Alabama Minister Thinks She Recorded a Baby Bigfoot

An Alabama minister believes she has captured the sounds of a baby bigfoot, and even a protective mother bigfoot "hitting" her dog.

Mary K. Scruggs, an Alabama minister from the North River area, told Cryptozoology News that she was in her upstairs bedroom watching television when she heard the sounds late in the evening of Dec. 4.

“My bathroom is on the back side of the house, and I always keep my window open to let a little fresh air in. At about 10:27 p.m., I could hear something out back, and it was loud enough that in the next room with the TV going I could hear it,” she explained. “At this time it was crying continuously. The whole time I am standing there I am thinking where is Sledge my German Shepherd.. He goes ninety to nothing when he hears the slightest noise.”

Scruggs estimated the creature to be at about 300 feet from her house.

The audio recording, which lasts about one minute, contains a series of high-pitched unidentified animal calls followed by dog barks and a yelp.

For the entire article, visit by clicking here.



  2. The little fella was crying for his mama

    1. Its a good thing a bunch of Asian ladies didn't swarm him and cut his head off!

    2. The little fella crying for his mama sounds like the pussy calling out Mike B.

    3. Remember when mikey was claiming he had hours of footage of a clan of squatch frolicking outside his woodshed?

    4. We do. Now he's off to work with legitimate researchers. Can only end in hoaxing and tears. It always does.

  3. And of course she automatically assumes it's a baby bigfoot.

    1. You can't prove its not, therefore it is.

    2. Now you sound like Joe Bitch

    3. Thanks! That was my Joe impression.

    4. Did anyone notice the time she supposedly said she saw it at 10:27 PM? And the video footage is DAYLIGHT? ITS DARK HERE IN THE SOUTH at that time of night...just saying.

  4. If she had witnessed seeing something she might could tie whatever made that sound to a bigfoot, but in the absence of that to declare it's a baby one crying employs a lot of imagination.

    I have seen stories of infant bigfoot observed crying and it was similar to human babies.

  5. Replies
    1. It's there. There on the stair. Next to the bear, who is eating a chocolate eclair. Don't stare!

    2. 1. Search your rectum.

      2. You will discover your hat adjacent to your skull.

  6. ummm... thats Chaka from land of the lost!

    1. I always wanted to bludgeon Chaka with a crowbar. Does that seem wrong somehow?

    2. Ha I forgot his name but that is what is thought it was running from a sleestak

  7. Its a chicken squawking. You hear that on any farm.

  8. Actually after letting a friend of mine listen to the clip she and I both compared some sound clips and determined that the sound is a porcupine. The dog is barking and then yelps as if hurt. So if a porcupine was screeching in alarm, to warn the dog off, the dog got too close, got a face full of quills, then that explains why the dog yelped..then started barking again because the dog was then upset for having quills in its face. And for anonymous it did sound to me like a chicken squawking to me too but if you look up on You Tube about Teddy the Porcupine and then compare, it will really sound similar and make sense. The lady might have thought squatch because might have never heard the sounds a porcupine made before. Honest mistake.

  9. she stole that photo from the Beacon big foot site based in Beacon N.Y. and was deemed a hoaxed site!

  10. BOBCAT BARKING there is no doubt as I have heard them hundreds of times deer hunting

    you can here on here

    1. North American Porcupine would be as rare as bigfoot in Middle Alabama. They just don't range that far south. No populations in the southeastern states. I've hunted all over Ga and Alabama and never seen a porcupine. Don't ever remember anyone ever seeing one.

  11. I think Reverend Scruggs got bitten by a rattler one too many times.

  12. It's a fox, plain and simple. These self-proclaimed "researchers" have no idea whatsoever what research is. They think walking into the woods with a recorder, a video camera, or a still camera and whispering, "Did you hear that?" is research. And where did they learn this? If any of these so-called researchers did any actual research they would find out very quickly what the majority of these "unknown" sounds are. Have a listen:

  13. It sounds to me like a cougar getting nailed

  14. The Skin of the "baby" Squatch looks like rubber, the hair looks fake too.

  15. Who took the photo accompanying this article? Was it the Reverend? It looks kinda like a critter I've seen in a movie.

  16. Who took the photo accompanying this article? Was it the Reverend? It looks kinda like a critter I've seen in a movie.


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