Finding Bigfoot's Best Bigfoot Footage Video

Check out this compilation video Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot series has put together of what they consider to be the Best Bigfoot Footage:


  1. That's laughable and pathetic

    1. More pathetic than laughable. A pet monkey in a tree is among their best footage?

    2. Something stinks in ferguson MO

    3. ^ part of the blind and vicious establishment

  2. Dash cam video was admitted to be a teenager in a monkey suit.

    1. ^ You are so full of crap!

    2. "Sheriff Stacy Jarrard claims to have proven the sighting to be a hoax. Jarrard said he went out the next day to question homeowners in the area. At the first house he stopped at, he says, there were two young men, students at North Georgia College & State University, who were “acting really nervous. You could see their hearts were beating really fast,” he says.

      The two did not admit to the prank right away, but later in the week they copped to one of them donning a gorilla suit and running across the road in front of vehicles on the night in question. Jarrard says he even has a photograph of the two boys with the gorilla suit."

      The Finding Bigfoot crew KNOW this was a hoax but yet include it in their "best evidence" video.

  3. If that's their best footage, this subject just took a kick to the nuts.

    1. Ha! The joke is on you because we don't have any!


  4. Where has everyone gone, this place has gotten really stupid

  5. so boring in here..... I need to find something else to do....

  6. Read comments from postings a couple years ago......there are intelligent conversations! Too many morons trying to be funny now.

    1. ^^Try PBS then. There's a reason why The Big Bang Theory is more popular than a documentary on the history of spices. That was really on last night. Not a bad show and it had a hot chick having a borderline orgasm over nutmeg but it ain't Dr. Sheldon Cooper being an unsufferable, self absorbed ass. Big Band wins in a 1st round K.O.

  7. The "baby bigfoot" is someone's pet gibbon.

    1. Yah, right. And how do you get him to come home with you? I don't see a leash. If it was somebodies pet gibbon, it probably stayed and then died from lack of food.

    2. Go to Cliff Barackman's website, or if you look up the Finding Big foot website comment section (old posts) you can read about "The N.Y. Baby Big foot' was a pet monkey that escaped during the concert at Modena N.Y.

      it was "Proven" as fact! with A bill of sale certificate, 25 eye witnesses that saw 2 men with a pet monkey,. and a Retired State Trooper statement (the Trooper found the escaped monkey dead in the Road 2 years later)

      The Late John W. Jones, brought this "Evidence" at the Pawling N.Y. town hall meeting, as they were taping that episode. John was "Escorted" out of the meeting for having the "Balls" to bring this evidence up to the show's producers, which taped the episode any way!
      The N.Y. Baby Big foot episode was a FARCE!!

  8. Finding Bigfoot already has another block of episodes filmed. Has any decision been made yet if they will be filming more, or is this probably the end of a very successful run? Anybody know?

  9. 1 a gibbon. which was reported that year at the festival
    2 those were kids doing a man in a monkey suit prank. fact
    3 hoax ,another well intentioned footer who get frustrated with NO EVIDENCE so creates his own with a blurry film

    and this is "the best"

    1. Actually, monkey suits are pretty damn common. Get out much?

  10. would agree with peoples view that a couple of years ago there was intelligent comments on here

    its dunb now. full of strange people trying to be funny

    The decent posters have cleary left due to this type of films being the "best footage"

    a few years back we had the tent video[we all knew it had to be a hoax due to the persons inviolved. but it was a great film]
    all the FBFB films
    Ketchum study
    smeja shooting
    green thermal footgae
    Dr Johnson was credible a few years ago[the most credible according to this site]
    etc etc

    now all we have is nothing but "finding bigfoot" and "bounty" shit

    there is no 9ft 800pd ape people ambling about the National parks of north America. ye uts sad there isn't as it would bring much needed universal thrill to the world!

    this site needs to close down whilst it has some semblance of respect or rebrand itself for what it is. s site for hoaxers and weird people who don't have friends

  11. There's no policing in here-you might as well not even bother trying to make a point at all when you have wankers talking about Obama's daughters and stuff that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Then you have the idiots who are "working" and they are paid to write debunking statements about anything to do with Sasquatch. Who they are, and who they work for, I have no idea.

  12. This is the 'best' footage? None of it is even close to being convincing. What a load of hooey.


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