Dr. Ketchum Teases Giant Bones of Unknown Hominid

Does Dr. Melba Ketchum have the goods? We don't know where this bone came from, but like many people, we're pretty curious as well. Ketchum has been teasing Facebook followers with just enough evidence to send more people to her GoFundMe page. She's currently at $4,385 out of the $9,000 goal she needs to continue with her DNA testing. Ketchum writes:

Here's one of the samples we're trying to get sequenced. It's a huge arm bone. Were it complete, It would extend from my shoulder to my wrist and I have long arms and legs! Look at its diameter. The cortex is rough with extra calcification from bearing extreme weight. Isn't this a good reason to donate to have it sequenced in order to find out what this came from. You can donate to have it sequenced at http://www.gofundme.com//b1f5ak


  1. Replies
    1. Melba can tease my bone anytime

    2. Are the super friends still around? Where's Ernie?

    3. Jeb Bush to save US all in 2016

    4. Hillary Clinton to control us all in 2016

    5. Why would a 'successful' business woman like Ketchum need to scrape together $9K for this?

      What a mess.


  2. Replies
    1. I wonder what Harry Bandini would do with that bone!!!!!!

    2. Make you a good 2 feet taller

  3. Give me money, I have a big bone

  4. That's the bone that made her sore. I'll pay $17,5000 to the first person that licks it.

  5. Boy! things are getting Desperate out there in Bigfoot land! Running out of Ideas boys?

  6. Clearly the structural composition of this bone make it within the range of human weiner.

  7. All these wiener jokes but I'd bet the average "bone" around this place is 2 in. max and unable to make a dna sample.

    1. Well, I would say that is only true of the trolls.

  8. I don't get the title of this. The subject deserves serious consideration, even though Ms Ketchum is compromised.

  9. US GOV. compromised by the GRAYs

  10. US GOV. compromised by the communists! When/If Hillary takes control, she will order you, what job you will have!

  11. really people i am 43 and people still talking bout bigfoot if he did exisit back when i was little i think he should be dead now how long does bigfoot life expand please do tell ?

  12. Very funny, did you notice: both extremities are absent. Without these parts, this pieces of bone could come from a big mammal. When photography is clear enough, it could be easy identify the specie but without these parts, it's another story. I'm skeptic.

  13. The piece shown on this website look more like a femur than humerus. Just check on human bones charts (Over the tickness, size and weight, bigfoot skeleton is not so different than human). The bony overgrown on upper right, on both pictures, seems to be fovea capitis or the head of femur. I could be wrong, i'm not an expert but this bone don't look like bone arm. If I may add, I'll be curious to know DNA analysis result from a bone and clearly manipulated. We will found human DNA for sure.

  14. This woman is a charlatan and I will wager a tidy sum that nothing will come of this. Her and Dyer need a sound thrashing for such schemes!


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