Is This a Baby Bigfoot Caught in a Tree? Let's Ask ParaBreakdown

This is an older video that left people scratching their heads. Some claim it is a baby bigfoot up in a tree, some say it's a porcupine. Others have no idea one way or the other. Phil Poling takes a look at it in this recent breakdown.


  1. Replies
    1. lookin lack them mexicuns caws thays needed tham jobs shure do

    2. Yeah, it's a baby bloke in a suit.

    3. Got baby monkey?

      I've got a million of 'em in my new role as an Impotent Screeching F---wit.

  2. Replies
    1. tham seels bein in teems nows days

    2. News flash. Seal teams rescue people the same way lifeguards shove peoples head below water..
      Not really in their DNA...

  3. Gulf Coast Bigfoot Organization (GCBRO) on the hunt this Friday - GAME ON !!!!

    1. thays be usin tham guns ans knight vishun to killin ones of tham bigfoots critters

    2. ^ this guy really thinks he is funny

    3. whuts tham wurds u be ausin caws tham aint rite no sir

    4. I don't think he's trying to be funny, just annoying, and he nailed it.

    5. Leave rumfer alone. U DIGG..

  4. ans tham mexicuns brin in that thar ebole

  5. good old tazer buddy matt k.....trying to push parafakedown on us yet again sorry matt no need for personal attack breakdowns,we now have someone who actually breaks down the video itself not the person whom filmed it

  6. This is clearly not a porcupine! The body on the creature is as big around as the tree it is sitting next to! The branch it is sitting on is snapped, typical of a bigfoot!!

  7. I'm with you! Can we get mk to look at this. Phil sucks way to fast to dismiss. Let's get a better look at it before we call it a porcupine. To me the face shape is definitely not porcupine.

    1. Porcupines don't have a face and shoulders like that..this creature appears to be pretty large, but hunkered down.....Look at the huge break at the end of the limb it's sitting on, clearly a BF break!
      They guy even says "Looks like a monkey" not that's a porcupine?

    2. I thought you were trolling, but no you are actually THAT stupid. I weep for the future of humanity...

    3. So says the guy riding a butt plug^

    4. ^^ That was not me...Someone bearing false witness!


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