Is This the Face of Bigfoot - Part 2 [Bigfoot Illustrated]

Here's Part 2 of "Is This The Face of Bigfoot" from Dred Fun. In this video, Dred takes into account of credible sightings from the internet and translates them into an image that portrays Bigfoot as more human than ape. It's beautiful.


  1. There will be no firsting today!

    1. No this is a picture of a native American during his peyote buzz! Or maybe whiskey? You know them damned Indians and their vices!

    2. Dred Fun's work is pretty cool, has to be said.

    3. This is the face on the Washington Redskins Helmet.

  2. awahhhh.... so cute. Just loving the way he braids his hair!! Yeah right, get real. Big foot, is a big, smelly, disgusting, carnivorous beast that can knock your head off with the swipe of a hand and then rip the rest of you, limb from limb :)

  3. from the reports people have said it looks more human than ape but probably a bit of both

  4. I'm pretty sure the eyes are supposed to be bigger--not the eyelids --and it looks like a horse must have braided his hair

  5. Looks like Willie Nelson to me..


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