This is What Bigfoot Bounty Co-Winner David Lauer Did with His Money

When it came to Bigfoot Bounty, the show where bigfooters and hunters squared off in teams to find DNA proof of bigfoot's existence, nobody was able to win the $10 million reward. But David Lauer and his partner Stacy Brown did walk away with $100,000 worth of grant money to fund their research. So what did David spend his money on?

"He laid out on display his thousands of dollars worth of hunting equipment: Game cameras, night vision recorders, heat seeking telescopes, DNA testing kits, a dart gun and plaster for getting foot print molds.

You can tell by the gear, deer and turkey aren't on the menu.

"Right here, this is the gear you need when you're going to look for Bigfoot in the woods," Lauer said.

He's a part of a North Florida based team called the Sasquatch Hunters.

David and his 'squatchin' partner Stacy Brown were actually featured on a Spike TV reality show called 10 Million Dollar Big Foot Bounty.

A show that promised a 10 million dollar prize if a team found the skunk ape.

David and Stacy did not win the $10 million, but they were the last team standing, good enough for a $100,000 research grant to find big foot.

"A lot of people have asked what did you do with the money," he said pointing to the table full of equipment. "Well here ya go."

For the full article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Dave Lauer ! Hail Brother, True Merican ..Army Strong !.".How they do it the south".! Tell Stacy not to dart me in the face.!
      hey mmg ! and co. I trust your tracking abilities friend

    2. Hey SM! Great to hear from you buddy.

      Hope you and the rest of the team are on it! Dave is a cool guy. Lets hope he never provokes that bluff charge right??

      Expect a mail soon.


    3. He learned more Ebonics. And he took some hip-hop rapping lessons. Nothing but a wigger from what I've seen and heard.

    4. Yea but he will cut your throat with no problem

  2. CDC to Purchase Body Bags in Anticipation of More Ebola Deaths
    Pres Obola say it all good : )

    1. And this has what to do with Bigfoot?

    2. bigfoots are primates - Ebola, is a disease of humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses

    3. ans tham mexicuns gits tham ebole thays shure is

    4. Republicans live by being afraid, spreading fear, misinformation, deceit and lies.

    5. I aint scuurd cuz Alex Jones gonna save us all

  3. Noone proven bigfoot is real yet?

    1. The evidence for an unknown primate residing in the wilderness of the US is real.

      Occam's Razor.

  4. "As I like to say, I don't care if he gut-shot his grandmother to get the money to rent the camera and stole the horses. WHAT IS THAT ON THE FILM?" - DWA

    Hey DWA, its a bloke in a suit mate.

  5. How's all that equipment working out for you, David? Didn't think so.

  6. The Bigfooters don't like any quick and easy way to confirm Bigfoot. That's because when these things are done it shows that Bigfoot isn't out there.

    The biggest manhunt in the history of Pennsylvania just successfully completed and it was done primarily in forested areas. Lots of aircraft with FLIR used as well as boot-on-the-ground with modern government technology. No Bigfoot. They also didn't find any giant beavers or any Pennsylvanian giant ground sloths.

    The Bigfooters won't talk about government or commercial FLIR being the way to confirm Bigfoot because they know that it would have already done that if Bigfoot really did exist. Within hours or days, the USAF would not only be able to detect and track Bigfoots, they would also be able to make names for individuals.

    1. "The Bigfooters don't like any quick and easy way to confirm Bigfoot. That's because when these things are done it shows that Bigfoot isn't out there."

      For decades researchers both directly driven and impartial have come across sign of an unknown primate in the wilderness of the U.S. Should someone come back with physical evidence like tracks, it's dimsissed outright by numpties up top by any means possible, whether it be attacks at the credibility of the individuals bringing back the evidence, or aspects of the process that have been tried and tested with scientific and professional consistency in transitioning into this field. This is the same for biological evidence like hair, this is the same for footage, this is the same for audio and this is the same for thermal. Bigfoot is most certainly out there.

      "The biggest manhunt in the history of Pennsylvania just successfully completed and it was done primarily in forested areas."

      And the most elusive creature on be planet is gonna stick around for the biggest manhunt in Pensylvanian history? Are these people stupid? You bet ya!

      "Lots of aircraft with FLIR used as well as boot-on-the-ground with modern government technology. No Bigfoot."

      Have you seen the verbal fumbeling these idiots do when you present them with thermal of 8.5 foot subjects? Pretty hilarious, it's obvious the 'author' of the comment up top is being perversely rhetorical... I might add, it takes very little intelligence to be this way. Also... Type in "Soldier BFRO" into Google, see how many 'boots on the ground' you see come uo.

      "The Bigfooters won't talk about government or commercial FLIR being the way to confirm Bigfoot because they know that it would have already done that if Bigfoot really did exist."

      So tell me... Would aerial FLIR be able to differentiate from bear blobs or Bigfoot blobs from a bird's eye ditance?


      Keep doing your theory group proud boyo.

    2. Haha Joe got smoked right there!

    3. Even if Bigfoot exists, might he not be in PA?



    5. Even if there are reportings, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are there now or in significant numbers. But this is a side issue anyway.

    6. I have no reason to doubt the reports, like anywhere else where they're consistently reported.

    7. Yet no physical evidence. There are people who insist on a suburban Sasquatch. I find that laughable for the most part and chalk it up to influences on popular culture in the last ten years.

    8. Do not know what the gov/t saw with their flir, they do not release this. They also did not get the fugitive with a flir he was found in a hangar. However I know a guy named Stacy Brown that got a darned good flir of an 8 foot plus bigfoot, as usual JOE is spot on and the angry guys point is senseless.

    9. 4:01... Tracks are classed as physical evidence, and they've been documented there alright. What's difficult about proving suburban Sasquatch, is the fact that concrete is hard to find trace on. Nobody is claiming they're roaming around in groups chowint on trash, curiosity has always been a major factor in sighting reports. If people are reporting Sasquatch in suburban areas where deer numbers are also encroaching, again I see no reason to doubt. Freeman Young is a very respected researcher and has contributed much research into this very aspect of Sasquatch behaviour. Again... I have no reason to doubt the reports which are few in relation to how rare a bold piece of behaviour would naturally be, especially in areas that have woodland transitioning such suburban areas.

    10. Your opinion is of course respected though, 4:01.

    11. if you refrence stacy brown in any way shape or form you are a complete idiot....thermals are by far the least credible and easiest to fake or misidentify ...but then again he knows this also...yes i think there is something out there...just think your choice of thermals is very week

    12. When the analysis of his thermal has an average height of 8.5 feet, then it's hard to not ignore the data I'm afraid.

    13. And when you see it hiding behind the tree and then between trees with a direct comparison to Bobo Fay then it holds its own extremely well. Of course this footage is only presented on the North Florida Bigfoot Episode from last November so go there and watch it. Cliff Barackman did hours upon hours of analysis at home then at the sight and came up with height at least 8 foot with average being as JOE stated 8'5". Indeed this is a Bigfoot and a large male one though not quite as thick as they sometimes are.


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