Blair Witch director Eduardo Sanchez Releases More Images From "Exists"

Here it is. This latest image (above) is one of the lesser ambiguous shots of the Bigfoot that's starring in "Exists". From Blair Witch director Eduardo Sanchez, Exists is a brand new from about Bigfoot terrifying people in the woods. It hits theaters and iTunes on October 24.


  1. There will be no fisting up in here!

  2. gits tham dawgs you gits tham bigfoots

  3. This film looks utterly Fantastic!!
    As Magnificent as Bobcats Willow Creek movie!!!

    1. He'd be a lock for an Oscar. If he could get Melissa Rivers type access to HSN's midnight programming. Mommy checked out? Are sex tapes still financially viable?

    2. Bigfoot trouble: Mid-tarsal break NOT indicative of Bigfoot anymore

      Meldrum has to revise his ideas now

      What does this mean for Bigfoot evidence. Well, it weakens it just a bit more. After all these years, in normal science progress, the support for a theory should be getting better. We do not see that in Bigfoot research. The cards just continue to fall.

    3. From Meldrum via Facebook:

      Don Jeffrey Meldrum

      The story is over a year old. Frankly, Sharon Hill doesn't know what she is talking about. I haven't the time at the moment to straighten her out. And Suzan, if you perpetuate another inane thread along those lines again, I will delete you. Have a nice day.

    4. $10 says that Sharon Hill is paid by the same people that pay Karl Rose. Karl Rose is at least a secret administrator at and is the chief Bigfoot sceptic that everyone rally's around, while at the same time, Karl has written "Of course Bigfoot is real. There are just too many sightings for them not to be real."

      It doesn't take much reading of Sharon Hill's writtings, to determine that she does not have an open mind about Bigfoot. She refuses to go out into the deep dark forest at night, in order to ascertain for herself as to whether there is any truth to the stories. Which is the equivalent of a chemist never treading foot inside of a chemistry lab. Sharon Hill is a complete fraud. And that's a fact.

    5. The mixed race aspect of this movie totally sucks. Yeah we all know that black dudes with their white girlfriends go camping all the time. Total crap. Non realistic as usual.

  4. OblameA says Ebola not a problem. Thank god I was getting worried.

    1. NWO master plan in effect

    2. WHO and the CDC has everything under control
      SO no WORRIES

    3. Saturday at Newark Airport, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials rushed to meet with a United Airlines flight from Brussels and removed a passenger, believed to be from Liberia, suspected of having Ebola.

    4. i had no idea!
      good thing i comes here for my world news

  5. Yo, Sanchez. Another formulaic monster movie, seriously? Ugh.

    1. Zombies + Ebola = GAME OVER : (
      and a great monster movie
      U cant make this shit up !!!
      US has no travel restrictions for West Africa

  6. OBAMA in 2016

    1. I didn't know Bigfoot was so political.

    2. bigfeets lack tham mexicuns gits in heers ans stays heers in amurka

    3. butt why is dey sos politaclis?

  7. That first picture is MINE and now I'm going to sue your ass off Shawn!

    -Messila Hovey

  8. Need oblameA to stay in office can't lose my phone and those sweet monthly checks for not doing a thing.

    1. Sure in a National Emergency -
      Obama stays in until the Emergency is over

  9. Has anyone else looked at the fur/hair on all these professionally made costumes and said "yup. That's possible." Me neither,awful . The most ignored video of all is Matilda. Probably fake. Probably a hoax. BUT. The hair/fur on the subject in that short video isn't something a novice or fraud could just whip out at a moments notice. Chewbacca's hair was slicked back for a reason. Control. It made him look like a Wop from New Jersey.. Matilda on the other hand was sitting on her ass looking like' she'd be anywhere than the internet

    1. I'll go a step further. She wasn't just irritated, she was pissed. Again, I won't claim it's legit but it sure as hell more interesting than Shawn's line up of losers...

    2. Yes, want to see more Erickson footage. The delays are interminable.

    3. Erickson more than likely, sold his footage to people that will see that it never sees the light of day, ever.

  10. OBSERVED: I was out with my fraternity camping near the Illinois River. It was around early October. We were in a small clearing near the river under a small hill. There were several of us in the group. Me and two of my friends walked into the treeline under the hill to gather some firewood for the campfire. It was dark and we only had one flashlight.

    As we gathered wood, up on the side of the hill something started rustling through the panties. The hand on my thigh was warm and urgent and was thickly covered in rough skin and was probing probing probing...I had tights on and so reaching my furry slit was very difficult to navigate, especially in the dark. Whatever was on the hill started approaching us, maybe about 100 feet away but that was the last thing on our minds now..I was feeling the urgent hand pulling my tights and panties down and as I reached out for his hard dick it was starting to break some of the nylon of my panties and boy it felt big! We couldn't see anything but didn`t need to as he pushed through the dense brush of my wetness and pushed hard into me and thrusted hard hard hard and urgently...we both moaned wildly and his cum mingled with mine...then we went to sleep.

    One of my friends picked up a rock and threw it towards whatever was making the noise. It stopped just momentarily and then began running in our direction. At that we all got scared and ran back to the campfire where the rest of the members were. None of the rest of our fraternity members heard anything. We thought they may have been trying to prank us, but all said they'd been right there waiting for us to bring back wood.

    We all decided to end our outing and got in the vehicle and headed back to the campus. This is about the best I can remember what happened, it's been many years ago now.

    1. ALSO NOTICED: The only other thing I can remember right now is that there was a "musty" smell


    2. Alert Alert Alert.......4:26 is a hoaxing are in fraternities..... WOMAN ARE IN SORORITIES........

  11. BRFO

    OBSERVED: We lived on Little Pine Road, Emily, MN for twelve years and frequently heard odd animal sounds coming out of the woods. There was/is uninhibited wildness going on for 20 miles North and 15 miles to the South.

    Moments after I crawled into bed, my wife whispered to me, "Jim! There is something inside me !" so I quietly shifted up my thighs up and when I flipped over for doggy-style the light twitch took me on and on into orgasm,it sent me wild and I saw three sets of rainbows around the periphery of my vision and vague outlines of his dick head was pressed against the inside of my wetness.. After a blood curdling bi-syllabic scream, the dirty critter ran off.


    ALSO NOTICED: We frequently heard animal sounds coming out of the woods that I used to describe as a 'baritone wolf howling backwards in German.' Unlike a wolf's howl that starts with a high pitch going low, these sounds started low and went high...somebody was obviously going animal in there.

    1. ALSO NOTICED: The only other thing I can remember right now is that there was a "musty" smell

    2. OTHER WITNESSES: Just my wife and I and I had just turned off the bedroom light.

      OTHER STORIES: None of the neighbors wanted to talk about their experiences.

    3. ^ there was also an anal aroma coming from Joe

    4. When joe said he wanted to lick the rim I thought he was talking about daquaris.

    5. PIG.
      Joe would never do such a thing.

  12. You watch way too much porn in your Mom's basement.

    1. porn maybe but its at your moms house not mine

  13. how do you get a footer off your porch? for the pizza

    1. How do you get a skeptard onto your porch? Order a pizza.

    2. How do you pull off a hoax ?

      Post a picture of bigfoot !

  14. J Randi for first gay President and me for first husband !

    1. are most of the other jref footers gay men like you ?

    2. There is a trend, sunshine, there is a trend.

    3. ^ perversion all the rage now

  15. exit bob in the suit, stage right

    1. Bob never entered from stage left. He does a mean stop-motion-hairy-assed jerk-dance, though.


  16. “A strong piece of evidence which suggests that the footprints are not due to a hoax or hoaxers is from Dr. Henner Farenbach. He has studied a database of 550 track cast length measurements and has made some interesting observations. The Gaussian distribution of the 550 footprint lengths gives a curve that is very similar to the curve given by living populations of known animals with out much sexual dimorphism in footprint lengths. The standard error is very low, so additions to the database will not affect the result very much. It is not very likely that coordinated groups of hoaxers conspiring together for 38 years, the time span covered by the database of track measurements, could provide such a life like distribution in footprint lengths. Groups of hoaxers who did not conspire together would almost certainly result in a non Gaussian distribution for the database of footprint lengths.”

    It's fallacious to state that proponents for BF's existence are underestimating the nature and number of hoaxers, and then offer no reasonable estimate or counterargument for the quality of prints, trackways, and even morphisms and injuries cataloged and verified by primate, anatomy, podiatry, and other experts in fields ideally suited to ferret our hoaxed tracks. Even hand prints have been discovered, along with the numerous footprints and trackways in locations so remote and rugged the probability of their discovery, and the kinetic qualities demonstrated marginalize the probability of hoaxing to such an extent, the probability of them being authentic is more logical than the probability of them being hoaxed. Many kinetic impressions, on mountainsides, crossing streams make mechanical/prosthetic fakery impossible. I just believe more in a upright, bipedal, undiscovered primate is at some point more probable, than some jackass with a washing machine on his back, running up near vertical embankments, and jumping across woodland waterways, and striding 4-5 feet; all the while sporting 16-22 inch wooden/rubber/u name it prosthetic "bigfeet" in the hopes that discovery will be imminent. It's ridiculous.

  17. Replies
    1. Ladies and gentlemen Tony Stewart is in the house!!!!!!!!

  18. I found this article fascinating..

    I guess one of the most interesting aspects of research right now for me, is the ability of Sasquatches to speak a formal language. Language is a vital component to culture, tradition, and societal development and interaction. It could open a lot of doors to new theories regarding Sasquatch, and change the thought process of many that evaluate them in a research capacity.

    A lot of work is being done by some highly skilled linguists, and qualified researchers/analysts as to how language interrelates with Sasquatch, and what that could mean.

    I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did.

    1. Been working with the 6 month old all day to get him to say "mama" and his brothers name. So we were watching the Cops tv show tonight with him in my lap. I commented to his mama that they are a bunch of hillbillies on that show and sure enough junior blurted out "hillbillies". True story


  19. I think that I just pooped a little bit in my panties. But I like it!

    D Campbells.


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