This Bigfoot On The Hill Video Looks Like it Could Be The Real Thing

Bigfoot Researcher Fred Kanney spends a lot of time in the woods, and he believes it has paid off. While Fred makes no claims, this video from August of 2013 he posted on YouTube looks somewhat promising. Check it out:


  1. I just spent seven minutes watching a guy walk through the woods and then look at stump. If it was real, he should've walked towards it to confirm. Sorry, not buying.

    1. was going to say the same.

    2. Kinda throws out that theory about all the birds go quiet in the forest when a sasquatch is in the area B.S.?

    3. Since he didn't move an inch, I can only come to one conclusion. Bigfoot is a blackout drunk. Probably a Russian.

    4. Guess you missed the tall hair covered figure walking at ~1:20 when he decides to start walking.

    5. What tall hair covered figure walking at 1:20? There isnt any kind of figure then, let alone one walking. It is just trees and some horribly crappy camera work.

  2. a shame he stopped recording. Wonder why ?

    1. Maybe he didn't dumass.

    2. Dumass? Oh, you mean Alexandre Dumas?

      No, you must have meant 'dumbass'. Yes, that must be it.

      Clumsily-spelled attempts at insult are such a triumph, aren't they?

    3. Maybe s/he has a finger lisp

  3. First. Dude is out mid morning or late afternoon. Why? Second. He is so loud, Helen Keller squatch heard him coming. He focuses on every tree "structure" in the area as if it is unusual. Then he beats on four or five trees and moves around without waiting to hear for any responses. Then he moves right to an area and focuses the camera on a dark object that never moves. And he doesn't make any attempt to get any closer. Or even to see if he can provoke the object to shift or move. Great job moron. You stalked a stump....awesome waste of time.

    1. The object moved right after he did at around 1:20. He caught it going to the right and didn't even see it. The best Bigfoot film in history was shot during the day so why are you dissing this?

  4. I just fast forwarded to the last minute. Why? Because I still wish some kind of legitimate evidence would turn up. I was a believer for years, now I'm a hopeful skeptic.

  5. Nothing's worse then a "city bred' researcher walking in the woods! I guess every bent over tree, or downed branch was cause by a Big foot! Knocking on trees just scares EVERYTHING away! And yes, he probably sounded like a heard of elephants walking thru.
    No wonder it's taking 60 years or more to prove they exist, with "researchers" like this guy! LOL!

  6. I heerd the brush a poppin' n stuff..whoa! There he goes!

  7. he didn't stop recording. The video he released ends just before he gets closer only to find it's a burnt out tree stump

    1. Yup..tree stump nothing more nothing less.. should have been packing a .45 1911 and fired a few rounds ..that'll do.

  8. The real thing???? Lol!!!!!

  9. Rotting tree and stump. Try using manual focus (on infinity) next time, not Auto, and then everything will become infinitely more recognizable; otherwise you're just wasting your time and ours. Sad!

  10. Fred Un-Kanney is eating his green moss over this

  11. Seven minutes of my life i will never get back.....yeah Shawn....its the real deal....its a real life stump!!!

  12. Probably a stump BUT...forget the stump...Is it my tired eyes or....Something catches my eye moving at the 1.20 mark. In the background. Look carefully in the back ground.. middle of the screen. I see something dark moving from left to right. Don't know what it is. It looks to be standing & walking then slightly hunches over. Thoughts please

  13. Probably a stump... BUT == forget the stump ==. Go to 1.20 second mark and look carefully in the background ( middle of the screen) Maybe its my tired eyes but I see something Dark, Moving, left to right, upright walking and then goes slighlty bent over.. lasts maybe 2 seconds. Anyone else see this.. or should I just go to bed. JohnL

  14. those were some pussy-ass tree knocks the old man was doing.

  15. Can't believe how many missed this thing, or another one, walking at around 1:20. It's right after he decides to move and he has the camera on the ground to get over the sticks and when he pans up there is a figure moving to the right. He totally doesn't see it. Neither did most on here. But those on here sure can criticize. Get a life.

    1. I finally saw it after replying that part a few times. Your right, there is a figure moving left to right. I think it is clearly a man, not a bigfoot. First of all, it isnt very big, has the dimensions of a man. If you look closely you can also see that it isnt all black or dark. There are white areas where the hands and whatnot are. Leading me to believe it was just a man walking across. I dont think bigfoot has human colored hands and face. It is probably his partner setting up the hoax for him to film a few minutes later

    2. You can freeze it at just the right moment and see the high knee lift that has been attributed to Bigfoot buy people like Thinker Thunker. Plus when walking through trees a ray of bright sunshine can gleen white off shiny black fur.

  16. Right before he pans up and says, "Another one right there", talking about a broken tree, there is a dark figure moving to the left of the tree and down the hill. The figure is walking to the right.

  17. It kinda reduces the credibility of this site if they post videos like this saying it looks like the real deal. I dont know if this is an outright hoax, or just a stump but this is one of the worst bigfoot videos I have seen. You can tell right away there is nothing alive there because it doesnt move. Not millimeter the entire time he is filming it, even when the camera moves away (which is pathetic, how hard is it to point the camera and shoot, without moving down towards the ground and up again several times) for a second and returns the object still hadnt moved a millimeter. Even someone trying to stand still moves slightly. The fact that the object is completely stationary the entire time proves that it isnt something alive. Some people say stump, which it certainly could be. However because of how dark brown it is, and how it kinda stands out from its surroundings, I would not put it past the guy to of gotten some brown fabric of some kinda and drapped it on the tree. Regardless of any of this, it is not a good video at all, not even close, to present it on this site does a great disservice to your reputation. If you want to be taken seriously, and people to take bigfoot seriously, you need to do a better job filtering out nonsense

  18. I'm no stump expert, but do stumps look like large, hairy bi-peds, hiding in the woods?

  19. I am not buying the stump-foot thing...thats definitely a maybe.... I am way way more intrigued at the movement I see at 1.20. Under the assumption bigfoots do exist, they would have not problem being perfectly still for 3-4 minutes or longer. I think that skill would have to be part of their arsenal to exist mostly un-seen for that past couple of 1000 years


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