Wildman Sightings In New York Date Back to the 1800's

I find older accounts of bigfoot creatures amazing. There was so much wilderness back then, and I doubt very much hoaxing would have been taking place.

“...[The beast] sprang into view and bounded away at lightning speed, uttering demoniacal shrieks. Hays and White were badly frightened, but retained a vivid impression of its looks in the passing glimpse they caught of the flying creature. The “Wild Man” as described is about 4½ feet in height, broad and well-built with general characteristics of man. The body was enveloped in a covering of dense, brown hair, and the arms apparently terminated at the elbow.”

This was not the first time the “Wild Man” had been seen in the Town of Maine. A few weeks earlier, in late August, a group of berry pickers became frightened by loud shrieks coming from the woods. The sounds were heard both during the daytime and at night by several other people in the area near where Hays and White saw the creature. The newspaper also stated that another resident by the name of Jennings also claimed to have seen the beast after Hays and White, and gave nearly the same description.
For the entire article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. You cowardly imposter!! Onu is officially dead now, all further Onu is from this fake above.

    2. i've risen from the dead!! my mom brought me back to life as she breathed life back into her little onu boy

    3. your mom the idiot factory

    4. HOW IN THE HELL!!
      Can one bite a Fart??
      U dummys make NO Sence??

  2. They didnt have time to hoax back then. THey barely had time to feed their families. Life was so rough back then, that a bigfoot monster every once in awhile was no biggie, compared to everyday life

  3. These tales were told to influence the behavior of small children and the feeble minded.

    1. Good, then we know that your behavior has just been heavily influenced.

  4. The description sounds a wee bit off laddie! 4 1/2 feet tall? The arms terminated at the elbow? Was he protecting his pot of gold perhaps!?

  5. The JREF footers idolize a man who has a husband. Ha Ha.

  6. 4 ft Wildman taunted and called Shorty by the other Wildmen !

  7. Tales were told about the ferocious long tooth hairy beast that took children turned out to be a raccoon so hoaxing back then not likely but complete misidentification absolutely folks not to bright back then

    1. And the taller the tale the more books sold


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