Pepie, the Loch Ness Monster of the Mississippi River

Did you know the Mississippi River has it's own lake monster legend? Neither did I! It's name is Pepie, and its home seems to be Lake Pepin which forms the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin.

MUSCATINE, Iowa — The U.S. might have its very own Loch Ness monster traveling the Mississippi — one even thought to have visited Muscatine.

The monster is called Pepie, after Lake Pepin, which forms the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin, where it is said to live.

The legend of Pepie dates back to Native American mound builders that lived all along the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico to the river's source in Minnesota, according to Chad Lewis, author of the recent book "Pepie: The Lake Monster of the Mississippi River."

Lewis, a Wisconsin native, is the author of 17 other books about the weird and unexplained and said he became interested in Pepie while researching other lakes and streams in his home state. What made Pepie unique from other monster stories was the $50,000 reward on its head.

Businessman Larry Nielson offered the reward for conclusive proof of Pepie's existence in 2008 as a ploy to garner tourism to the Lake City area, according to Lewis. The reward is still on the table.

Though the main focus of his book is Lake Pepin sightings of Pepie, Lewis said his research took him along the Mississippi as well. In 1876, among a slew of other Pepie sightings, the Anita Tribune reported one near Muscatine. The report is brief, reading only: "Another river monster has been seen in the Mississippi river, near Muscatine, by two fisherman. This is certainly a case of snakes in its worst form."

Source: click here




    1. Good post. Chuck was a good guy who hosted one of the best BlogTalk Radio Shows regarding Bigfoot in the whole wide world. The only show that rivals it is Sasquatch Chronicles and that's saying a lot. I'm going to miss (and have been missing the show badly since 12 January 2014) tuning in to one of the best, PERIOD.

    2. MNBRT and all of the other BlogTalk shows (with the exception of Sasquatch Chronicles) couldn't hold a candle to Chucks fantastic take on all things Bigfoot!!!! A true warrior and phenomenal man Chuck Prahl was and will forever be remembered as such.

    3. He even had the sense to know Tim Stover was a hoaxer and walked away and Tim posted a pissy vid afterwards.

      Chuck was an intelligent and well like man, and his shows were the best.

  2. That's a picture of Barry Soetoro's mammy! He is destroying this country. Your White grandkids will never get ahead. But don't worry much because the "Common Core" system will tell them that blacks discovered America and latino's were the one's who got America too the moon.

    1. Dude, you're not one of the smart ones i see...

    2. Civilian army forms

      Notice the gold bootys

      Special ;)

  3. Replies
    1. why do you think they call them Welshmen?

      And that's a turdbeast. See them in the tub all the time. Just let the water out and stomp them down the drain.

  4. Pepie's real,here's the proof xx

  5. The Mississippi and Missouri River's were named backward. The Mississippi should be the Missouri and vice versa.

  6. Hmmmmm, perhaps the St Lawrence should be redubbed "Big Ass Creek". I'm with you. I'll contact the corp of engineers about these proposals. But I can only comment because this is a conservation issue.

    1. Conservation, PSAs, and adverts are allowed.

      Free DSM!

  7. floor bigfoot when it floods

    1. That may work but I have to admit that I like my idea better:

      It's the legendary beast widely known to pounce on its unsuspecting victims during a hike and rubs its own fecal matter on the unsuspecting victims faces.

    2. The "creature" spotted in this video is simply the man beast known as Thikcock. Ol' Thikcock's pole is standing erect as he is backstroking across a lake to go pay a visit to a guy's young, tight wife in order to provide her some meatpole while the hubby is at a ballgame with his pals. The wifey can't wait to have her "encounter" with Thikcock.

    3. ^^this guy is obviously a skilled and educated scientist who knows his undiscovered species. I have heard about this animal before but I didn't know what it was all about.

    4. ^^^`re wrong...the guy above you is a pervert probably with experience of hiding in bushes while collecting "evidence" secreted away for perusal at home.

  8. Your al;l idiots! name 1 MONSTER that has been captured or killed in the last 100+ years/ name one? (With the documented evidence)00~!

    The Answer: NONE!
    These are tall tales and legends for the weak minded!

    1. Okay big boy!!!! How about the Fecal Matter Face Squatch which was taken out (killed) by Hugh Janus back on 06/09/1969 in the Sierra Nevada Range.

      It's the legendary beast widely known to pounce on its unsuspecting victims during a hike and rubs its own fecal matter on the unsuspecting victims faces.

      'Ol Hugh did the community a huge service that day.

    2. I thought that was the 04/01/1968

    3. For Anon 8:24, You must have a very low IQ and watch MSNBC!

    4. That`s the criteria for this forum.

  9. But the picture above is a stick. AKA, THE STICK MONSTER! There is no wake in the photograph and based on the size of the ripples, that stick is not much more than 3 feet long.

    1. I cant see no nipples. You must be a crypito-zologis or sumtin.

  10. I lived on Lake Champlain for over 30 years, and after a storm, all sorts of Logs and debris float around. The "City Bred" tourists come up and sightings of "Nessie" goes up!


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