Melba Ketchum is Still Testing Bigfoot DNA and She Needs Your Money
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Dr. Ketchum performing "next generation" sequencing |
With the recent Bryan Sykes yeti DNA results being published, Melba Ketchum has popped back up, and is apparently unaffected by the results Sykes inquiry turned up. Not only is she certain she has bigfoot DNA, but she is also adding a couple other mystery hominins to her study. The only problem is these "next generation sequencing" techniques are expensive, so she has turned to crowd funding to make it happen.
"We have been doing genetic studies on the origin of various ancient and extant hominins including the cone heads of Peru, Sasquatch, and the red headed giants of North America that are famous in Native American legends.At the time of this post, Ketchum has raised $430 of her $9,000 goal, so she's off to a great start. There's also a couple of other benefits to being involved in this project. If you donate $100 or more you get this dashing t-shirt.
We already have DNA extracted from several museum specimens but need to have whole genome next generation sequencing to unravel the mystery of the red headed giants. Are they a Native American Tribe, an unknown hominin or are they Sasquatch? Next generation sequencing is the way to find out, but it is expensive so we are looking for funding for this venture. Wouldn't you really like to know the origins of these giant hominins that once inhabited North America? We do!"
Show off to all your friends that you support sasquatch genetic inquiries! The other mystery item surrounding all of this is that apparently sequencing sasquatch DNA can also result in a more youthful and physically attractive appearance.
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Ketchum before genome project |
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Ketchum after genome project |
What other mysteries will become unraveled by the time this study is complete? To contribute to this fantastic project, and view the info for yourself, visit Ketchum's crowd funding site by clicking here.
For Joe and DSM!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a revolting development.
DeleteMelba. Perfect.
DeleteThis is the first time a title on this blog made me laugh
DeleteShe sure is purity!
ReplyDeleteRush I hear she wants your number!
ReplyDeleteGetting my Christmas shopping done super early this year!
Pony up the money you good little gullible footers
ReplyDeletePony up your own 30 bucks to look at Sykes' paper for 30 days, after mercilessly criticizing Ketchum for charging to read her paper.
DeleteBack where I come from we call that Not knowing what you are talking about.
Nice try DWA.
DeleteIt's joe
DeleteDWA is joe
DeleteGood point. And other than Ernie, Joe's only supporter on this blog is a childish troll. Did you see the threads from last night? The kid is so obsessed with joe, he doesn't realize he's making a jackass of himself and joe both.
DeleteI think Joe has plenty of supporters on here outside of Ernie.
Delete^ Says the guy with a hand up his butt.
DeleteNah, just more observant than yourself. You're making claims that are completely false, but no surprises there.
Delete^No, really. Ernie can't function with out a hand up his butt. Burt neither. Is Sesame Street in Frisco? You'd fit right in.
Delete^Homophobe alert. Time to come out of the closet dude.
DeleteIf by homophobe you mean queer, than no. I just believe in the bible. You're a girl pretending to be a guy anyway, Shawn made that clear to all the original posters during the 1st troll war. Why are you so angry?
DeleteI'm a girl pretending to be a guy? Ok dude, whatever keeps your fantasies in gear.
DeleteYou believe in the bible eh? That's some Christian attitude you sport. I bet you've violated several Christian ideals in your lifetime though. Funny how you hate filled fundies pick and choose what you want out of the "good book." What a tool.
Agreed Ernie
Delete^ That isn't me talking religion. And I'm not a "homophobe". I'm a guy that has read enough off your stupid post to realize you're a tool. Now pull that hand out of your ass and give Ernie back to the pre-schoolers. It's about time you grew up, don't you think?
DeleteYou certainly are a homophobe since you're using gay as some form of insult. Telling others to grow up when your posts are on full display certainly a laugh and a lesson in hypocrisy though. Keep on toolin dude.
DeleteAnd I never said "grow up" wrong person babe
DeleteThere's another person besides me Ernie, this is bullshit!
Delete^^ Blow it out your ass. (move the hand first). You have know idea what the definition of hypocrisy is. You'll fetch your smelling salts and feign indignation at every perceived slight and yet call people derogatory names with out even knowing it. Want a recent example? Does the term "fundies" ring a bell? It should. You spewed it about 4 comments ago. And I bet the word redneck is near the top of your hypocrite toolbox too, isn't it? Probably flies out of your mouth every time you see a pick-up. So fuck off you liberal piece of shit.
Delete^ Tool
DeleteAwe look, the fundie is now playing the victim card after being a complete twad in typical fundie fashion. How cute.
DeleteAnd might I add, how very "Christian."
DeleteTroll wars 2.0
DeleteGuess who shows up?
Funny how the #1 (joe fan) shows up again once Joe is gone. How convenient......
Haven't seen Ernie in 3 months, Joe is gone for good, guess who is back to posting 13 times a thread. Coincidence? Hmmmm.....
Pwned mutha fkas! Zing.
DeleteDoes Joe need a butt full of wiggling fingers to get him to move his mouth to?
DeleteApparently so.
DeleteErnie is so pissed joe is not here.
Southern yahoo is pretending to know more about genetics than Sykes. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWhere does it say she claims she knows more than Sykes about genetics? Don't see it anywhere. Spinning a little out of whole cloth are you?
Delete4:41 is referring to southernyahoo on the bff, not melba
DeleteMan a Brit aint had an ass whooping like Joe got since Cornwallace had to put on kneepads.
ReplyDelete^ The sign of a true coward (and this goes for DC too): Someone who continues to write smack about someone else who cannot be here to defend himself.
DeleteSuck it up coward and go away!
DeleteJoe remember one thing when you put on you're knee pads. Keep a stiff upper lip!
ReplyDeleteAnd wipe your chin.
Deleteso says the guy with the ball scars on his chin^
DeleteJust a helpful hint--if the balls are hitting your forehead, you're doing it wrong.
DeleteSykes paper has fully debunked bigfoot (reading between the lines). As a scientist you obviously can't prove a negative. But yea, he buried it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Atheist God for stopping by and sharing your God wisdom.
DeleteIt must drive you crazy to be an Atheist yet have godlike powers though. Your self-disbelief results in a deep personality disorder by this self-contradiction which will lead to self-cancellation.
Bow down.
^I ain't nobody's biotch. I bow to no man (except Poop in a Jar Guy).
DeleteHey...Hot tip to the Mountain Monsters guy....(please pass along to your friends on the show)
ReplyDeleteSo...have watched a "handful" of episodes. And I have seen a disturbing trend and something that has led to there fruitlessness.
They build a trap on - most shows.
And then they BAIT the trap.
all good to this point.
Now - here's their fundamental flaw...(well - aside from the fact that it's all bullshit that is)
When you build a trap - and take your crew out and start tracking this "thing" and chasing it through the woods in the middle of the night - with a varying number of West Virginian "sons" (and a slew of sound men and video crew). And your intention is to get it INTO the trap. Well - if you are CHASING it. Shooting at it and so on and so (said creature...sheepsquatch, sasquatch, hellhound, bearkiller whathaveyou) it will be.....
UNLIKELY to stop - run into a TRAP...GRAB a hunk of meat cuz it's hungry.
You's running for it's life. ie.. self preservations. When in flight or flight mode - I would venture a semi educated guess...that it will NOT stop and eat...while being chased.
Hence - I would (again) kindly suggest you do one or the other.
Bait it...and get the hell OUT of the area for a day or two.
Or...go kill the sonofabitch. Pick one.
Thank you for your time :)
Or you just start with the fact that bigfoot don't exist and just cancel the show.
DeleteNow sheepsquatch...on the other hand...?!
Deletec'mon man. Quit being such a spoil sport.
And -'s (if I were you that is)
Delete"doesn't" exist.
When you say "don't exist". You
kinda dumb.
You sound JUST as dumb...actually - as the guy who says....
Delete"I seen a Bigfoot!"
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete'Bigfoot don't exist' is acceptable. The plural of Bigfoot is Bigfoot.
DeleteDang ol MR SHADOW CREATURE ripped right threw da side of da TRAP an grabbed da bait with WILD BILL an da rest of team AIMS right on dat son of a bitches tail!
DeleteAbout the Monster Mountain show:
Delete1. It a real show! based upon Real stories!
2. It's True, West Virginia, has more monsters that all the other states in the U.S. Bar none!
3. It's true hundreds of Cows, horses and people are being killed in West Virginia
4. "Wild Bill" must be a Real marine, as he mentions it on every single episode! oohay!
5. All West Virginia dress like they do!
6 The A.I.M.S. does have one member that is a registered sex offender
7. The A.I.M.S. team does have another member that squats when he pees!
8. The A.I.M.S. team is sooooooo good at hunting and trapping, that we viewers have not seen any dead bodies or any trap animals that they have caught or killed in 25+ episodes!
9. It's true, it's a show just like "The Finding Big foot' show where the viewer already knows the ending, They find NOTHING!
10. It's true, it's a show for the slow and weak minded people!
Ask yourself this: 'How come there are no 'Bios" on any of the Team members"?
And. . . answer this: "do you ACTUALLY believe in the Appalachian Mountains all these "Monsters" exist? Are you THAT stupid
I think it's time we all took a step back and applied some real critical thinking to the Patterson film....
ReplyDeleteLooks like a bloke in a suit to me.
Enthusiasts don't mind, that's reasonable that that's your opinion. There are other opinions, that's no big deal.
DeleteA bloke in a suit.
DeleteI've been wanting to ask this for quite some time.
Do you use the word "bloke" for Joe's "benefit" ?
Or are you from England, Scotland or Ireland ?
Sorry. It's a guy in a suit!
DeleteNo body?
No dna?
No evidence?
Nothing acknowledged by science and it's 2014?
Show me proof. No?
Australians say bloke as well dumbass. Never heard anybody from Ireland say bloke.
DeleteSchooled you dolt!
Irish people - will...on occasion - use the word "bloke".
DeleteSo - you are American.
Why would you use the word "bloke" ?
You didn't answer the question. Nor did you "school" me. You are simply using a simple not so subtle tool to "provoke" (albeit weak) to talk to Joe.
I will suggest that you should...when talking to Joe specifically - tell Joe that is a "guy" in a suit. (and that will be a waste of your time).
Oh - and South Africans say "bloke" as well.
Hahaha! Are you new here? I've been the "bloke in a suit" guy, or troll if you will, well before Joe. :) ask around newbie. Or, OR, is that you Joe????
Delete^Bloke on a blog.
DeleteExactly! Thanky.
Delete^Your welcome. All in a days work.
DeleteObviously, only disinforming payroll trolls will say Patty looks like a bloke in a suit because of the resemblance to humans. Well, guess what the species is not ape or animal so why expect something non-humanlike when they are indeed hominins. You couldn't operate such an elaborate anatomically correct suit as it would have to be, nor were such techniques even in use back then plus she looks exactly like Ostman's descriptions (told to researchers a decade before PGF). Real deal, folks.
DeleteWhy, on also every thread on here, the P/g film is brought up? After 60 years we're STILL discussing it. Do you want to know Why? Look at 100+ You tube Big foot Videos, and NONE every come close to the P/G film. Why? Because it REAL!