Les Stroud Spotted At The Sasquatch Summit

Credit: Author J.M. Bailey

Didn't we say that Les Stroud is now a big time Bigfooter? He was spotted at the Sasquatch Summit last night hangout with Olympic Project's Derek Randles. Author of Eve, J.M. Bailey took this snapshot, and it wasn't blurry at all!

Last week, Shroud spent some time with Kelly Shaw filming for next season's Survivorman Bigfoot. According to Shaw, the weather started mild, but got a little cold. Shroud's son was Bigfooting as with the crew as wel.

It's unclear what Shroud's next plan is for Survivorman Bigfoot. We wouldn't be surprised if we see Randles on an episode next year.

Derek Randles of the Olympic Project and Ridgewalkers is one of the biggest names in Bigfoot research. He has been a 'footer for years and has collaborated with some of the biggest names in Bigfoot research including Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Cliff Barackman, James Bobo Fay and countless others. You may recall the extraordinary thermal footage (Grays Harbor Thermal) from a couple of months back. Ed Brown recently got in touch with Randles for this awesome interview:


  1. Notice who he's NOT hanging out with.

    1. If the camera would pan to the left u would notice him holding fraud standings hand

  2. Replies
    1. Rick Emmett and triumph for sure...the blinding light show

    2. Yes Sir ! Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush !!!
      Hey mmg,mmc,m&n's(peanuts)! and co.

  3. is that all you can come up with?please!!! even if its a bigfoot figure you have to determine to the viewers that its not a guy in a suit.blah blah blah and more blah.Like i said before 'give it up already' and quit leing to the people


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