The Bigfoot Attack of Chairback Pond Predates Patty by 60 Years

D.L. Soucy shares this story from Outing Magazine which was published in 1908. Soucy writes:

"This story, published in 1908 by the Outing magazine was written by R.B. Nason. It tells of an encounter by a camper on the Orson Stream located near Chairback Pond in Western Maine. It could be a total fiction, or it may be an encounter with a mountain lion, but the description of Jacks Injun Devil, as the piece was originally called, sounds like a description of a Bigfoot.

The creature that attacked this man was big as a man, covered with hair. which would mean it had no clothing one, (else how would one know it was covered with hair) like a dog, had red eye shine, and had a monkey like face. This sounds like a Bogfoot description to me."


  1. what on earth is the point of dredging up tales that are more than a century old..where no corroborating witnesses are available and the incident is sooooo far removed from the present era as to be useless to research ?

    1. The victim is almost certainly describing a BF type creature.

      The interest lies in the age of the encounter.

      This poor guy hasn't gone into the woods 'tree-knocking' after too many Finding Bigfoot episodes and got freaked by deer in the bushes.

      These hundreds and thousands of 'stories' are painting a clear picture.


    2. ok i take the is just sometimes it seems such a futile thing to do..the dredging up of old tales that could be real or could be just more tosh and nobody can decipher through the years at this point oin time..but thanks.

  2. Had a very similar incident happen to me about ten years ago near sofa cushion lake in Pennsylvania. Very scary.

    1. Bam! right in the love seat.

    2. Thanks Chick. You still coming over tonight to play the Panzer Commander and the Swedish milkmaid?

  3. Is this "Bogfoot" similar to Bigfoot? Inquiring minds want to know.....

  4. so many ums and errs in the first minute i had to stop listening.


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