2012 Snowmobile Rider Has Bigfoot Encounter in Pennsylvania

The fine folks at 'Today in Bigfoot History' posted this report of a snowmobile driver in Pennsylvania having an encounter with a creature reported to be over 10 feet tall!

"Then he saw two of the trees shaking. The snow fell from their branches. McDonald felt he was in a movie watching something emerge from the woods. Just then, he saw the back outline of a 10 foot tall man walk between the trees. It turned its head to look at McDonald.

McDonald was certain from the slump of its shoulders and the way it turned its neck, he looked right at a real life Bigfoot. McDonald watched as the creature moved back and forth, shaking the trees. Then it turned and walked off in the other direction."

For the entire article, click here. 

Bigfooter Dax Rushlow has an "encounter" of his own while out snowmobiling.


  1. So scared he couldn't go back the next day or day after or even a week after to examine the tracks. Probably was so scared he couldn't report it till after the snow melted. Hmmm! Now that's scared.

    Nice first ALL CAPS!




  3. I'm pretty sure that this guy eats bowls full of dicks for breakfast

  4. hands up, don't shoot! hands up, don't shoot!

  5. Get ready for a call from mainstream science. That was the definitive proof we've been waiting for.

  6. um wolf tracks would be it
    bang bang have nice day


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