Another Possible Sasquatch Filmed Near Squamish

Does this place look awfully familiar to you? Does it? Well -- That's because this place happens to be in the same area as the last Bigfoot sighting where a wildlife biologist filmed a possible sasquatch. If this is a Bigfoot, then Squamish, B.C. could be one of the squachiest places on earth.

Here's a brand new footage from the same area filmed by a person who identified himself as "Shayd". He wrote the following in an email to Bigfoot Evidence:

My friends and I were hiking this week & saw what we believe is a Sasquatch. It was about 3km away from us hauling down a rocky slope near a glacier in the mountains near Squamish. Last year a group had a similar encounter.. The way this figure was walking had large movements in the arms and an awkward stance.
There were 4 of us. 3 of us described it the same. One Color either brown or black. Walking with very pronounced movements... Large arm swings and covered a vast land in a quick amount of time. The other was skeptical and thought it was a person running down the glacier side. It was definitely monotone. No hints of backpacks or gear.

If anyone is interested in checking out this location, Shayd posted the GPS coordinates: 49.966310,-123.016615

Last May, a wildlife biologist filmed this "Bigfoot" near the same area:


  1. Replies
    1. The "bigfoot" pictured in the mountains is a guy on his rounds as he STATED after the video was released...another one bites the morons

    2. Being a Gal with low morals and all....that being said, do u like to Fouke???

    3. absolutely.....i jes` lurve foukeing !

    4. ^ d`ya like the doggieman position ?

    5. What's the deal with the magix playmates and Snowwalkerprime aka Michael Merchant?

      I thought they all loved each other?

    6. ^ all one big hippy family

    7. when I first came on here, there were 58 posts. now there's 85+. JOE'S BACK!

    8. so Trapper ans Buck gos bear huntin wit Wild Bill every yeer sos that whys Wild Bill needin that Big Knife fer cawz when a bear gits shot its gits onry and Wild Bill needin that knife to GITS THE JOB DONE

  2. it seems, people are everywhere on earth nowadays

  3. I don`t think that is a "foot" - it is just a guy out for a walk - as many people do to escape other folk regularly - high time these vids were inspected before posting by a "person out walking and enjoying the scenery" inspector.

    1. The lower video with a supposed bigfoot has also been revealed to just be a fella out walking....the fella himself came forward and stated he regularly enjoyed walking in the area shown and was doing so on the very day and at the very same time as the filming of the video....sheesh...ya couldn`t make this nonsense up....every time a bush moves some fecker states he`s seen bigfoot.

    2. prove that statement, HUH?

    3. "I" always walk in very remote areas, hoping to be filmed afar, and be mistaken for a Big foot!

    4. Yeah dude claimed to be the figure in the video, but the days he was out there don't match with when it was filmed.

  4. I don't see fcuk all so it must be a squatch.

  5. Replies
    1. FCUK YEAH JOES BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Where you been man? It's good to have you back ;¬))))

    3. Thanks pal! Been to a music festival that I required recovering from, and had to travel to my next holiday destination to which I'm commenting from now!! Much respect pal, it's good to be back!!

    4. Yes, we've missed you, Joe!!! Uno!

    5. 2:30 Anon ..what is it you like about joe`s back ? .. hairy an` all ?

    6. Also, glad you're having a good time!!

    7. I second your Uno and raise you a trois

    8. Welcome back Joe!!! Good to see you Uno!!

    9. This stuff is amazing if anyone's interested... The Brown's YIP YELLER recordings;

      ... Best stuff since Sierra Sounds.

    10. I demand Shawn writes a blog post about the return of Joe, just to piss off the trolls ;¬)))

    11. Morons and danglers abound

    12. Joe's back and nobody invited me to the party?? Lucky I'm the type to just drop by unannounced!

    13. Hi Joe

      Hope all is well. Look forward to the day when zoom lenses are on all cameras. I can't see shlt on this vid


    14. Ha ha ha ha!!

      To be honest, times like this I use a piece of logic Meldrum used in Defintive Guide... They wouldn't be up there, they'd be in the lower forests where the food and cover is.

      Had heck of a weekend; Neutral Milk Hotel, Beirut, Mercury Rev, Slint... And yesterday I started my holidays! Top of the world!!

    15. A person has to enjoy themselves


    16. Some do. Others cannot keep up. Hey Joe. Yip Yeller is good. Real Good. The Browns are keyed in to that late night noise convention.

    17. ans tham JEWs thays takin tham jobs thay shure do

  6. How many more videos of "possible" but barely probable bigfoot do folk need to post ? .....the truth is that it is highly improbable that this is a is probable that this is a guy walking out....and filming a group of "bigfoot" he can see in the distance with a video camera pointing his way (yeah,they know how to use cameras doncha know).

    1. Just once I wish one of these morons would chase that sucker down and shove the camera right into his mug. That should eliminate any doubts.

  7. The resident bell end is back.

  8. I think your science represents a misplaced boundary between real entities and fantastical entities.

    How many times have you walked through a haunted house, and upon completion, called the police because there is no way one of the props in the haunted house could be fake, therefore someone was really getting hurt?

    Most people place Patty firmly into the 'not real' camp. It's not like "Flat earthers" either. Those scientists and people were under tremendous pressure from the Church, the most powerful ruling body of the time, not to accept this science. People look at Patty and see a fake suit. There is no fossil, biological or phylogenetic basis for Bigfoot's existence. Most people can clearly differentiate the fantastical nature of a 9' Ape Man existing in North America.

    However, According to this study, 3,4,5 year olds may have problems categorizing Patty's nature.
    http://homepage.psy....olley, 1997.pdf
    (LINK WON'T WORK- Google this study to get free pdf

    A. Bigfoot isn't real, so your science is like searching for Michelangelo's signature in an Archie Comic
    B. The vast majority of distinguished make up people, and suit actors agree that it is a man in a suit. I recently asked Don McLeod, a Movement Specialist, who played the ape in 48 hours, and Peter Pan's shadow in Hook, about the film recently. His opinion:
    suit with non-movement specialist wearing it

    Dan Richter, the actor and coordinator for the Dawn of Man sequence in 2001 said essentially the same thing when I asked him for his opinion.

    When I asked Ray Harryhausen the question, here is the response I recieved.
    Mr. Harryhausen doesn't answer email, but he assures me it is a man in a suit.

    **** Smith, Rick Baker, Stan Winston, John Chambers, Chris Casteel, Verne Langdon, Chris Walas, Bob Burns

    These people have given their expert opinion on the film. They have not scanned frames, they have not met Patricia Patterson, however their opinion as experts in the field carries a significant scientific weight.

    That is just the FX side of the coin.

    If you want to know where to look for science in the study of the film, ask 30 Genetic Anthropologists their scientific opinion on the film's subject.
    The answers will most likely say "there is no genetic or fossil indication that a Giant Hairy Upright Ape Man exists in North America."

    Then ask 30 Gait Experts for their scientific opinion of the film.
    Their answers will most likely say "the gait looks like that of a human male."

    1. Uh oh. Now you went and pissed off Joe...

    2. But what about all the relic hominids running around in Ferguson MO? Most experts agree. That thug had it coming.

    3. I didn't know you could say pissed...Pissed...Pissed

    4. 3:21

      You bring up some interesting points. I would like to mention that only a small percentage of all animals that have ever lived are in the fossil record. Less than 1% of land mammals - so to expect to have some kind of fossil record is really unrealistic.

      The PGF may very well be hoax. That doesn't eliminate the possibility of sasquatch, however.

    5. I think the Hollywood "experts" would have to have seen other sasquatch walk - then they could make a legitimate comparison/analysis of "gates" from the PGF.

    6. "I think your science represents a misplaced boundary between real entities and fantastical entities."

      Hmmmmmm, I would suspect the author hasn't been aquainted with some of the very best in fields such as primatology, anthropology and wildlife biology, to whom are very enthusiastic at plying their scientific fields in this subject.

      "How many times have you walked through a haunted house, and upon completion, called the police because there is no way one of the props in the haunted house could be fake, therefore someone was really getting hurt?"

      Hmmmmmm, I seriously don't know anyone who's done that. I think this author is trying a little too hard. It's a poor comparison when someone should compare role playing to a subject that has physical and biological evidence to support... But hey, this is coming from someone who didn't know the best primatologists in the world endorse this subject, naivity appears to be the theme here.

      "Most people place Patty firmly into the 'not real' camp. It's not like "Flat earthers" either. Those scientists and people were under tremendous pressure from the Church, the most powerful ruling body of the time, not to accept this science."

      See what I mean? I think this 'author' is pretty much confusing things here again and trying too hard. When the world thought the earth was flat, we were in a state of very primitive scientific awareness. Nowadays, we know better because we know that there have been plenty of cryptic animals that have evaded civilisation, and we understand the behaviour of primates that are extremely clever in using their environment. Jane Goodall on many ocassions has given up after weeks of looking for chimps, only for them to reveal themselves after trust. Now imagine a subject with intelligence equall to us. I find it amusing the author should use a source to which so many should have LISTENED to those who knew better.

    7. "People look at Patty and see a fake suit. There is no fossil, biological or phylogenetic basis for Bigfoot's existence. Most people can clearly differentiate the fantastical nature of a 9' Ape Man existing in North America."

      Actually, there are plenty of people who understand biological tissue who would argue that the subject in the footage is authentic. I would like to state that the author should brush up on his facts too... There are only a handful of teeth for a fossil trail for chimps and gorillas for six million years of being on the African continent. In contrast, we have 150 years of buried giant human skeletons found on the American continent; outlining what we're dealing with here.

      "However, According to this study, 3,4,5 year olds may have problems categorizing Patty's nature."

      I could say the same about the mental age of this author and his knowledge of very basic information.

      "A. Bigfoot isn't real, so your science is like searching for Michelangelo's signature in an Archie Comic
      B. The vast majority of distinguished make up people, and suit actors agree that it is a man in a suit."

      A. You have to ensure that all the mounds of scientific evidence pointing to an unknown prinate leaving it, is bunk first before you make anyone enthusiastic of this subject swallow that crap.
      B. The vast amount of distinguished make up people and suit actors have made comments prior to seeing the footage stabelized and digitalised... HECK, even I though the footage was fake before then.

    8. Don McLeod, a Movement specialist, Dan Richter, the actor and coordinator for the Dawn of Man sequence, Ray Harryhausen; none of these have any of the level of undertanding of biological tissue like this person;

      "In conclusion, after a thorough review of the copy of the Patterson-Gimlin film provided to me, it is my professional opinion that it represents a live hominid and not a human in a costume. As noted above, there are multiple details of areas on the filmed individual’s body that correspond to those found in a human. Also as stated above, the replication of some of these anatomic landmarks would be difficult or impossible to accomplish in a costume. Additionally, it would take a detailed knowledge of human anatomy to even be aware of some of these anatomical features, let alone possess the technical skills to incorporate them into a convincing costume. That information is only known to a very select percentage of the population, of which I happen to belong.
      While it may be difficult for one to accept that in our modern age there can be a large, undiscovered hominid living in our forests, the facts have to be faced. In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous character, Sherlock Holmes: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
      -O. Allen Guinn, III, M.D., F.A.C.S. Aurora Plastic Surgery
      Lee’s Summit, MO

      ... I mean, sure they have fame and it's always nice getting someone known to back up your theories, but in truth they have nothing on the expertise of people who have cut up and remodelled human flesh before.

      "Smith, Rick Baker, Stan Winston, John Chambers, Chris Casteel, Verne Langdon, Chris Walas, Bob Burns... "

      Has Stan Winston conducted analysis on the 'suit' or just offered a lazy opinion, just like Rick Baker, Howard Berger, Dave Kindlon?
      Rick Baker - 'rumoured' to have made the costume as he was working on movies at the time, whilst none of his representatives are willing to comment and verify those claims.
      Howard Berger - merely claimed that he heard that the PG film was a 'gag' and has yet to comment on why he thinks it's a suit and compares the PG creature to Harry and the Henderson's as 'proof' it's fake.
      Dave Kindlon - claims he 'overheard' PG was fake from Rick Baker - again, full of claims and rumors and speculates it's fake as opposed to offering any explanation why it's a 'suit'
      Verne Langdon - claims that 'the suit was advanced for the day' (opinionated I believe and again not offering an explanation how the suit was made)

      ... The list of these experts goes on with them all turning out to be close associates and none of them offering an explanation as to how the 'suit' was made... casting their opinion like all lazy uninterested skeptics. Whereas, Bill Munns DOES actually look into the possibility of a suit being made and can't for the life of him replicate it or be able to fit the dimensions of a human in it. All these people offered an opinion on the spot as opposed to thorough analysis that would be suficient to pass judgement on something that has the proportions Patty has.

      "If one of my colleagues created this for a movie, he would be out of business."
      -Stan Winston

      You see... This also just digs a bigger hole, because if someone like Stan can state that the costume could cost a couple of $100, then why couldn't a BBC budget manage it? Why couldn't Blevins manage it?? For someone with as big a rep, he didn't think that one out too thoroughly did he? Well if I someone who had knocked up a monkey suit to best 46 year's worth of advances, I'd hand him a job! Ha ha ha!!

    9. "If you want to know where to look for science in the study of the film, ask 30 Genetic Anthropologists their scientific opinion on the film's subject.
      The answers will most likely say "there is no genetic or fossil indication that a Giant Hairy Upright Ape Man exists in North America."

      ... "The answer will most likely be"? Not good enough. For every one you can find, unfortunately for you I can find the best in the business to contradict those claims. Also. Stating that "The answer will most likely be" is not a reference and is the source of the 3,4,5 year old mentality you suggested earlier. Fossil trails? Well let's say the author has learnt something today.

      "Then ask 30 Gait Experts for their scientific opinion of the film.
      Their answers will most likely say "the gait looks like that of a human male.""

      Again... You would have to find those 30 experts first, and even if the gait was replicated, it's not a natural gait someone would naturally do in the first place and there are extended toes in the step. Even if you had these experts, you'd still have to find a magic monkey suit.


    10. When it comes to a non existent ape "they will most likely say" is more than reasonable. You're just a bell.

    11. Nwah... What's the matter kids, you got your little copy and pastes kicked back down the basement at you?

      I'm back baby.

    12. Yes you are back.

      Yes you are still a bell.

      Yes you lose every argument by default because you can't provide the ape.

      Yes you get smoked like a kipper.

    13. Got monkey suit?

      Who's the kipper baby?! Ha ha ha ha!!

    14. Wow, and I thought that the severe smoking I inflicted on Joe last week caused him to leave this blog forever. lol

    15. Joe owns the trolls. Keep up the good fight Joe. Miss the reports from Bob Maloogaloo though. Keep on truckin Joe.The trolls will learn.;-)

    16. God bless you. Oh...

      AND WHERE'S BOB????!!!!!!!!

    17. Don't know but enjoyed reading his reports Joe.

    18. Oh,and have a great vacation Joe!!!!!The trolls were missing you.They started to have hot pocket withdrawal's. Lol......

    19. You spend your "holiday" posting on a bigfoot blog? Some life!

    20. Bob will be back, I think he discovered sex, drugs and rock n roll ;)

    21. Isn't that's what it's all about?;-)

    22. 8:39... After the weekend I've just had; putting my feet up, falling in and out of consciousnous and being a little creative here is just what I need.

    23. Yes, "creative" with the truth is an accurate statement of your arguments. lol But massive copying and pasting would not qualify as "creative."

    24. You are aware Joe has a Dan belt and can chop off your hands from miles away by just using the A key and T on his keyboard while simply rasing his left eyebrow?

      I for one like Joe as he really get's under your skin and it is f*cking hilarious.

    25. ^At least that effort showed an attempt at "creativity."

    26. 8:53, 9:06... A & T pressed and eyebrow well and truly raised to you sir... And just look at how much your blood pressure's been raised! If that ain't a work of art, I don't know what is!

      Ha ha ha ha!!

      PS. There's a word called 'reference', they use in in academic circles, try it sometime... You might like it.

    27. Hi Joe, good work mate. Have you seen "The Creeping Flesh" (1972) ? Classic British horror film starring Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. Sure it's on Youtube. You'd like it... it's about a Paleo-anthropologist finding a giant skeleton. Cheers, Tim,U.K.

    28. That scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.

      I don't think he get's my humour Joe....I was going to spell out another word but thought no. ;¬))

    29. 3:21 says "People look at Patty and see a fake suit."

      Let's see, a fake suit; what's that? The suit now is fake? The suit isn't real?

      Anyway, your point is void because so far all the "people" who see Patty as suit-man have flunked violently in attempting to create a credible duplicate.

      Both Bob Hilarious' hairy-assed stop-motion-montage shuffle and Chris Hackham's "recreate the action at Bluff Creek to the inch" strutting orange hairy stick man, despite heavy funding, were catastrophes.

      Coming up on 47 years of flunked out failure of credible replication of a "monkey suit" isn't helping your case.

      Yes existence of such a creature requires more hard evdience. But confining the issue to the PGF only, quite obviously to support allegations of fakery, you are required to replicate the creature to a reasonable standard. Is 47 years not long enough? So far it has been a wall to wall failure, which by default finds in favour of the PGF containing some evidence.

      The budget-backed Hilarious and Hackham proved the opposite for you: Their efforts only throw the PGF subject into stronger relief by contrast, by being dissimilar, due to their flunky attempts at recreation. The harder they tried, the more it was clear that they couldn't come near replicating the PGF subject.

      The loss is heavy when your best eflort at duplication only emphasises the details of the PGF subject which you find you can't replicate. Hackham and Hilarious only ended up reinforcing and supporting the PGF in their unwitting struggles. All that BBC money straight down the pan, too. What a waste.

    30. Tim UK!! Good to see ya man, I'm definitely gonna check that sh*t out!!

      10:37... Ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Lower Order Ape Spotted at 3 21... As usual, spot on!!

  9. to bad this was filmed from space

  10. Has anybody ever unliked anything on Facebook?

  11. Replies
    1. Moron^ literally a brain dead dribbler

    2. Sticks and stones... Grow up and please find a monkey suit.

    3. Go buy a monkey suit if you want one so badly damn bro

    4. It's not my claim to reinforce... I have scientists backing my theory, now you need to test it.

      ; )

    5. If you dont understand the difference between a claim of a monkey suit and a claim of an undiscovered primate in north america then there is zero hope for you.

    6. It appears you don't understand that to test a claim out forward by legitimate scientists of a source to which shows WHAT YOU DEMAND, and that it is your task to now test that. You are either rhetorical or too stupid.

      I mean that as politely as possible.



    9. when accomplished suit experts and Movement Specialists agree that the film is fake, and I'm not talking about a few, I'm talking about every single person that I have contacted in the field, it provides a technical analysis of it's own. They don't need to do what you have done.

    10. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Your anonymous word of contacting these experts that haven't the slightest bit of interest in the footage, nor have looked at it longer than a second, counts for zip. I could do the same, I'd have as much of a claim to the truth of these comments as you.

      Stop crying, take Stan Winston's advice... It should take a couple of $100 right?

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    11. Did you know your "expert" in Lee's Summit operates out of a run down strip mall? He's not exactly at the top of his field. Unlike you, I've actually been inside the place and I wouldn't let the man remove a wart. But as long as he says what you want to hear I suppose.

    12. Oh yeah... I remember you pulled that cookie out from your backside before.

      Doesn't wash.

      ; )

    13. I'm afraid it's true chump. He's a hack. Lee's Summit needs plastic surgeons like the Amazonian tribes need bus passes. He doesn't rate a real practice in a real medical facility. Accept it. I work 4 days a week in Lee's Summit. You wouldn't know you were there if I dropped you off at the city limits.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. Lee's Summit is a city in the U.S. state of Missouri, and is contained within the counties of Jackson (primarily) and Cass. As of the 2010 census found the population at 91,364 making it the sixth-largest city in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area and the sixth-largest city in Missouri. In 2006 CNN/Money and Money magazine ranked Lee's Summit 44th on its list of the 100 Best Cities to Live in the United States. That ranking improved to 27th on the 2010 list.

      Dr. Guinn is board certified as a Plastic Surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is also a published author in both medical texts and journals, including articles on breast reduction techniques that he personally designed.

      Medical School
      Tufts University - School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
      General Surgery
      Fit*simons Army Medical Center, Aurora, Colorado
      University of Massachusetts, Worcester, Massachusetts
      Hand Surgery
      University of Connecticut, Hartford, Connecticut
      Plastic Surgery
      University of Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri
      American Board of Plastic Surgery
      Fellow American College of Surgeons

    19. ... And my multiple deletes were because it took me a while to realize the start of my name was whiting the comment out.

      Oh... And you are always welcome to the truth my friends, always welcome.

  12. More nothing! More absolute nothing!

  13. However, if a film appeared of a Tyrannosaurus rex, and I showed it to those FX people, and they said it was not a real Trex, I wouldn't say "Hey you didn't analyze the film properly." I would accept their appraisal of the film as experts.

    Their appraisal would fit properly with the appraisal that Paleoanthropologists, and Biologists would give. It's not a Trex because they don't exist.

    Imagine if I went to Dr. John Hawks, and said, "hey Dr. Hawks, here is a film of a T-Rex, one FX Expert who analyzes film said 'it could not be a fake Trex, therefore it is a Trex', but this film person has looked closer at the film than any of the 12 other FX experts who say it is fake"

    What do you think he would say?

    1. "However, if a film appeared of a Tyrannosaurus rex, and I showed it to those FX people, and they said it was not a real Trex, I wouldn't say "Hey you didn't analyze the film properly." I would accept their appraisal of the film as experts."

      Quite an embarrassingly sensationalist comparison I think, nobody is seeing T-Rex's and they certainly don't leave modern physical trace. A T-Rex would typically look fake... A hairy human being, not so much. If it were that obvious, then you wouldn't need the effort now, would you?

      "Their appraisal would fit properly with the appraisal that Paleoanthropologists, and Biologists would give. It's not a Trex because they don't exist."

      George Schaller, PhD is recognized as the world's preeminent field biologist and conservationist, studying wildlife for over 50 years throughout Africa, Asia and South America. He is a senior conservationist at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society, John Bindernagel, PhD Courtenay, BC, Canada, Todd Disotell, PhD New York University New York, NY, Colin Groves, PhD Australian National University Canberra, Australia, Chris Loether, PhD Idaho Sate University
      Pocatello, ID, Jeffrey McNeely, PhD Chief Scientist IUCN - World Conservation Union Gland, Switzerland, Lyn Miles, PhD
      University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, John Mionczynski
      Wildlife Consultant, Atlantic City, WY, Anna Nekaris, PhD
      Oxford Brooks University, Oxford, England, Ian Redmond, OBE
      Conservation Consultant, Manchester, England, Esteban Sarmiento, PhD Human Evolution Foundation East Brunswick, NJ, Zhou Guoxing, PhD Beijing Museum of Natural History
      Beijing, China... People like this? Do you know how many primates have been discovered and classified out of that lot?

      "Imagine if I went to Dr. John Hawks, and said, "hey Dr. Hawks, here is a film of a T-Rex, one FX Expert who analyzes film said 'it could not be a fake Trex, therefore it is a Trex', but this film person has looked closer at the film than any of the 12 other FX experts who say it is fake"

      Well, of that film person had some of the best scientists in that field recommending the source for peer review, you'd have a major problem on your hands.

  14. Hypothetically:

    Mr. Walas, you have recieved an Academy Award for the The Fly, worked on Arachnophobia, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars VI, Enemy Mine, Gremlins and many others.

    Mr. Walas in your Expert, professional opinion, is the footage depicting a man in a suit.


    Your witness.


    You wanna put Bill in front of a Jury with 500 pages of his science, and tell them all about boob giggle, and explain the 'science' behind it you go right ahead.

    I'm gonna look at the Jury, and then look at Bill Munns and say, you think this film is the only footage of a Giant Hairy Ape Man in Northern California?


    No further questions.

    1. Let's look at a comment that we know Walas did say, not a made up email that anyone can make up... Let's...

      " ... As well as a limited experience in making and wearing suits."

      ... Limited???

      "... so somehow his words overwhelm the vastly more experienced statements of more qualified individuals."

      Taken care of up top.

      "It's unfortunate that the believers have such a need to hold the PGF up as the Holy Grail of bigfootery as it really does get in the way of more honest research."

      ... It might be news to you, but apart from a costume expert of 30 years, we have experts that far exceed Walas' depth in applying their respected fields such as anthropology, wildlife biology and primatology. I think you'll find the footage the main reference source of countless credible researchers who have had frost hand encounters in this field, also.

      "Mr. Munns also makes a rather large assumption that the PGF suit had to be made of fake fur. There were countless techniques for creating fur... "

      ... But none that would account for the creature you see in the footage. If that were the case, then it would have been replicated far before now, and is silly logic. Here is also two BFF threads were Munns obliterates that statement up top;

      "... Many of these May not have looked much like real gorillas, but they certainly had quality fur or hide work."

      ... No they didn't, and is expect a flash, multi award winner to know that. Again, if this was the case the efforts at replicating the suit would have simply done it... I rest my case!

      "The fur on my first gorilla suit was as stiff as it could be and still be considered cloth, but it did not inhibit movement at all."

      ... Game set and match! Just for one area of reference; shoulder blades in sync with spinal erectors and neck muscles.

      "The problem of tailoring furcloth that way is that it still has a tailoring seam right across the armpit fold, and a tailoring seam is stiffer than the furcloth alone, and thus more likely to buckle, which the PGF never does. But we'd be hesitant to use that design for a suit because the arm hair lay would be pointing to the arm, not directly down to the chest area, and no amount of brushing of the hair will get it to lay on the chest and look natural. And the fill in piece on the torso center (covering the collarbone) would have a hair lay straight down onto the chest, and so the seam where the arm hair goes sudeways and the center section goes down, that disparity of hair lay would make the seam very obvious.

      It would take a very sophisticated furcloth tailor to resolve those issues and make it look good.

      Smoke and mirrors tactics. They try to control the dialogue to distort real science. Real science will say, in essence, the PGF has something in the film that walks away from the camera. What Is It? Any determination which attempts to answer that question ("What is it?") must be accomplished with a rigorous scientific proof."

      - Bill Munns

      Oops! I did it again!!

      ; )

    2. Shame no one ever reads your posts.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 6:22... Just because you're not man enough to read yourself getting bullied, don't mean nobody else doesn't.

      : )

    5. Bullying is pathetic. You suck Joe.

    6. I snatch it from the grasp of those trying to ridicule under anonimaty (cowards) and deliver it back with a hot steamy pile of whippy-doo in their faces.

      Cry me a river.

  15. Old Trapper and old Wild Bill, plos Fat Buck would of made short work of Patty! After all, Will Bill got that BIG KNIFE!

    The only trouble is. . . Trapper was a young jerky kid at the time, and Wild Bill and Buck weren't even born yet!

  16. A few years back, me and two friends was Sheep hunting at 12,000 elevation. We saw a figure walking, and it was a young girl about seventeen, attending her pot plants!

  17. This is actually pretty good, though a total Blair Witch rip-off on the script.

  18. military training exercise has some in downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul looking to the skies and asking questions.

    It’s a scene that looks straight out of an action movie. This week, a handful of low-flying black helicopters are buzzing just over rooftops and in between buildings.

    They’re called Night Stalkers, or more formally, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment out of Fort Campbell Kentucky.

    1. Often times they run these "drills" right before something actually - happens. So beware...

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