Check Out This Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Artwork!

In this time lapse video, artist Dredfunn lays down some of his mad art skills on Planet of the Apes. His drawing of Caesar is awesome!


  1. Replies
    1. Meh

      You kidding me? Dyer killed another sasquatch and you can say is Meh?

      What's wrong with you people???


    2. Rick has had three Bigfoot bodies and none have seen the light of day.

    3. What's not to believe folks?

      If you already believe 9 foot apes live undetected in north america then it's not much of a leap to believe rick dyer.

    4. Dyer has nothing to do with bigfoot. It's a huge leap to believe a shuckster, if you happen to believe in bigfoot. They are unrelated.

    5. 4:51... I believe that you are aware of the innumerable sources of evidence there is for that "9 foot ape", and that you either are too stupid to understand the evidence, nor have to stomach to think back to the times you've been bullied around regarding it.

      Fear and denial can make a man do some silly things, like spend one's entire existence amongst a topic he hates.

  2. Bigfoot is like science fiction. Without the science.

    1. Nowadays, it seems to be a reality tv show about not finding or killing them.

    2. 4:21, the only science you're aware of is the type fed to you from fundamentalist quasi-religious types that THINK they're convincing themselves about a subject they need to listen to their superiors about.

      Pretty sad really.

    3. Oh... And evidence doesn't 'stop existing' because you have a preconceived default position that can't be supported, that's as anti-scientific as you can get, not true skepticism and in fact simple denial.

  3. The irony of making "another PGF Bigfoot costume" is that you'd accidentally over engineer it and revise the problem areas so that they look more natural and more convincing. The problem there is that although you have made a costume that looks more like a "real Bigfoot" with no weird bulging, no subduction, and properly placed breasts that really do flop around like mammary glands you have not replicated Patty which of course is a real Bigfoot.

    Back in the day, only a minority of the public believed that Patterson did not pull a hoax and that they really saw a Bigfoot captured on film in Northern California in the fall of 1967. If you somehow made an identical or even better version could you then expect the majority of the general population to think that it wasn't a hoax?

    None of the refutations of the PGF nor the critical review of the impossible timeline and certainly not the serial lies of Roger Patterson have had any effect on the small and steadfast fringe belief that the PGF is a film of a real Bigfoot and is not a hoax of any kind.

    If you thought that Bigfoot belief was naïve and maybe simpleton thinking, well it's actually worse than that.

    1. 4:46 comment is a hoax.

      "small [ . . . ] fringe belief". That's hysterical.

      Various anaemic sallies to debunk PGF on YT result in comments 90% in favour of film not being a hoax. The 10% "small fringe belief" is on the other side.

      Yeah, 90% = "small fringe belief". I love your propaganda.

      It's similar to your "BBC/Packham no attempt to recreate PGF" = Packham's own words "recreate, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek".

      Which is it today? Where does your opinion land on BBC bigfoot? Today, is it a stupendous job which "proves" PGF a hoax? Or is it your opposite/fallback position today, which you stated: "BBC bigfoot was intentionally poor in order to keep the bigfoot gravy train rollin'".

      Which is it today? Stupdenous? Or, intentionally poor "to keep the bigfoot gravy train rollin'"? As the two views are 180 degrees out from each other, what is your determining factor, day to day, which will cause you to choose one or the other? Does it have to do with medication, or some mental deficit?

      Make up your mind.

      Strutting orange stick man looks just like Patty? or not?

      Oh please post us five links to Bob H doing the hoe-down, would you? That would really assist the discussion.

      And then post links to hoaxes perpetrated by Pate and Kitakraze.

      Don't let us down now. Let's see those links!

      Will you be following Randi out the door, or are you waiting for a new illusionist to lead you?

    2. All the classic hallmarks of a RBF rage post.

      Too easy.

    3. Going by YouTube comments as basis of overall belief of the general population... Yea sure.. Make those numbers fit bro...

    4. 5:04 how about explaining the filming timeline in a way that makes sense in reality...

    5. "Rervised problem areas" this;

      ... That's right, organic tissue. I know hoe you like pictures cause you can't read, PGF Cry Baby, so you'll find plenty of pictures there showing tissue not achievable by any of your laughable and pathetic attempts to explain away.

      Well according to the widely accepted timeline from both camps (enthusiast and denialist), on the Friday...

      "Patterson and Gimlin leave Bluff Creek and drive to Eureka, CA, to send the film via airplane to Yakima, WA, to be processed."

      This would give ample time for the film to be processed. If the processing machine in Yakima was already running there would have been no need to "fire it up" on Saturday. Possibly DeAtely had an arrangement with this "friend" to develop any film Roger came up with "under the table".

    6. Oh... And, what you fail to highlight, is the sheer mainstream lack of understanding of what this subject is, let alone the footage being stabilized and cleaned up.

      You were very, very welcome.

    7. Oh and very lastly... Greg Long; he's been caught out falsifying interviews that were published in his book. The 'costume expert' that 'made the suit' has no record of Roger buying anything from him and had to hire a costume expert to make a gorilla suit that looked nothing like Patty. Bob H has more contradictions about the suit he wore than anything I've heard and can't even find the 'film site'. You see... There's money in hoaxing a hoax, especially when your target audience are largely skeptical of the subject already. Author David Murphy had spent 11 years writing the biography of Roger Patterson. In this time he interviewed over 70 people who had some acquaintance with Roger and Bob or people who knew them extremely well, and in that time he came across not one person who didn't think highly of both individuals, not to mention endorse their credible nature. This is in direct contrast to Greg ‘Liar’ Long who’s book was an attempt at making money from hoaxing a hoax.

      "Serial lies"... Indeed, some that help little children sleep better at night.

  4. What's more embarrassing for the bigfoot community this week?

    1. Rick dyer claiming he has another body.

    2. Melba ketchums dogman encounter.

    1. Yeah the Bigfoot community needs a House cleaning! Prison style

    2. Dyer has nothing to do with bigfoot. He has no influence on "bigfoot community." He's null.

      Dogman would be embarrassing perhaps for those who decided to believe in some of Ketchum's work. As maybe most in "BC" don't embrace her work, then, not very embarrassing to the "BC."

    3. RBF sweeping it under the rug.

      Too easy.

    4. No that I have any doubt but what are your sources for this? This has to make for some amusing reading!


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