Wow! These Bigfoot Structures Are Everywhere!

These strange teepee type structures are found nearly everywhere around the world. Whether they're used as "signs" or as shelter, no one really knows. Arizona Bigfoot researcher Mitch Waite recently came across this magnificent structure in an area that's normally "closed" to humans around the time it was made. "Doesn't matter if it is in the open during those months.  Probably just a marker anyway, not a shelter," Mitch wrote.


  1. Bow chicka bow wowww and it's sleepy time for me. G'night all

  2. Not much of a "shelter" are they ? ...unless the structures were covered with moss or leaves etc they wouldn`t stop any wind or rain much more than being without the sticks/trunks.

  3. nothing to see as always--but much "thought i saw something" from the camera guy--zooming in on branches

  4. These are blinds used for hunting, stop posting these

  5. Thanks Big Jon! :) You were up LATE!

  6. Well golly gee! This is the absolute rock-solid proof we have been waiting for! These shelters prove beyond a doubt that there are millions of sasquatches living here. It's over folks. Bigfoot exists.


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