Classic Breakdown: The Todd Standing Bigfoot Photos

With Todd Standing back in the news, here's a classic breakdown by Phil Poling of the Todd Standing bigfoot photos. Enjoy.


  1. Joe: I reject this because it doesn't confirm to my preconceived notions.

    1. Dang... now I know why that bf looks so familiar... it's actual a photo of todd before he shaves in the morningn

    2. That's been pointed out before.

    3. Daaaaaaaammmmmbbbbbbuuuhhhhh!!

      That looks just like Todd Standing!!!!!!!!!

  2. Why does Poling sound like Steven Hawkins?

  3. EVERYTIME someone takes a pic of a BF EVERYONE says, "WHERE IS THE CLOSEUP of the FACE!!!! There is NO DETAIL!!!"
    So when someone takes a close up of a face we get "WHY is there only a CLOSEUP of the face??Why is there SO MUCH DETAIL of JUST THE FACE?"

    Just sayin

    1. Really? All I did was contributed some historical critiques that were stated early on the topic. Explain to me, if you are capable of typing more than 4 words, how that is more idiotic than coming in here, not contributing to the topic at all, without having the courage to register, and just dribbling all over the comments. Without one iota of anything toward the topic. Or is that what you are, a amateur troll? You really are a waste of atmosphere.

    2. I'm not 3:30 but it boils down to context. It's hard to look at a single photo seemingly edited video and question the circumstances around it.

  4. Hang the hoaxer high ladies and gentlemen

    Even ones who hide behind a faux Bigfoot conservation agenda.

    No one's buying that crapola.


    1. Why don't you go down to Tampa and give your bff t/fats a good reach around...

    2. Joe bought it. He gave this fraud money.

  5. Any reasonable person would agree it's not real.

    Hear that Joe? MMG? Knowers are blowers.

  6. Standing is a hoaxer sure--
    But "why would you hire actors?" What a lame question--
    It's called reenactments --for footage that needs to reshot--do to various media problems--even flashback of a young todd standing--Don't base insenserity with the lack of knowledge of production values--Tired of Poling's pompous attitude--With that said--Yes Standing is a liar--

  7. Break down not really necessary to see that it is Todd with his make-up on!

  8. Every time this video gets another view Joe gets epically pwned by Polling and Kulls

  9. wow you know what you get when you cross a computer with a whore?
    yep thats right. you get a frakin' know it all

  10. Man, the bigfoot community is a bunch of jealous AHOLES... So whoever did the makeup then ahold be doing 200mill dollar films, because he's the best out there

  11. CANNOT BELIEVE that some people are even considering the thought/notion that this is authentic........

  12. This must be Phil Poling's site now. All his crap is up here. Nothing else.


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