Bluff Creek Trail Camera Project Summer 2014

Alright, folks. The official crowd-funding page for the Bluff Creek Project's trail camera survey of Bluff Creek is back up again. Every year, the team picks up some amazing wildlife on trail cam, and they are getting closer all the time. With help from the community, we believe they'll get that million dollar shot of the Big guy soon enough. For more information, check the Bluff Creek Trail Camera Project Summer 2014 page below:

This campaign is to help get trail cameras down at the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film site.

Link: Bluff Creek Trail Camera Project Summer 2014


  1. Patty 1:03..............And i looked upon the holy tape, and saw the red circles. Although they showed nothing important, i could see the shimmer of a fresh butt diaper as the man in the suit walked away. From the looks of it, the butt diaper had to be at least a size XXXL, and i knew at once the diaper contained excellent grade poo stians. I made haste to gather the poo remains, but alas, i was too late. For there ahead of me, i saw Joe sniffing and licking the diaper butt stains. It was too late, i failed. Joe had gotten there first and was more committed than ever to worship the holy shroud of butt diapers.

  2. Great to watch wild life go by even the little flutterby at 1:52 xx

  3. Replies
    1. In tragic news this James Garner is no longer with us. Bret Maverick & Jim Rickford were just two of the beloved characters he portrayed as a television and film star and beloved actor of both stage and screen. In other tragic news , the bear pictured above mauled Steven as he was changing a video card. Had he taken pepper spray for his safety , this could have been easily avoided. The bear, thankfully is uninjured and is " going back to grazing". He seems to prefer grass.

    2. Its Rockford and you just write to feel important and funny ..Your not

    3. You're not. And you do too and you're not either.

    4. I think the thread is holding up well. I like the second part by haints so far. And I feel too important regardless of writing. Probably a psychiatric condition. I'm not educated to diagnose that Carry on

    5. Agreed james garner was damn good actor it doesn't get any better than support your local gunfighter does it.not to mention the cool firebird oh and Angel

    6. I love everybody on this blog,
      Except that big sissy jon!

    7. 12:22 The managment agree, that's why that character was dropped.
      He was considered too UNBELIEVABLE!!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    8. In other not-so-tragic news, Mike Brookreson is an idiot without a sound sense of ethics or grasp of rational thought.

  4. Bluff creek is nothing more than a money grab every time you see or hear about it.always asking for money

    1. Yep. I'm going to buy a bunch of BFE tee shirts instead and distribute them to the winos, bums and junkies downtown.

    2. When you read donate $4 you can buy us a beer, I think that says it all about these jack-asses. They ain't getting shit off me.

      I'm giving it to poop in the jar guy for his collection.

    3. Money grab? There is no profit. All of the funds go into cameras and batteries to produce results in wildlife investigations in Bluff Creek. No one is required to support this public research effort. No one is gaining from it save for the viewers who are interested and are receiving cool video results for free. Donors may buy a camera for use up there and have it sent to them when the season is done if they wish. Jamie and the others spend their own money and time for gas and other expenses. The beer thing is just moral support, and humorous to boot.

  5. If you send me money I will do naked push ups in front of my web cam until my rock hard buttocks glisten with sweat.

    Buff Cheek Project

    1. Aren't you one of the most respected voices in the cheese-cutters community?

    2. Eily Davenport said therm monsters live in the high hills.

    3. MMG is the real deal. Let's get those buttocks glistening!

  6. Off the subject, but what is the best product for anal bleaching?

  7. I heard they are building a Home Depot, a McDonalds and a Walmart along BS creek, er, I meant Bluff creek, that'll bring them in!

  8. Please get a trail cam pointed at a trail cam. If only a blur of fur passes in front of a lens... it's just a hoax.

  9. Justin Smeja made an appearance at the Cornhole National Championships in West Virginia this weekend. Sadly, he went down in defeat in the first round. Seems he didn't know what the beanbags were supposed to be used for.

    1. And you do?Well ain't that special.

    2. Why Mrs. Smeja! Fancy meeting you here. Read any good DNA samples lately?

    3. Why yes I did. Your moms DNA sample came back as part jackass and part mule. Fancy that.

    4. haints has another man's DNA dripping out of his taterhole daily.

  10. I'm a troll and even the trolls are pissing me off.

  11. This makes me laugh. On the Coalition Site, they bitch constantly about people asking for funding. And now this. Pffffft.

    1. It is the nature of the project that matters. This is not for private gain and is not a snipe hunt trying to prove a ridiculous hypothesis. It does not even presume that Bigfoot is there. There is no profit. All of the funds go into cameras and batteries to produce results in wildlife investigations in Bluff Creek. No one is required to support this public research effort. No one is gaining from it save for the viewers who are interested and are receiving cool video results for free. Donors may buy a camera for use up there and have it sent to them when the season is done if they wish. Jamie and the others spend their own money and time for gas and other expenses. The beer thing is just moral support, and humorous to boot.

    2. C'mon! This is all about using finding another "bigfoot"! LOL.


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