Wow, Some of the First Yeti DNA Was Smuggled to America by Actor Jimmy Stewart!

During an expedition to the Himalayas in search of the Yeti, Peter Byrne discovered a Yeti hand and scalp in a remote Buddhist monastery. Benefactor Tom Slick requested Byrne bring the hand back with him, but the monks refused to part with their sacred relic. Byrne was however eventually able to get his hands on one of the fingers of the hand. Now he had the finger, but no way to get it back to Britain. That's when Tom Slick enlisted the help of a friend who happen to be on vacation at the time, actor Jimmy Stewart.

"Byrne returned to the monastery, and after convincing the monks to part with a Yeti finger, replaced the missing digit with one from the human hand. Byrne trekked over the mountains to India to avoid a Nepalese law that, somewhat strangely, made it illegal for a foreigner to kill a Yeti. Upon arriving, he was still faced with the challenge of how to bring the Yeti finger back to Britain.

Tom Slick had a solution to the problem, telling Byrne that a friend of his was vacationing in India and could transport the finger. Slick’s friend was none other than Jimmy Stewart, who was intrigued enough by the legend to help. Stewart’s wife, Gloria, hid the Yeti finger in her lingerie case, and the pair successfully smuggled it back to London. Tests by Osman Hill concluded that the yeti finger was not human."

To read this entire story, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. dat obliteration tho... dayum

    2. Look it's the welcher!

      Ha Ha Ha!!!

    3. Third! ok, so like did you only just finally hear that. C'mon. this is such old news that's been on like a million documentaries.

    4. The native Americans called it being an Indian Giver...

      Joe speak with forked tongue.

  2. According to Bobo, he did so for Jesus. Rumors also abound that Jimmy bought the Minnesota Iceman and had it destroyed. All for Jesus.

    Jesus and bigfoot are homeboys. They bang squaw ratchets together all of the time.

  3. I must have missed something? Why is Joe back? He lost the bet? What happened?

    1. No big deal. He's just another liar.

    2. and a Welsh Welcher with ZERO honor

    3. Easy. Some men's words means something some are just swindlers.

    4. I sure hope he doesn't have a son.

    5. He'd have to leave this blog for a day to get poonnanny so it's safe to say he doesn't.

  4. Correction: Jimmy Stewart smuggled bear DNA.

    1. Correction: Hears what Jimmy Stewart really did. After earning his private pilots license ( and a Oscar) in the late thirty's, he attempted to enlist in the U.S. Army air corp. He was rejected due to his weight. After he pulled the Hollywood Card he was excepted as a PRIVATE in the Corp. ( Celebrities! Am I right?) Well anyway, he was eventually assigned to the 445th
      Bombardment Group/ 703rd Bomb
      Squadron. Were he rose to Commanding Officer after only three weeks. Remember, he showed up as a Private. While it may seem someone was star struck and gave him his status and position based on his fame, keep this in mind. He won the D.F.C. Twice. It is only surpassed by the Medal of Honor. In addition he earned the Air Medal with three Bronze stars. The French Croix de Guerre, a Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart. Amongst others. He flew 20 accredited missions over Germany ( Including Berlin, Hannover. Nuremburg and others) and up to, depending on the source, 20 to 25 unaccredited missions. He didn't have to go. But he did. He was more man than anyone who will come within 50 miles of this blog. Give him his due. Oh Yea. He could fucking act.

  5. Got 10 foot rock throwing ape?

  6. Got creek strolling diaper butted gorilla?

  7. Got awesome trinket for my Charger's mirror.

  8. Before his results were known, the JREF footers said Sykes was a heretic and turning woo woo for getting involved with Bigfoot. Now after, he's their hero.

  9. I was a skeptic when I went with the now late, with John W. Jones on a Big Foot expedition many years ago,
    I'm an Ex- Pro foot ball player. I was a quarterback. I retired in the late 1990's.
    During the expedition, while John, Joe.P (A Native American) and Eddie were out in their blinds waiting a Big foot to walk by. I was at Base camp, preparing supper. it got late in the evening, and none of them came back yet.
    while I was gathering firewood, a pine cone, hit me in the head! in a few minutes another one hit me. they were coming from a rock ledge, about 50 yards away. I thought it was the guys messing with me, as I never camp before, nor was I ever so deep in the woods. In apx 1/2 hour, four more were thrown, all hitting me. I threw a pine cone back, but it fell short of the cliff.
    I move farther away near the horses (which were all looking at the cliff), apx 100 yards from the cliff. still they came hitting me every time!
    I threw a small rock back, which barely hit the cliff, when I did that, they threw rocks! I switched back to pine cones, and so did they! I was scared (I'm 6[4" 260 lbs) no body answered my call-out back, but there was a kind of laughing, like Monkey's or Chimps.
    This continued, until the guys came back. as a Quaterback I can throw very far with a football, but pine cones are just to light to throw far, John said it was Big foots playing with you! of course I didn't believe it!
    I went with John over ten times on his trips, and almost every time, the same thing happened, even with the Guy present!
    john said; "they singled you out because your Afro-American!
    I was a skeptic, before joining up with John, I am not anymore.
    if he had lived to finish his book, my stories of these encounters and several sighting would of been included in his book.
    I'm sorry he's gone, I miss him dearly, we all do. the Mohawks had built a shrine on their reservation to him.
    Me and the Guys, are comptemplating to finish the books for him.
    I don't own a computer! when I need to E mail, I go over to his home, and his wife let's me use his computer.
    So please stop commenting "The ghost of John w. Jones' My friend is indeed deceased, so it hurts me, and his many friends, when you write such nonsense, and hurtful comments, please stop!

    Big Red

    1. Just stepping for a second to say that Big Red is really full of Ka Ka tonight.

    2. Hey Red what do you think about John's pal Joe being an Indian Giver ?

    3. Pro QB in the northeast that retired in the late 90's, with the nickname Big Red, and writes exactly like John Jones spoke...

      Provide a linked obituary or gtfo.

    4. ^^ I think someone giving an Indian away is being damn thoughtful. They need a stable environment and we need joke fodder. Good on you.

  10. every time a bell rings Bobo grows another toe


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