Bigfoot Researcher in Texas Now Offering Classes

Houston area bigfoot research Rob Riggs is now offering college-style classes in cryptozoology and the paranormal.

A Houston-area man who has spent his whole career investigating the existence of the "Hairy Wild Man" known as Bigfoot is now offering a class so his decades of research do not get lost.

Rob Riggs grew up right outside the creepy area known as Big Thicket Preserve 100 miles east of Houston. Stories of ghosts, mystery sightings and strange wild animals have long been associated with this jungle-like wilderness.

Riggs' class entitled, "Big Thicket - Lair of the Mysterious" at the Houston's Leisure and Learning Center aims to highlight some of the weirdest tales and let students make up their own mind on that burning question, "Does Bigfoot exist?"

"A lot of people have no concept of what it's like in East Texas," says Riggs, "Big Thicket is one of only two areas in the contiguous United States that botanists consider to be jungle."

And in that jungle, something lurks, Riggs says.

"If you're interested in the paranormal or cryptozoology you should know there's whole areas near Houston where these weird things happen," Riggs continued.

The class highlights two main phenomena Riggs has documented in his 35 years on the trail.

The first is the Hairy Wild Man – The classic Bigfoot sighting, an ape-like creature appearing at specific sites around the country.

The second is a series of mysterious white lights, sometimes an orb floating slightly above the ground, sometimes a bright fog.

To read the entire article, and get information about the classes, click here. 


  1. who will get to wear the dunce cap for being a bad student ?????

  2. Rob ,I've had some strange stuff that has happened while hunting East Texas.
    Been hunting in Polk,Rusk,Broadus,Gregg and many other Counties.
    Can't explain some but then again some can be explained.
    Cleveland, Tx is named after my Great Great Grandad.
    He donated land where the railroads run in lue of naming the city Cleveland.
    Would like to talk with you.
    Mike H.

  3. why is the bigfoot upside down?


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