Footage of Aussie Bigfoot Sniffing of Game Cam?

Jason H. has been tracking the Australian Yowie for a while now, and he's actually managed to capture something unique on his tree cam this time. The trick to getting this shot is by doing what their North American counter parts are doing: placing fruit in front of the game cam and wait for something to come by and take it. "We placed apples at apple rock. I think this is a Aussie Bigfoot," says Jason.


  1. That looks like a small head. A possum maybe?

    1. No! It's a bigfoot you wanker. The webpage says so.

  2. Well, the one thing I can see is LONG WHISKERS.
    This would indicate an animal with long whiskers.... cat? Possum? One thing is isn't is a bigfoot.

  3. Don't Juvie bigfeets have whiskers until their night vision fully develops?
    So heck ya it's bigfeets fur sur!!!

  4. Given the number of creatures that could be, we can only assume it's a Thylacine.

    A screaming, babbling, cloaking, ufo flying, jar pooping Thylacine.

  5. This place is a joyless cesspit.


  6. uh ooooh..............2 minutes to Whapner!!!

  7. Yeah. Whiskers. For the love EVERYTHING a freaking bigfeets???

  8. If your so sure bigfoot doesn't exist, why are you on every article giving everyone a hard time? I would think if I didn't like a certain subject I would pay no attention to it, I mean I hate soccer I guess I should get on a soccer site and just belittle everyone because I am absolutely sure that American football is the only football.

  9. if anyone has ever been t OZ theyd tell you its inpossible for e ape to live there and not be discovered never mond an 8dt 600pd ape man

    the place is a scorching desert. the outback is flat desert

    the fprest ares are small and easilt investigated

    utter nonsense as is all tall camp fore bodey man stories

    a few foot prints and eye witness accounts mean nothing. if they did then the loch ness monster is a living dino[ its not its 12 foot sturgeon ,seals and peoples imagination]

  10. You do realize this video is made by one of the J's from JJYowieSearch? Can't tell if they are a comedy act or just total morons but I do know that ain't no yowie.

  11. AHHH the land of marsupials, so this couldn't be anything other than a yowie? FFS!

  12. PFFT.....looks like a feral cat, or anything but a yowie unless they sprouted whiskers now. Source: I'm an aussie


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