Stacy Brown Jr. Is Stupid Rich Now

Take a good look at that arm, folks. Does that look like an alligator leg to you? According to Robert Lindsay, that may have very well be primate arm -- until Stacy Brown Jr. sold it for $500,000! Dude is probably swimming in money at this point. So, was the whole alligator arm thing a cover-up? Supposedly. You can believe what you want, but here's the skinny from Robert Lindsay and we'll provide the link to his full post below:

Here is what happened.

The arm was found on a law enforcement official’s property in an area of heavy Bigfoot activity. The arm was dug up by a dog and had been worked by animals. The arm had hair on it. A FWS scientist was called in and said the arm was a primate. I know someone who saw the arm with hair on it and was there when the FWS made that determination. In order to believe Stacy Brown’s insane story, we have to believe that a FWS biologist is so stupid that he cannot tell a reptile arm from a mammal arm.

Within one hour after taking possession of the arm, Brown received a phone call from a very wealthy Bigfoot enthusiast in Ohio. He wanted to get involved. Brown said no. The man said how much would it take you to give up that arm. Brown quoted a very high figure – I can now reveal that that figure was $500,000. The man bit, unbelievably enough. The sale was made immediately, incredibly, the entire $500K was wired into Stacy’s account, and the arm was in the mail just like that.

Brown then started putting out fake stories about how they were going to test the arm even though they didn’t even have possession of it anymore. Very quickly, Brown called up a taxidermist friend and asked how much for an alligator arm. The man quoted $600. Brown said fine and bought the reptile arm. They then put out a fake story about the arm being tested and having been proven to have been an alligator, all to cover up the huge amount that Brown made on the sale of the arm. Brown is now, like the man in Ohio, a rich man. He is also a great big liar. On the latter count, in Bigfootery, he has found a happy home.

My source for this information: An anonymous source very close to Beyond Highbrow has revealed this very exclusive information to us. I know him well and believe him implicitly. This man is extremely close to Stacy Brown. He was present when most of the important events in the above story occurred. The source reports that some members of Brown’s team are disgusted and feel that Brown sold out Bigfootery for money. They feel that the arm may have been a real Bigfoot arm, but now it is off to some rich man, and we will never know what it was.

Because my new story will probably be torn to pieces, I will have a question and answer session below.

Read the full post here: Bigfoot New Birthday Edition Part 2


  1. Well there goes antoher artifact to the creationist museum

  2. For Dumbasses to believe only... LOL what a joke...

  3. it would appear that the young master Brown is getting quite the ego. He told me he is the hottest thing in Bigfooting now. Wether or not thats true is not important. That HE thinks its true is whats important because thats what drives him. Thats the basis for his decisions now. So I think HE THINKS BF owes him a payday for bringing so much to the field (his train of thought not mine). Oh Bouy I think we are in trouble.

    1. Well I think he may be right. Everyone is talking about him.

    2. If by " talking about," you mean how everyone is talking about the fact that the "bigfoot" in his footage is wearing sunglasses and Chuck T's, then would be accurate. Everyone is talking about him.

    3. If by fahaha, you mean, fag!

  4. Alligator arm. Bigfooting for dummies.

  5. So Lindsay is a A hole and so is Stacy...what's your point?

  6. Yes it is the forelimb of an alligator. Rubes. OBVIOUS anatomy here, but those identifications I'll leave to you geniuses.

  7. So now, the supposedly "incorruptible" Stacy Brown, the man beyond reproach, has sold out. All it took was some money to compromise this fraud. I will never again believe anything he, or anyone from his camp, puts out. He's a money grubber! He could have given definitive proof of Sasquatch to the world . . . and he sold it for profit. What a douche!

    1. believes everything Uncle Bob Lindsay writes ^

    2. Word to the wise- dont sit on uncle bobs lap

    3. Haahaha!! Wow there's actually people who believe Lindsay!?!?

    4. It is amazing that someone would believe Lindsay, although Brown does seem like someone who would sell it (not that I blame him).

    5. Sweet baby douchebaggery.......You are one gullible piece of work. I bet you think G.W. Bush planned 911 as well. This was simply another fooTARD who jumped to conclusions and was proven wrong AS ALWAYS. Furthermore, if you believe Robert Lindsay then I truly feel sorry for you.

  8. If someone that stupid was willing to pay a half a mill for a fake forearm Id take the fucking money too. Fuck it!

  9. 500K does not make rich a man... or a man rich for that matter.

    1. Maybe not technically, but it would be "life changing money" for a lot of people, me included.

    2. 500k makes for a fag! You're a fag for believing it!

    3. maybe but i`ll take being miserable in comfort over a life of freedom living in a shack and the richness of looking at trees

  10. Im calling bull shit,not even the most idiotic rich a hole isn't firking over half a mill for that piece of crap that has no scientific or any backing for that matter.

    1. Yep its a craptastic attempt to get attention. Funny thing to notice- good ol Stace is quietly riding the wave of attention here. Im thinking he likes it.

    2. Given the attention seeking videos he has put out, I'm guessing he does like it. I'm sure there will be a rebuttal put out by Stacey soon enough. Perhaps even a call to Lindsay to threaten him for good measure.

    3. yes it just more of the same from the footer crowd - same old fishwife gossip and untruths - it never ends

  11. This story is complete BS. Shawn knows Stacey and probably has him on speed dial. I don't see any opportunity that was given Stacey to reply. There was no opportunity given him because, 'IT'S ALL ABOUT THE HITS".

    1. Lindsay will always be a cross dressing schizophrenic who cannot discern reality from fantasy. Lindsay made up the entire story because his website was quickly sliding into obscurity. He too needs hits. Lots of them. Lindsay is going broke. He had to cook up some crap like this in order to pay the electric bill.

    2. I believe Robert Lindsay receives an assistance check every month and has a mother that is reasonably well off. He does complain about being broke though.

    3. ^^^ "Lindsay will always be a cross dressing schizophrenic who cannot discern reality from fantasy."

      Ooooooh yummy yummy ya have an address for him .am feeling kinky

    4. Have you seen a picture of him? If not, I think you may reconsider. If you have you will be going were no one has gone before (despite Lindsay saying otherwise).


  13. It was apparent that Robert Lindsay didn't even know how the story played out. He was so giddy that he thought he broke another story. I'm not saying that he did, but it's almost if he started making up more details because he was scooped.

  14. More about Lindsay's allegation

  15. Just when the stupid Bigfoot Bounty show was worse than you'd imagined, a complete bust, you thought you'd be free of hearing from or about Mr. Brown. Then, you hear about his mixed explanations as to why they can't find the thermal site for a recreation...or they found it but were too tired to walk that, a tree was logged and missing, therefore trees weren't lining up...I mean...they didnt know the computer graphic designer's location. In comes alligator arm. Nuf said. Perhaps THIS TIME, everyone will ignore the lying fool who keeps distracting research with crazy antics. Nope. Not over yet. The alligator arm was a stunt arm to disguise the fact that Mr. Brown got paid money for the REAL arm. Oh, I get it, because all of us deserve an explaination as to why someone would except money for something dead they found. How dare he! You guys are all idiots. He doesnt have one piece of legit evidence, get off his nuts.

    1. waddya stacy has mega-bucks now an` don`t give a hoot..he out partying

    2. This blog just gets dumber and dumber. I agree the winner of the BF show is a crass ignorant character and the continued visibility of him, among others just as nasty, ensures any real news gets nowhere, except here, along with all the trash.

  16. This is more wild conspiratorial crap from Lindsay regarding bigfoot. He was so far off the deep end with the Dyer "real body" after the fraud was revealed, it was incomprehensible. I agree with the above posting that his blog is fading away. His insane anti-American rants about government conspiracies and the glories of socialism have driven many away, I'm sure.

  17. Don A = DWA

    You must be on another suspension from the BFF dumb a s s. !

    1. BFF is a haven for trolls, run by trolls.

  18. You've got to laugh at RL. He bans everyone who doesn't bow down before him with phrases like "Face!"

    He thinks you can only get DNA from hair and that's why he believes it's not an alligator as 'they don't have hair'.

    He's that desperate for attention on his birthday, he keeps mentioning it every two minutes so people will wish him many happy returns. I wonder if he got a new, cooler pair of glasses along with a new roll of tinfoil for his birthday?


  19. Robert Lindsey is making shite up again just to get attention!!
    He did the very same thing with the Dyeria hoax.
    However....Stacey B is a douche, but I certainly do not believe anything Robert Sleazy writes.


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