Todd Standing To Reveal Real Reason Why He's Withdrawing From Bigfoot?

OK. This is getting weird. Todd Standing personal  profile has been taken down, but there's another one taking its place. It looks the the new page was put up about two hours ago, and it's super suspicious-looking. On Facebook, anyone can create an account claiming to be whoever they want, so we're going to take everything posted on the new page with a grain of salt. The latest post on this new page tells us Standing plans on revealing the "true" reason why he's quitting Bigfoot. If this is really from Standing, then it makes last night's announcement even more serious than originally thought:

Will the real Todd Standing, please stand up?

At this time, we cannot confirm if this Facebook profile is really Todd Standing or an impostor. There has to be laws against something like this, right?


  1. Well I already know why he is.

    1. Ok, this is more proof that facebook is for narcissistic white trash and douchebags!

  2. Enlighten us please super smarty pants^^^^

    1. Lack of $$$ and empty promises not delivered. He doesn't care about the haters, just himself and the supposed Sasquatch.

    2. "If" he is quiting, perhaps the pressure of being the scourge of such a large segment of his peers in the bigfoot community plays a role, coupled with his failed commercial ventures (the latest documentary) which the dollars are not coming in.

    3. So sorry to get off topic here but 2:24 can you please tell me where I can buy some of those super smarty pants. I only have a pair of regular smarty pants and I just love them. One only knows what wonders await with a pair of SUPER smarty pants!

  3. He a retarded Canadian Fasano wannabe

  4. US/Canadian Governments don't like what he's doing.

    Why do you think they broke into his place and stole the DNA samples?

    He's getting too close to the truth and that is very dangerous.

    There's a reason why there is no clear picture of bigfoot, anybody who takes one is permanently silenced.

    1. Actually, the reason is, they do not exist. I applaud your imagination though.

    2. I don't applaud the imagination. It's a tired story.

    3. It always goes back to the government doesn't it? They hire online shills, instruct game wardens to say it isn't their jurisdiction, and perform breakins to steal DNA.

    4. The governments have nothing to do with it, it is his wife and she is worried about how things could affect their future. You see, he is a hoaxer and a damn bad one at that!!!!

    5. Your loosing it DS.

      Just because a couple game wardens thought you were a nut and wanted to get away from you dosnt make it a giant conspiracy.

      Unless you have proof, besides the word of a hoaxer trying to cover his ass, nobody broke into anyone's house to steal DNA evidence.

  5. For God's sake won't somebody think about the Ewoks?

  6. lack of $$$ and no bigfoots
    muppets don't count

  7. I think the Joe Rogan clip finally broke their spine.


  8. Was nothing more than two Muppet heads in Standings house. Todd is giving up because he wont be able to raise much more than 1,200 bucks and this is not enough cash to take his fraud to the next level by creating winky and blinky their own bodies.

    1. Amen Kelly.

      He's taken some decent folks for a ride. Glad to see the back of him.

      The pressure paid off.


    2. MMG remains firmly seated and strapped in on the bigfoot train of ignorance.

    3. The Bigfoot's have a train?

      And I thought they didn't use tools.

      Talking of tools... How ya doing buddy?


    4. Standing quite cos MMG made him cry. We just need him to sort out Timbergiantbigfoot next.

    5. Ummm just what have you ever produced Mr. Shaw?

      That is correct nothing at all.

  9. It will be interesting to see how Meldrum tries to backpedal his way out of this one and pretend the last six months as Todd's biggest cheerleader didn't happen.

    1. Dr. Meldrum is doing fine on his own. He's his own person and is not intimidated by his own scientific community for ridiculing his bigfoot research nor the Standing haters who want to tarnish him for not hating Standing like them.

    2. Bollocks. Meldrum is naive as sh!t and trying to be tuff about it, not good.

  10. Why does Rev Jeff lisp? Put your teeth in man!

    1. He's done waaay too much Crystal Meth. And to keep off of it, he has to smoke pot 24/7 and claims its for medicinal use. Just like every other drug addict out there. Excuse after excuse. Watch his shitshow. He is constantly sucking on that bong vaporizer like Rictor sucks on dick.

  11. Todd is going to reveal that he has been coarsened into quitting...

  12. Well, it's been over 3 months. ...not a peep.


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