Photo of The Day: Baby Bigfoot In Backyard?

Photo: Courtesy Michelle Brown

This photo has been making the rounds on Facebook. Apparently, it's some kind of "monkey" or possibly a baby Bigfoot. Our question is: What's it doing in someone's backyard? Doesn't make any sense. The raw photo is below if anyone wants to dissect it:


Very close cropped. You can definitely see its face.


  1. Replies
    1. Fake AC, you are a sick twisted pedophile!

      Take Care.

  2. Fake AC, you are a sick twisted pedophile!

    Take Care.

  3. I dont care what anyone says, I LIKE this photo!

    1. Is this Michelle Brown as in the Browns with the habituation site?

      It has a long face like a baboon!

    2. Well,,,,, turned off flux and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I dont like the legs. And it is really fuzzy.


    3. It does look like a baboon. It could also be a macaque.

    4. Hey CHICK. The Brown's with the thermal and habituation is named Sarah Brown.
      Oh and a good day to you.

    5.'s fuzzy because it's partially cloaked.'s New York state...and NOT a macaque or a baboon.'s sitting in a 5o gallon lower legs and feet are hidden. Last but not least..even the author of this site doesn't have a clue. Perhaps you folks should do some research, join a real Sasquatch group...(if the ADMIN will even let your dumbasses in)....sit back shut your mouth, listen and LEARN. You're missing out on the discoveries of the MILLENIA and don't know it. You're pathetic and sad actually. And now I yeild my words of wisdom to your rants and raves and calling me names. Thank you for proving my point in advance....for you must change your HEART before you can change your MIND.

    6. Morning Chuck and thank you for that info! It helps!


      I was interested in listening to you until you called me a dumbass and now I think you are just some guy on here ranting. You seemed upset and claim others call you names but I know I havent called you a single one.

    7. 3.59- we can do without ignorant people on here thank you.

      Kind regards (not really)

  4. He is setting in a Remo bedpan. What you got a bedpan setting in your backyard for? Time to clean up your backyard

    By the way. FAKE

  5. t's a Doll dummy's. A dummy doll! boy! are you footers DESPERATE!

  6. Many years ago, me and numerous bored nerds started a "Big foot Hoaxers club". we have one member that is a talented artist. He made up numerous Big foot track boots, weighed and very detailed. Dr. jeff Meldrum, show a pair of "Casts" at a Big foot conference, and said they were the best "Real' tracks he ever saw! Boy! did we have a good laugh, and he is STILL showing them off! "We" have several members across the country
    that reports "Big foot sightings" and "encounters", all the time! Many are on the B.F.R.O. data base! Boy! Did we get a good laugh! "We" made a lot of Hoaxed videos, and put them out on Youtube! Boy! Do we get a good laugh! "We" even follow "Big foot researchers" and when they would knock, we're off in the distance, and wood knock back! They do calls, we answer with calls! Are membership is growing, as it is the "Most fun" to do!
    You "footers' are FOOLS for believing in Big foot! "We" are keeping this Myth alive and well. "We" documented all our Videos, all our reported sightings, all of our reported encounters! One day, when the timing is right, we will show everybody, what IDIOTS you footers are. Boy! what laughs we have!
    More to come. . . .

    1. well whaddaya know all these years later and still a bored nerd

    2. No longer bored! Our membership is still growing, we're having a ball! Boy! are you footer's dumb!
      Our members includes:
      Rick Dyer
      Tom Biscardi
      Todd Standing
      Kelly Shaw-"Keep up the good work Kelly!
      Derek Randles
      Bart Cutino
      Tim Fasino
      Justin Smegia
      to name a few~!

  7. this is the real deal folks

  8. Sasquatch is as real as my fucking nuttsack. The sooner you closed-minded idiotbags living in your parents basements can get the fuck over yourselves, the sooner we can all move on.

    When the truth is revealed, I'm going to hunt down every single one of you douchecanoes and fuck you sideways with an unlubricated baseball bat.

  9. Joe will dissect it alright AND he will masticate to it furiously.


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