New Season of Finding Bigfoot Premieres this Sunday, November 9 at 9/8c

The team is back with new investigations and compelling Bigfoot evidence! Watch the 2-hour season premiere of Finding Bigfoot on Sunday, November 9 at 9/8c.

The search for Sasquatch goes 24/7 with Bigfoot Cam, hidden deep in an undisclosed location. Join the search for Sasquatch yourself.

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Then continue the mission by visiting the show site for Finding Bigfoot where you'll find plenty of exclusive Sasquatch evidence and compelling footage. Be sure to watch this playlist of the Top 10 Bigfoot Sightings!


  1. Replies
    1. Law Enforcement Defines Election As Referendum Obama’s Amnesty Means ‘Tidal Wave’ Of Illegal Immigration...
      “The law applies to you and I as citizens, and yet it appears there is no law when it comes to illegals”
      GAME OVER !!!

    2. Please I don't live in the USA as it looks like you guys are f*cked.

      I bet bigfoot doesn't care either.

    3. fer shure caws wes abin amurkins ans tham mexicuns votin ans gits tham jobs

    4. How many years of game overs, the world is going to end, and epic stock market crashes are you retards going to predict before you realize you are retards?

    5. when Obama stays in office
      for your SAFETY

    6. GAME OVER
      after tonights election results

    7. riots after the elections
      then GAME OVER

    8. Can't wait to find out if Matt finds a ponytail this season.

  2. Touch Screen Flips Votes in Key Senate Race!!!
    the NEW NORM !!!

  3. ans tham mexicuns gits avotin ans takin tham jobs ben doin it fer yeers

  4. I wanted to vote for pro-bigfoot candidates, but I can't seem to find any. I guess they are all content to write off the lunatic and Welshman vote.

  5. BOBO and MATT are bigfoots GURUs they been tracking bigfoots for years

  6. Ebole killin tham afrikies shure is ans nows obama fixin to brings tham folks heers sos we gits it. iam sayin NO SIR keepin tham folk thar

    1. There's no real threat or outbreak you idiot.


    3. WHAT THE ...
      EBOLA aint like the FLU
      U DEAD in 21 dayz with EBOLA and U got 70% + chance of dying from EBOLA

    4. Which flu Spanish that killed nearly 50 million? Or Asian Flu in 1957? Hong Kong in 1968

      or just under 5000 Ebolas deaths, if you believe the news and I haven't seen all those bodies have you?

    5. No because they incinerate the bodies
      for your safety : )

    6. Soylent Green,it's people.

    7. ifn i gits tha floo i live ifn i gits eebola i diee

    8. U gits that thar blood in U poop U gits ebole fer shure

  7. U thinkin SAFETY then U thinkin NSA

  8. I thought Finding Bigfoot was finished? Is this the last season or what?

    1. MAT Tand BOBO will survive memoirs of finding BIGFOOTs

    2. I actually watched an episode last night. Why are they the only ones who hear a BF response when they let out a call? They cant play back the parabolic recording?

    3. Are you saying that Cliff and Bobo are hoaxers? Oh of course you are because you are the only 'legit' reseacher who has jumped on the BF gravy-train.

    4. 5-6 seasons and they have nothing? Seriously bro, that's not even possible!

    5. If "Finding BF" actually find a BF, the show is done, that's why they will never find him! Once BF is proven, this blog is done too! Shawn posts a wookie video, but won't post my pics...Gee I wonder why? He should be posting good BF evidence, not a wookie video with absolutely nothing to see!

    6. Incorrect.

      They will never find bigfoot because they don't exist.

    7. well bro... your such a great researcher that you have to beg to get your kodak instamatic pics shown?...hmmm now all buddy buddy w/ are a scammer sir

    8. DS, why don't you get something of note before you start running off your big mouth? You come off as extremely jealous.

      If you have a big problem with Shawn, take it up with him and stop bitching about it. You can always start your own Bigfoot blog if you don't like what he says.

    9. I'd say extremely confused! This is about BF EVIDENCE RIGHT?? How bout letting judge the Kodak pics for themselves? I don't have a problem with Shawn, but seems like he does with me?

    10. Anon 12:30, can you please describe what "Scammer" means??

    11. Another thing Anon 12:30, I am out in the woods scouting my *** off! I come out bleeding, tics all over me (I'll be shocked if I don't get Lyme disease) poison ivy, sore and sweaty, rain, snow, or whatever, I'm out there trying my best to prove BF! So if I get something, yeah, I would like it posted, I worked extremely hard to obtain it! How many people do what I do? I'm not being arrogant, I'm just saying its tough when I'm out there alone most of the time, and I finally get a good pic, and you guys can't see it...quite frustrating.

    12. DS, I would say the judgement on your touted "Possibly PA Bigfoot Sighting" video is there for you to see. It has less than 3000 views and more thumbs down than up. Not exactly great acceptance. On Randy's blog about Dyer (which is only very peripherally about Bigfoot) you continually bring this video up. The reaction has been tepid, yet you think the video is significant regardless.

      You want your piece of the bigfoot coverage pie but you don't have crap to justify it.

    13. There's an old saying put up, or shut up.

    14. D.S., there are a lot of people who work hard and don't have a lot to show for it. That doesn't mean it will always be that way- but for now, it is what it is.

    15. Anon 1:44, please tell me the last time I posted, or even mentioned the video on Randy's site? The video didn't get TV attention, so it wont get a lot of hits. The video wasn't clear enough, I admit that, but I did film something, and like I said, we were scouting that area for BF, because of all of the tree breaks, visible from the road, it's bombarded with tree breaks, and trees place sideways, like 20 feet up...So I do believe I filmed a BF.
      I have 2 new pics, of 2 BF behind trees. EVERYONE I've shown the pics to, are pretty blown away. I showed a staunch skeptic the other day, and he said "Now that's a good pic, where did you find that on the net"...I said, no, I took that....he walked away from me (as if to say, wow, I'm speechless!)
      So I'd love to know why Shawn won't post it?
      If he thinks it;s crappy, great, let's see what everyone else thinks?

  9. i dont care wut yoo haters say Finding Bigfoot gonna git tha job done this season fer shur

  10. ******SPOILER ALERT*******
    They dont find one.

    1. Well Im sure they will get a whole bunch of blurry videos and quick little 2 seconds snippets on night camera that someone here will constitute as "plenty found". So Ill change my spoiler alert to.
      They dont catch one.

  11. UNPRECEDENTED: Obama Forces Insurance Industry to Withhold 2015 Prices Until After Election
    but Obamacare is FREE !!! why withhold 2015 prices !!!

    1. Fox News is calling, they are missing their idiot.

    2. ^^ the big gay jon/homo bob is in da house

    3. obamacare covers them gays and its FREE

  12. Wow.

    Earlier Joe said the pgf is "crystal clear" footage.

    I don't think there is a single bigfooter that would agree with him there.

    1. I didn't see the footage, but Joe's an honest guy trying to prove what he believes in. Since most BF footage is blurry, it probably is quite clear.

    2. he does not need to, for he is a sheep,,and joe is his sheppard

    3. ans tham mexicuns gits thams jobs shure do

    4. Yes I have, I'm assuming it is an enhanced version?
      Joe can't go out into the field, so I have been sending him pics and info I've gathered over the years. He has a passion for BF, that I truly admire, and we are helping each other learn more....Unlike u trolls!

    5. yous findin tham mexicuns yous findin tham bigfoots caws thays livin in da boosh shure do

  13. The world has plenty of real monsters - bears, crocodiles, giant anacondas, great white sharks, etc. and there are species yet to be catalogued all over the world. You can mount serious, exciting expeditions in many places - especially today given that we're so wealthy.

    It's people that are too lazy and cowardly to do something of any significance that do fake monster "hunting". They know there isn't anything that will harm them and they can pretend to see bigfoot from their car on the way to their mommy's house.

    1. iam sayin seein tham mexicuns bordar jumpin ats night thays been doin it heer fer yeers

  14. Bobo is the intellectual Joe always wanted to be.

  15. Compelling Bigfoot evidence! , Hmmmm, I wonder what it will be, I think I know! Could it be a gimmick to get more viewership, hmm,hmm,hmm..........


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