Here Is Dr. Matthew Johnson's Response To Rictor Riolo's Habituation Site Video

Okay, folks. If you haven't been following along, about a week ago, Rictor Riolo claimed to have discovered the secret SOHA site where Dr. Matthew Johnson supposedly habituates Bigfoot. Riolo wrote in his video description, "At Dr. Johnson's secret habituation site. Is it a cloaked Bigfoot?". As you would expect, Dr. Johnson was not going to let get off the hook so easily. Johnson posted this response video yesterday causing a bit of a uproar in the community:

When asked about his thoughts on Johnson's response video, Riolo told us he was "amused". "I wish he had done a better job," he wrote in a PM with Bigfoot Evidence.

Riolo posted this SOHA Habituation last week:

Follow Rictor on Instragam:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you chick that was slow on the draw

    2. Hey Harry, any word on Joe? I haven't seen him for a while.


    3. No I haven't either haven't seen any emails or anything I seen someone write he went on vacation you may wanna ask mike he talks to him regularly or at least he used to

    4. Rictor is funny as hell that was great

  2. The Goat say Gooooooddddd joooobbbb!

  3. "not a bigfoot" .....? ...goodness,whatever next ?

    1. ans tham bigfeet gitin thar vittles frum Denneys thay shure is

    2. ^ guy with lil "knife" ...or small dick

    3. 3:39 no they don`t you plastic moron

  4. Replies
    1. theys bigfeets shure haz theym big ole dnglers dey shure doos

  5. The Troot

    The picture of the protesters outside CNN is exactly where protesters need to be. If they are going to throw lit up bottles of gas at something, it needs to be directly at the mouth of these criminals. All of those media outlets are majority share owned by the wealthiest men on earth. These are the people causing all the problems, they have every reason to lie because death keeps a gazed fixed on their advertising. Conflict benefits the people that point the guns. The government keeps it's power because you believe they are protecting you. They are not protecting us, they are stealing from us. Insurance companies getting huge premiums forced on us by law... they keep lowering wages... increasing the price of gas and food. The media tells the lies and makes the excuses for them.

    1. All the dum dum dummies, voted for bigger government, AND THIS WHAT YOU GET! So like it!

    2. Oh and by the way, thnx 3:58
      For the "Troot"

  6. And most people say, Romes empire ONLY lasted one thousand years folks, Hmmmmmmmm "Uh Oh".......

  7. They're both mentally unstable and extremely annoying.

  8. The whole bigfoot media crowd that are constantly featured on this blog (not referring to Matt J) and in the conferences as speakers are a bunch of unaccomplished left overs from high school.

    1. Ditto, including Dr. J. He sure likes to use that "Dr." certificate he got from searching through countless cracker jack boxes.

  9. Battle of the" nobody give a crap about" bigfoot hacks!!!!
    And the winner is??????????????

  10. My god this Johnson has the brain of a Johnson. That would make him a d i c k head. How utterly childish this idiot is and the idiot who runs this site calls him credible?? THIS is why nobody takes this subject seriously. It's filled with idiocy.

  11. Soooo Dr.Crybaby has homophobia?


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