Does Bigfoot Braid Horse Hair?

Dr. Melba Ketchum claims Bigfoot periodically sneaks into her ranch braids her horses' hair. MI-BFRO researcher Jim Sherman heard about this decided to look into this strange phenomenon. He writes:

After hearing about the possibility of a horse letting a Sasquatch braid it's mane I figured it was important to research what might be the cause of the braiding. Was a Sasquatch to blame? Were they a hoax? Or, was it simply a natural thing that sometimes happens to horses? I spoke with horse owners and visited a farm to watch a horses mane get "braided." I also did more research on the subject than necessary and I added some of that as well. Spoiler: It seems like many cases of braiding may be caused by horses grooming themselves. Guess you don't even have to watch the video anymore. But the background video throughout most of it was taken from my ground blind near where some of the horses lived in Michigan. The horse in the thumbnail was not one of those I researched it just really liked me.


  1. The most ridiculous supposed evidence ever offered up, with the birthing station trailing by a nose...Ideas so preposterous that its hard to imagine the proposers can believe it..They have to be cynical con artists targeting the extremely ignorant and gullible...

  2. Here in Scotland horse thieves prior to stealing a horse have been known to mark the horses by braiding part of the mane so when they come back at night to take the horse they know which one to take.

    1. Here in England I often braid sleeping homeless
      peoples hair, before stealing their stuff.

  3. Replies
    1. How on Earth does this "pwn" Joe? Can't you say "own" like a normal person?

    2. because "joe"doesn't real. he is kill.

    3. You are correct "joe". But is does not take a genius to see you are a pleb level troll. No one could be as stupid and ignorant as you pretend to be and get by in modern,western society.

    4. Hey, it's King Troll to you... Where's your argument? Oh that's right...

      : )

    5. I'd rather have Joe here than an idiotic, window-licking troll like you.

    6. Oh you're SO funny! Did you think of that all by yourself? Pathetic waste of oxygen.

    7. go away dick your stinking up the place

  4. "The Duendi of the Colombian Andes... plait the manes of horses at night.."
    "This intriguing scrap of ancient folklore has cropped up again recently in connection with the Russian Almas (Almasti). A Russian scientist, Igor Bourtsev, and his wife Alya Bourtseva working in Azerbaydjan in the Southern Caucasus in 1971 discovered in various areas a number of mares whose manes had apparently been 'plaited' overnight; the mares were tired and sweating as if they had been ridden hard and fast. The significance of 'plaiting' and 'braiding' is unknown, but in some areas tradition has it that in this way the hairs of the mane of mares with foals are converted into a sort of stirrup into which the Almas insert their feet so that- lying under the body of the mare- they can suck milk as she gallops along. I am grateful to Rene Dahinden for this curious tale, and for the opportunity to examine and photograph several of these tufts of plaited hair. My own contribution to this romantic legend is depressingly prosaic. I instituted some inquiries among my horsey friends, and within a few days a package arrived from the Manning family living in Sarratt, Hertfordshire, containing several switches of mane from an aged gelding who lives in retirement in the open on their estate, exposed to the wind and other vicissitudes. The twisting of the hairs and the knots (half-hitches) were precisely as in the Azerbaydjan specimen. (I have since seen the animal and confirmed the phenomenon.) I think there is little doubt that the so-called plaiting is produced by the effect of the wind on a long mane which is continuously being whipped and twisted."

    "Bigfoot- The Yeti and Sasquatch in Myth and Reality"
    -Professor John Napier
    Abacus edition published in 1976 by Sphere Books Ltd.
    First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd 1972.

    A very good read.

    1. I've seen some of the wild ponies in the New Forest" where everyones favourite Chris Packham lives"grooming each overs manes xx

    2. Bla bla bla.

      I'll wait for the movie.

    3. It's a 12 certificate,your not old enough xx

    4. Hey EVA R. What is a 12 cetificate? Is that like pg 13 over here.

    5. Just to be nosy Eva R where ya from? if ya don't mind me asking of course, I'm from the United States........

  5. I wonder if horses do this to the wild hair of trolls also? Even these willy critters need that relaxing beta-endorphine release after getting their heart rates and blood pressure sky high every day chasing JOE around this blog.

  6. Ha ha, funny stuff Chuck! Hi Joe. What do you guys think about the retitle of Prof. Sykes forthcoming book? Tim,U.K.

    1. That it is nothing more than hype to sell a book where the conclusion is already well known.

      Why don't you grow up and stop playing make believe? Maybe get a real job instead of con man.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I heard the new title is 'Offhanded comments about bigfoot blown completely out of proportion by numbskulls'.

    5. ^ whispered with hands firmly clapped together, looking to the heavens. This coming from someone who fabricates Sykes agendas, yeah? Pipe down boyo... You're the least qualified.

    6. 8:45... "Why don't you get a real job?" Poor boy see's con men everywhere, now there's a conspiracy if ever I've read one... Cuckoo! The only make believe is when you make up a little scenario of how someone could remotely love you ten times a day, creepy, angry little jip.

    7. 8:45:00 , I didn't ask you. Why are you so rude? You complete Twat. Tim,U.K.

    8. wow joe is drunker than usual today- watch out he tends to get violent towards women and small animals

      no wonder him and BJ got on so well

    9. One day you'll be old enough to buy alcahol, then curiosity of imagining adults drinking won't be on your mind all the time.

    10. ^ so drunk he can't spell alcohol

    11. Yeah... Drunk as a skunk and still handing you your arss.

    12. BIG BOSS MAN of joe ( wierd lil freak from GB).Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 7:57:00 PM PST

      ^ listen up you lil drunk stooge!! Boy george is NOT
      a undiscovered primate,,
      Nor is he a SASQUATCH!
      You low iq dolt!

    13. Did anyone say he was? After all this time you're still reverting to circular arguments irrelevant at what's been put to you, without addrssing what's been put to you... I expected as much from someone who didn't know humans were primates.

  7. HA!
    I've been saying that the "braids" are from the horses grooming each other for years here.
    The really sad part is, Melba KNOWS this as she is a VETERINARIAN!!!

    1. Is there ANYONE who believes anything this woman says anymore. She has made so many outlandish statements that only the most delirious of Bigfoot advocates follow her anymore.

    2. Melba is a con artist. Of course she has always known what this was. What is sad is anyone believed her to begin with. Even sadder is some still do.

      Criminal fraud is my opinion of what Melba has engaged in the last few years.

  8. does a bigfoot shit in the woods? i don't think so.

  9. Hey TIM and JOE. Myself I really have no idea. A year and a half after the 3 part tv series may mean he has had some real bigfoot samples sent to him or maybe it is more junk. Will he include his being in the field with Adam Davies and Lorrie and what they witnessed, and the other researchers he has been in contact with?

    Everything since the series has been hush hush except from Adam Davies, which is the right way to go about it.

    My suggestion to you two since you are reasonable close to Oxford is to track him down there and give him the third degree and report back to us.

    1. Cheers Chuck. Prof. Sykes email address is easy to find but I doubt he would say much pre-publication. Yes, I heard Mr. Davies talking about Sykes's encounter... extraordinary stuff! Troglodytes? Tim,U.K.

    2. He'd say 'Run along and find me a bigfoot. There's a good lad.'

  10. This claim is so stupid! It's really getting desperate out there in big foot land!
    Who come up with these stupid ideas?
    Basement dwellers that's who. Nerds with no life! And Starbuck's regulars!
    Serious, no nonsense researchers laugh at these claims. But who are the serious no nonsense Big foot researchers?
    Name some:

    1. besides Sykes who crapped all over the phenomenon there are none

    2. Must have hurt when you heard about Sykes conducting field research. You neither understand the credientials of those affiliated nor have the stomach to admit it when it's pointed out.

    3. easy there snowflake- how many times have you made a COMPLETE BLITHERING IDIOT out of yourself by mouthing off about what Sykes was doing?

      two SPECTACULAR FAILS in the past year

      care to make it three in a row?

    4. Ok, allow me to give you a flavour of reality here. When Sykes himself hasn't ruled out its existence, is rallying researchers to get him samples, taking interviews about the topic and even stating he'd hoped to find Neanderthal DNA as well as conducting field research, totally rubbing your face in the closure desperation antidote, it's no suprise you'd love to put words in my mouth about what this new book title change is all about. Point is I don't know, neither do you... So sit tight and wait and see, if he's so obviously got nothing then why the sweat?

      Fails? Bro, I still make you cry on every angle you can think of.

    5. Hybrid

      As far as evidence for an unknown hominid living in North America, Sykes has NOTHING.


    6. He didn't have a wide range of things show up in his results, doesn't mean they don't exist, Einstein. No circular argument makes the fact that Sykes is a Bigfoot researcher and still looking.

      That's good enough for me... There's always next time.

      ; )

    7. And just like every other bigfoot researcher ever, he will always return empty handed.

    8. Keep praying he doesn't... You come across all sweaty.

  11. Sorry Jim, you blew it big this time. What horse owners believe is irrelevant, yet you offered it up as supportive evidence. Why did you not show the video of the mane actually being braided? Because you do not have it. If you did, you would have added it to your pathetic attempt at corrupting the mind's of viewers. My personal experience, is that when someone on the farm is interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon AND they have thought about horse mane braiding, then the Bigfoot will braid the horses manes. And the braids are exactly as Melba has shown. You failed to consider that farm owner interest in your amateur study. Your single photograph does not match the multiple twists and turns that are required to create Melba's evidence. Your evidence requires only a single direction of twirling. Therefore, your evidence does not match anything nor prove anything. As further proof of your taking grand leaps, you offered up a chemical blood analysis without actually performing a chemical blood analysis. Where the H did that come from? Stick to your knitting Jim.

    1. And I should add a third requirement for Bigfoot horse mane braiding. The horse's should be pastured in an area with many nearby, ungroomed thick forests.

    2. Ha Ha - good one. That is exactly it. When someone on the farm is interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon AND they have thought about horse mane braiding then the (ahem) BIGFOOT goes into action. I have a friend who has horses and I have thought about Bigfoot AND horse braiding so guess what? They will find their horses braided (just don't ask where I was the night before). I'll wager Melba can also weave a mean braid. Thanks for pointing that out - it finally makes sense now.

  12. Do any of you dolts own horses? I've got a half dozen pictures on my phone that the wife has sent me, all showing what I could pass off as bigfoot braids in their manes and tails.

    So stupid.

    1. You should make some money off of them. Bigfoot may not be real but the money rubes hand over is.

    2. Horse people know better. More proof that these footers aren't the great outdoorsmen they pretend to be.

  13. That picture looks like a vagine.

  14. What a stupid topic! And yet you idiots comment on it! Shawn, you better get more interesting BIG FOOT topics, and quit posting this crap! This site is going down hill FAST!

    1. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Free market, exercise your ability to choose.

  15. How dare you!¡ Clueless Joe says there's no doubt Ketchum is right.

  16. Bigfoot also f***s horses, too.

  17. Not only the weather causes a horses mane to become braided/tangle,but here is statement from a long time horse owner and Bigfoot enthusiast. As a horse owner for several decades my experience has been a little different concerning the braided/tangled manes and tails. I sure think the grooming idea is valid in some cases, but I also know that horses roll. When they roll, at times they really get in
    there and scrub! All it takes is a small branch or twig to get
    tangled to start the 'braid'. It also depends on the type of hair each horse has - some have very fine manes/tails, others are more coarse - and the length of their manes/tails makes a difference also. Over the years some of my horses lived with me in three distinctly different places in different states. Those who's manes/tails tangled got tangled in each of these locations. Also, if I sent the horses to a friend/trainer many hours away the tangling did not stop and the horses who's manes tangled got tangled there as well. Wouldn't some of the Bigfoot hair it's self be braided as well from the numerous eye witness accounts if this is/was a trait of this unconfirmed species..........

  18. i have two horses here and they groom each other all the time and create braids in each others manes.. also have a security camera in the stalls and there are never any bigfoot on the cams..


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