Tim Fasano and Company Take to the Skies to Look for Bigfoot

Is Tim Fasano...

1. Throwing a REALLY BIG Birthday party?
2. Absolutely fascinated by balloons?
3. Going to permanently change his voice to that of a chipmunk?
4. Up to something crazy to try and capture bigfoot evidence?

Watch the video below for the answer.


  1. whats fatter the balloon or t-fats?

    1. ! The guy makes smoking look cool. ninety nine red balloons go by na na na

    2. Ah yes. Nina. 30ish years after than tune came out and she's still smoking hot. Plus there is a video somewhere on Youtube of her doing a border line metal version of 99 Luft Balloons. It ain't bad.

  2. is that his new gizmo in his hand...the snack cam...

    1. Cracker Jack's stepped up their prizes. It used to be a compass that was the coolest thing you could get. Now it's your own Global Positioning Satellite.

  3. Tim looks like one of those 70's troll dolls with his shorts going down
    to the tops of his feet. What is that? 4'5"?

  4. Notice that he's not far from a road! He's a Roadfooter, for the cheap and lazy!

  5. John Jones urinate on him


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