Couple Video Possible Bigfoot Along the Red River in Louisiana

This video popped up on our YouTube radar, which shows a large and dark colored something standing on the bank overlooking a couple in a boat on the Red River in Louisiana. From the audio they seem to be shocked at what's going on and believe they are looking at a bigfoot. We believe there might be a more common explanation though. Watch closely.


  1. Replies
    1. or a Schvartze-squatch like my Rabbi used to say.

    2. Me ganaste el primero!!! Mexican Bigfoot regresara mas fuerte que nunca!!!!

    3. tham mexicuns outs thar agins

    4. ans tham JEWsquatches shure is

    5. This is really fascinating, You are an overly
      skilled writer.

    6. My rabbi always complaining about the Schvartze!

    7. Not 1 of tham Gallysanacter, WILD BILL sayin leave tham critters alone

    8. You should be a part of a contest for one of the most useful comments online.

    9. is that thar rabbie a jabberin abuts JEWsquatches

    10. ^ our comments about comments should be part of a flushing contest in the finest restrooms.

    11. My rabbi hates Schvartzes.

    12. whuts all that catterwallin abuts rabbie ans schvartes ans such caws tham jewsquatches abuts

    13. My rabbi said his great grandfather helped fund the African slave trade in America.

    14. whuts tham wurds asayin rabbie ans schvartes ans such

    15. ^ Dat der is wuts called,,
      Fancy Talk. .

  2. Replies
    1. that all i gots too, lowercase,
      i c ant get get them caps for nothing

  3. Mr. Dodge told Callie Lund in 1965 that when he owned a ranch in the Siskiyou Mountains near Medford one of his heifers showed up with mysterious scratches all along her back on both sides reaching from her spine to her belly. Another day he rode over to see why the cattle were milling around in a circle and one was bawling. The same heifer was in the center of the circle and he saw long arms around her middle, then a sasquatch stood up--it had apparently been bending over sucking the heifer's teats. It stood and watched him for a second, then walked away, watching him and his horse, not hurrying until it got some distance from the cattle.

    1. Excellent. We need to hear more of this sighting. What was your initial reaction when you witnessed this.

    2. I am sure this comment has touched all the readers here.

    3. All these reports. What say you now, skeptics!

    4. Irwin Miller, Bureau of Indian Affairs criminal investigator, and Robert Hannam, Pyramid Lake Reservation game warden, told reporter Rod Foo of reports of a 7-foot apelike animal seen at night, and large footprints in a pasture where a colt was found with its legs and neck broken, and at Marble Bluff and at the mouth of the Truckee River by Pyramid Lake. The footprints were 14 inches by 6 to 7 inches, but not distinct, didn't show toes. A juvenile reported seeing a creature with long arms and a hairy body, about 7 to 8 feet tall, walking in a slumped position.

    5. This comment is genuinely actually good and very educational.

    6. And just how does it make you feel?

    7. it makes me feel awsome.because i thought fiction was dead

    8. And how does that make you feel?

  4. With all the cameras out there. It's only a matter of time


    1. Were getting there. This is exciting!

    2. Yes it is. I just hope they don't kill one of these or somebody gets torn limb from limb


  5. Observer and a friend were hunting in Dead Horse Creek drainage South of Goat Mountain. In late afternoon he sat on a stump overlooking a small meadow with a meandering stream through it, and after an hour a doe and fawn appeared. Then a large dark bipedal animal leaped into sight from the nearby second growth timber, seized the fawn in its hands and was gone again into the trees. The fawn squealed and bleated, then silence.

    1. and then joe sucked caulk

    2. This comment can be so exceptionally painful, troublesome, and crippling.

  6. Harbit Gaffner realised that his awing was sunked low as though it were weighted down with a heavy object. Perhaps rain ,he thought as he continued to observe the awning. It has rained rained cats and dogs the previous night. Then his mind began to free asociatee. Cats, dogs, apes, and...bigfoot. Bigfoot! Bigfoot was resting inhis awning. Maybe he's asleeep, he pondered. Perhaps I can take the first clear photo of this beast. Harbits mind swirled with the possibilities.

    1. Really really pleasant comment here.

    2. Informant camped overnight at Poet Creek campground, East of the Red River Ranger Station betweeen the Salmon and Bitterroot Wilderness Areas, about 15 miles North of the Salmon River. Up about 4 a.m., encountered an 8-foot, 800 lb., creature covered with long, shaggy, heavy dark grey hair. Arms long, legs slightly short, hands like human, neck short and as wide as head, face flat, forehead not very sloping, ears covered with hair. Massive but not fat. Legs were always bent, swayback, buttocks stuck out. Body stiffened when it noticed him and back straightened out but legs remained bent. He looked for tracks later and found some impressions but nothing positive.

    3. Woah this comment is excellent! I adore studying it!

  7. pretty sure it's a horse or cow or similar 4 legged animal
    Wild Bill wont be needed this time

    1. Your bang on the nail there,you can see it's tail swing at about 47 seconds xx

    2. Great comment and I'm impressed! Very helpful info to me :) I care for such information much.

    3. WILD BILL WILL be needed

      dat thair be the CREOLE DETH HORSE fer shur

    4. WILD BILL gots that BIG KNIFE ans abin a bear huntin fer yeers

    5. dat son of a bitch is HEEYOOJ

    6. ans WILD BILL old Marine expert bear hunter ans trap builder gits da JOB done

    7. Thanks 10:49,i'm glad you liked my comment i feel that i've done something worthwhile today xx

    8. ans WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE fer cuttin ans aslicin

    9. Wild Bill be a phony marine.

    10. WILD BILL talks da talk lack ans old Marine do ans has flashbacks in his days as a Marine

    11. "Wild Bill" got the sh%& out of him, for being a PHONY MARINE! then they stuck that Bowie knife up his arse, and he barked at the moon!

    12. No sir, taint so!! I saw ole Wild Bill gettin duh hell outta
      dodge like ah dog doin 90, once duh VFW folk new he was a lurkin fer a beer.
      Yup! He was lucky dat day!

    13. A cow??? that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!!!

  8. batsquatch or i am a FOOL !!!!

  9. near Appalachian Mountains so that be TRAPPER ans WILD BILL back yard

    1. They live in Beach front Condo dumb ass!

  10. Leonard Edvardson states that a man in Seven Persons reported seeing an upright creature 6 to 7 feet high by full moonlight about 3 a.m. early in December, and that tracks were later found in the ice of Seven Persons Creek nearby, measuring about 15 inches by 7 inches with a 6-foot stride. They had apparently been made in soft ice after a Chinook wind, as those photographed had sunk in an inch deep. This brought to mind that in the fall of 1972 two boys had claimed to see an upright creature with red eyes at Police Point where Seven Persons Creek joins the South Saskatchewan River, but no one believed them. Later in December a man told of seeing similar tracks coming across the ice at the Murray Dam a couple of miles upstream from Seven Persons.

    1. wheres me caps ... i am capless

    2. On the last weekend of August 1972,I saw my first Sasquatch at Strathcona Park Med. Hat.I had never heard of bigfoot or Sasquatch at the time.I have claimed and told of the encounter ever since.Over the last few years I have found these other sightings to which I believe they all happened.

  11. joe has got some competition for copy and paste king

    1. Alan Brown and Sherrill Ryfkamp were taking a short walk away from their car part way up Mount Rainier, after driving up an old logging road. They saw about a quarter mile away and above them what they took to be a tall tree stump, but the next time they looked there were two, and then they saw a third walk up to the other two. All three were standing upright. Brown took the last shot on his film roll, but it was out of focus and shows little. Estimated height 7 to 8 feet, with the third creature a little smaller. They were slightly stooped, looked somewhat like gorillas, and appeared blueish grey. The third creature left but the others stayed for about 45 minutes before walking into the brush. They appeared aware of the witnesses, one looked at them several times, but were not concerned.

    2. Right here is the perfect comment for anybody who would like to understand this topic.

      You understand a whole lot it's almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually would want
      to…HaHa). You certainly put a new spin on a topic which has been written about for many years.
      Excellent stuff, just excellent!

    3. Four men from Colorado and two from Arkansas, aged 25 to 54, were bow hunting for elk in the region between Old Agency and Stage Coach peaks, which are part of the continental divide at more than 12,000 feet. In Gunnison National Forest south of Hwy 50 between Doyleville and Sargents. Early in the morning the 54-year-old riding an ATV came upon fresh tracks crossing a snow drift, hunanlike in shape but 18 inches long and with depth indicating great weight. As he examined the tracks five bull elk burst out of the timber in apparent panic and as they rushed past he killed one with an arrow. After gutting it he used the ATV to pull it high in a tree, hind feet 10 feet off the ground, and went for help in bringing it in. Less than three hours later the hunters found the carcase twisted in half, the head, shoulders and forelegs still in the tree, the rest gone. The same tracks were all around, as well as similar 13-inch tracks. That evening they reported the incident to a wildlife officer, who blamed bears and declined to investigate. That night about midnight loud howls and grunts from two different directions, close by, awakened the hunters. Next day the two men from Arkansas were late returning to camp. They said they had gone back and followed the tracks toward the timber line, and about 8 a.m. saw two manlike creatures moving across a snow field. They shot the smaller one with three arrows at about 100 yards. It fled at high speed up the steep slope, apparently unhindered by the arrows, and disappeared over a saddle. The larger creature roared and started for the hunters, squealing loudly. They fled and the creature followed but did not try to catch them. Instead it kept between them and their camp until they finally abandoned their equipment and reached the highway by a circuitous route. The men went to Gunnison and reported the incident to forest service personnel, who blamed bears. Two returned next day with rifles and found only one destroyed bow and backpack.

    4. Hi there, I just read your comment.
      it is really informative. I will appreciate if you continue this in future. Numerous people will be benefited
      from your writing. Cheers!

    5. And how does that make you feel?

    6. big jon is our bfro copy paste guy

    7. Big jon is that scotc*,,,,sperm
      Drinker down in dallas, that
      Adores trimming trolls!
      "Also" !

  12. I done shat my britches. Mom asked why. I told her I did it all in the name of Science. Indeed. Science.

    D Campbell.

    1. I Adore drinking S*ERM,,,,scotch
      Because it makes my ass Wet
      Big Jon.

    2. Fake Big John has mudbutt.

    3. and the real big jon is at home with a mouthfull of glazed joenuts

  13. Replies
    1. I gave your mom a golden triangle last night

  14. Two more low lifes with filthy language.

    1. JEWsquatchs in tham thar hills caws floks heers aseein tham

  15. WILD BILL huntin bears ans such in West Virginny ans got that thar BIG KNIFE

  16. Note to self:
    Have wife wash mouth out with soap, as soon as you get back to the shack.

  17. Dat dars wut day call!! Fancy Talk!!

  18. Tail swish near ground. Horse.

  19. All those stories above, I just made them all up! And you Ass wipes fell for it Hook-Line and Sinker! LOL!

  20. That is a perfect shot you backwuds coont.

    Of a perfect fuggin cow.

  21. Like someone said its a horses rear. At 47 seconds you can see the tail move.Its not a cow tail they dont have that much free hair.

  22. Isn't exactly a direct shot. Cool vid though, check out this team of hunters looking for other cryptids

  23. It's a horse or cow at the 46 sec mark you can see the tail wiggle at the lower right.


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