New Bigfoot Book: BIGFOOT BOY: Lost on Earth?

Ask yourself...Do Bigfoot really exist? Do Bigfoot spaceships regularly visit our planet? What if a few got lost and started their own tribe? If so, are they hiding deep in the forest? Follow Errl, a Bigfoot youngster, as he wonders the forest lost. Will he survive the ten days until his fellow students return? While lost on Earth, he falls in love with a golden haired beauty. Errl meets humans while on Earth, a few seem to be nice, while others carry dangerous guns. Life is scary for a young Bigfoot on the run...Enjoy this fast paced and entertaining story. After all, you might meet a real Bigfoot one day...

Get the book here: Bigfoot Boy: Lost On Earth


  1. Replies
    1. While on earth "errl"(bigfootboy) ,falls in love with a Hot little Blondie,LOL
      gotta love it ,,

  2. .Do Bigfoot really exist? Do Bigfoot spaceships regularly visit our planet?


    2...No,not regularly...just at times.

    1. Coirtainly, just bend over.

    2. Earth is a kind of "request stop" for vehicular space craft...journeying from planet to planet they sometimes drive right on past when bigfoot has his arm stuck out for the bus-craft...s`a long wait for the next one too...and it`s raining !! ......damn !

    3. ^ grinning bus driver at the wheel

    4. Carlos castaneda, Yaqui way
      Of knowledge,
      Speaks of all this!!
      The tonal,,vs the Nagual,

    5. I got lost on earth once.But I'm not a bigfoot boy.Nor did I fall for a golden haired beauty. But I wrote a song about it. Want to hear it?

  3. There`s a mightily strange coincidence here...remember Gary McKinnon..he who hacked into US military computers and found evidence of ufo`s ...and now this book,by another McKinnon..verr strange.


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