. The water is obviously only a few inches deep. Second, all of the hair above the waterline is dry and there is no hair floating on the water. While it is possible that this was the greatest depth the creature reached, the line at the waterline is too precise.

  17. How cute, it even has a white stripe like a skunk.. fake... come on seriously.

  18. It almost looks legit, except for that stupid white "skunk" stripe! Come on man!

  19. T-fats taking his weekly bath?


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