This Is The Most Elaborate "Stick Structure" I've Ever Seen...

Wow! Thanks to Twitter user ‏@Evilandvile for sharing this awesome photograph with us. Just because it's a stick structure doesn't mean it was made by a squatch. We're pretty sure this one was made by a bear -- only kidding! :) This was actually tweeted by @DeadGirl707, a lover of anything nature related. A closer look at the stick structure is below:


  1. In Before Mexican Bigfoot.

    1. Big j got beat up by peter pan

    2. Peter Pan got beat off by Big J

    3. Nope his name is
      " VP QUEER J"

    4. ^ yur all just jealous that nobody believes your bigfoot

  2. Spoiler alert. In keeping with today's marathon of finding bigfoot. In tonites season finale bigfoot is not found. Sorry.

  3. Joe will inhale caulk like a hooker on a crack pipe though. Word.

  4. How many of you milky lickers have ordered Bill Munns' book?

  5. I see that psychopath who pretended to find the P/G suit is over on the BFF lying to the footers again although he said this before he left the last time : " I have endeavoured to enter into the foreign service of my country as a diplomat using my language skills and knowledge of foreign affairs and history."

    LOL..Is this asshole for real ? That's a lie only the JREF footers would believe.

  6. Best proof since the PGF! Game over!


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