Les Stroud's Bigfoot Surivorman Update From Humboldt County

Les Stroud was shooting an episode of Survivorman Bigfoot in Humboldt, but he's currently recovering from food poisoning as of Monday. For those interested in what he has to say about the area, here's an update he provided regarding his research:

As for my night on the Hoopa mountain in bigfoot territory – it really was incredible. It poured icy cold rain the whole time. I had a Hoopa native with me to guide me to the place and we tried several times to get a fire going in the rain with no luck. We heard loud tree ‘knocking’ coming from a big cedar tree for a couple hours - and then all of a sudden a rotted tree fell over very close to us – about 50 feet - (no I don't believe it was pushed) just as we were struggling with the fire. My guide said the creator was testing me all along – to see – would I persevere or quit and leave. When the tree fell it exposed a surplus of dry wood underneath – the kind you can crush into powder. Which we did and that, with my almost last match I got a small ember in the dust in the torrential downpour, blew it to flame and we survived out the night in that storm listening to traditional native stories and hovering over the smoky fire. I too wondered if maybe the spirits of the mountain just didn't want me there – but then an opportunity made survival possible and we stayed out the night. The tree knocking stopped even though the wind kept up but nothing else happened after that – it was a special experience to be sure.


  1. Les does not think the tree was pushed. Quite a coincidence. Just maybe a big guy was helping a forest brother out.

    1. Just maybe the rotten tree in the middle of a cold storm fell because of the elements.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Agree'd Chuck, he was with natives at the end of the day!

    4. Hey JOE. I only say this as a rotted tree can still stand for years before it eventually comes down and may go through many storms as mentioned, but we will never know.

    5. A rotted tree came down, while I was jogging in Central Park, inside New York City. does that count?

    6. Are there reports of Sasquatch in Central Park?

    7. if it was so rotten that it turned to a powder it was the wind people....

  2. Rain-wind-rotten tree falls down. Yep! it must be a Big foot. It is always a big foot!
    As I was hiking on a very windy day, my hat blew off! so was it a Big foot?
    0when I had to piss, the wind caused my piss to go on my leg! it must of been a Big foot, telling me to get out of his woods! Yep! always a Big foot!
    But if I was in West Virginal, it must of been the Wolfman, the sheepsqwuatch, the Lizard man, The Cave Dweller, or. . . it was WILD BILL, the phoniest of all Marines!

  3. the only trees that the Bigfoot push over, are the ones with either rotten roots or a rotten stump. They are not stupid enough to attempt to push a sound tree over.

  4. I.Love Humboldt County The Best Smoke and Sasquatch,Awesome!!

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